
  • 网络Park Chung-hee;Park chung hee;Park Jung-hee
  1. 1961年,当朴槿惠9岁时,父亲朴正熙(parkchung-hee)通过军事政变掌权,开始了近20年的铁腕统治,其间韩国工业化以惊人的速度推进。

    She was nine years old when her father , park Chung-hee , seized power in a military coup in 1961 , the start of almost 20 years of iron rule that saw Korea industrialise at an astonishing pace .

  2. 朴槿惠的爸爸朴正熙曾担任韩国总统长达18年,直到他于1979年被刺杀。

    Her father , Park Chung-hee , was South Korea 's president for18 years until he was assassinated in1979 .

  3. 现年60岁朴槿惠是韩国前总统朴正熙的女儿,她成为韩国历史上首位女总统。

    She will be the first female president of South Korea .

  4. 试析朴正熙政权在韩国现代化进程中的作用

    The Positive Role of Park Chung Hee 's Regime in Korean Modernization

  5. 朴正熙军事统治体制建立后,美韩同盟关系在新的起点上得以继续。

    With the Park regime being established , the Washington-Seoul alliance step into a new era .

  6. 人们记得她父亲,已故总统朴正熙,他为韩国留下的遗产是快速的经济增长和团结一致的政治。

    People who would remember her father the late President Park Chung-hee , who left a legacy of rapid economic growth and solidary politics .

  7. 但现在,随着经济发展放缓,韩国人正在寻找某种带有朴正熙过去那种魅力、但又不致造成威胁的东西。

    But now , as the economy slows , Koreans are looking for some of the old Park Chung-hee magic , without the menace .

  8. 当朴正熙1961年掌权时,该统治集团抓了许多诈骗犯在首尔游街,这些人戴着纸帽子、身上贴着诸如“我是一头腐败的猪”这类的标语。

    When Park Chung-hee seized power in1961 , the junta marched many of the racketeers through Seoul wearing dunce caps and placards with slogans such as " I am a corrupt swine " .

  9. 1961年朴正熙通过军事政变登上了韩国历史的舞台,这场政变不仅改变了韩国发展的轨迹,也改变了美国对韩国的前途的看法。

    Military coup by Park Chung-hee in 1961 , climbed the stage of Korean history , Korean coup not only changed the trajectory of development , but also changed the U.S. view on the future of Korea .

  10. 文章指出,朴正熙总统的6·23宣言是韩国北方政策开始的标志,因为此时的韩国政府已经迈出了具有历史意义的外交步伐,而不再是仅仅发表外交声明,不但有口号,而且有行动。

    It pointed out that " 6 · 23 declaration " by president Piao ZhengXi is the birth sign of Korea ` s North Policy . The Korea administration had walked out a historical diplomacy step after " 6 · 23 declaration " and put her plan into practice .