
  • 网络Portsmouth;Portsmouth, New Hampshire;Portsmouth, US
  1. 他从朴次茅斯起航,向西印度群岛进发。

    He sailed for the West Indies from Portsmouth .

  2. 他们行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。

    They travelled to Portsmouth , where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown

  3. 丝毫没有迹象表明他们会追平朴次茅斯队前锋在第55分钟时的精彩进球。

    They showed little sign of equalising the Portsmouth striker 's glorious 55th-minute shot .

  4. NPR新闻,罗杰·伍德新罕布什尔州朴次茅斯报道。

    For NPR News , I am Roger Wood in Portsmouth , New Hampshire .

  5. 他们在后面的支持比朴次茅斯的边后卫做得更好。

    They supported from behind far more than Portsmouth 's full-backs .

  6. 可你不会希望你现在是在朴次茅斯吧,威廉?

    But you do not wish yourself at Portsmouth , William ?

  7. 保罗在客场打雷丁和主场战朴次茅斯的比赛中表现一流。

    Paulo was superb away to Reading and at home to Portsmouth .

  8. 朴次茅斯港今天上午的高水位发生在11点17分。

    High water this morning at Portsmouth is at11.17a . m.

  9. 他目前居住美国新罕布什尔州朴次茅斯市。

    He currently resides in Portsmouth , New Hampshire .

  10. 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾黎森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。

    Our neighbour , Captain Charles Alison , will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow .

  11. 船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。

    The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel .

  12. 从这儿到朴次茅斯你得向南转。

    To get to partsmouth from here , you need to bear south .

  13. 下一步是和朴次茅斯联系。

    The next step was to communicate with Portsmouth .

  14. 昨晚我朋友在朴次茅斯的比赛场地上庆祝了诺维奇的提升!

    My friends celebrating our promotion on the pitch at Portsmouth last night .

  15. 艾利森船长明天将从朴次茅斯启航。

    Captain Alison will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow .

  16. 它拥有古代王朝的首都&温切斯特,并拥有了海军基地朴次茅斯和南安普敦等港口城市。

    It had the ancient capital-Winchester , the naval base-Portsmouth , the seaport city-Southampton .

  17. 威格利本赛季率领南安普敦队一共打了14场联赛,但仅仅赢了1场比赛。具有讽刺意味的是,威格利赢的恰恰是雷德克纳普当时所指挥的朴次茅斯队。

    He won only one of his14 league games , ironically against Redknapp 's Portsmouth .

  18. 会议肯定快完了;因为罗耶必须在十一点离开去朴次茅斯。

    Surely the meeting would end soon ; Royer must leave for Portsmouth by eleven o'clock .

  19. 明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。

    Will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow .

  20. 我和哈利之间的协议是我将继续留在朴次茅斯一年。

    The agreement between myself and Harry was that I would stay at Portsmouth for a year .

  21. 她在曼斯菲尔德忍受不了的事,到了朴次茅斯就会变成小事一桩。

    What might have been hard to bear at Mansfield was to become a slight evil at Portsmouth .

  22. 维根和朴次茅斯都对西布朗维奇后卫柯蒂斯。戴维斯有兴趣。

    Wigan Athletic and Portsmouth are likely to renew their interest in Curtis davies , the West Bromwich defender .

  23. 温格放弃了得到桑德维斯特伟德的机会,后者在昨天免费加入了朴次茅斯。

    The Arsenal boss was snubbed with an approach for Sander Westerveld , who joined Portsmouth on a free yesterday .

  24. 2012年5月23日,缅因州朴次茅斯海军船厂的一名工人在核动力潜艇“迈阿密号”上纵火。

    On May 23rd , 2012 a worker at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine set fire to the USS Miami .

  25. 朴次茅斯也在这群队伍之中,而雷克纳普也认为能签下这名前利兹前锋是笔很划算的交易。

    Portsmouth are also an option and Redknapp feels a deal for the former Leeds United striker would represent value for money .

  26. 朴次茅斯和缅因州的来基特里,急需维修和没有适当的资金,大桥将被拆除。

    H.to Kittery , Maine , and is in dire need of maintenance and without proper funding , the bridge could be removed .

  27. 很多人都会议论当哈里重遇老东家朴次茅斯的情形,但我们只会把注意力放在拿分上。

    A lot of people will talk about the game being Harry against Portsmouth but we 'll just concentrate on getting the points .

  28. 在巴萨罗那签下亨利后,纽卡斯尔、朴次茅斯和曼联加入到争夺古德约翰森中。

    Newcastle , Portsmouth and Manchester United could lock horns in a bid to sign Eidur Gudjohnsen following barcelona 's capture of Thierry henry .

  29. “今晚该有舞会,”威廉说。“我要是在朴次茅斯的话,也许会去参加的。”

    " This is the assembly night ," said William . " If I were at Portsmouth I should be at it , perhaps . "

  30. 但是,现在富勒姆和朴次茅斯也表示对德拉斯加盟的兴趣,他们希望德拉斯有助于他们球队夏季的重建工作。

    However , it is Fulham and Portsmouth that have now expressed an interest in the experienced defender , as they continue their summer rebuilding programmes .