
  • 网络Park Tae-Hwan;Park Tae Hwan
  1. 韩国的朴泰桓在周日举行的男子400米自由泳比赛中夺得金牌,终结了澳大利亚在这一奥运项目上的霸主地位。

    Park Tae-hwan of South Korea won the gold medal in the men's400-meter freestyle Sunday , ending Australia 's dominance of the event at the Olympics .

  2. 当朴泰桓手触游泳池壁时,菲尔普斯已经在抬头查看上方的计时版了。

    The South Korean touched the wall while Phelps was already looking at the overhead scoreboard .

  3. 据称,朴泰桓团队已经打算对这家医院提起法律诉讼。

    They were planning to take legal action against the hospital , according to the agency .

  4. 朴泰桓曾在2008北京奥运会上获得400米自由泳金牌和200米自由泳银牌,成为韩国历史上第一位在奥运会赛场上获得奖牌的游泳运动员。

    Park won 400m freestyle gold and 200m freestyle silver at the Beijing 2008 Olympics , becoming South Korea 's first Olympic swimming medallist .

  5. 另外在2012伦敦奥运会上朴泰桓获得两块银牌,并在2007和2011年的游泳世锦赛上获得400米自由泳金牌。

    He also won silver in both events at the 2012 London Olympics , along with 400m gold in the world championships in 2007 and 2011 .

  6. 朴泰桓团队发表的声明中称:当时,医院方面需要给朴泰桓注射药物,朴一再询问注射药物中是否包含违禁成分。

    At the time , the hospital offered to give Park an injection and he repeatedly asked if it contained any illegal substances , the management statement said .