
  • 网络Lee Myung-bak;Lee Myung Bak;LeeMyung-bak
  1. 即将卸任的保守的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)政府擅长上演国际秀。

    The outgoing conservative government of Lee Myung-bak was good at putting on an international show .

  2. 李明博(leemyung-bak)总统或许为韩国争取到了主持20集团(g20)峰会的资格,但他失去了朝鲜。

    President Lee Myung-bak may have gained the group of 20 chairmanship , but he has lost North Korea .

  3. 作为一家建筑公司的主管,李明博建造了韩国总统官邸青瓦台(BlueHouse)。

    As a construction boss , he built the presidential palace , the Blue House .

  4. 咨询机构“控制风险”(controlrisks)朝鲜问题高级分析师安德鲁吉洛姆(andrewgilholm)表示,李明博的话偏于乐观。

    Andrew gilholm , senior North Asia analyst at the control risks consultancy , said Mr Lee was being highly optimistic .

  5. 奥巴马应该致电韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak),亲自而直接地再次保证:美国将提供支持。

    He should call President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea to reassure him personally and directly of US support .

  6. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)几天后将赴首尔参加核安全峰会,李明博在此之际提出了这个问题。

    Mr Lee has seized on the issue just days before the visit of Barack Obama , US president , to Seoul for a nuclear security summit .

  7. 李明博称:许多国家明显实施了某种形式的保护主义措施。他援引一份世界银行(worldbank)的报告称,G20中有17个国家设立了贸易壁垒。

    There are many countries clearly engaging in some sort of protectionist measures , said Mr Lee , citing a World Bank report showing that 17 of the G20 countries had built trade barriers .

  8. 李明博曾经有个外号叫“推土机”,还有一部流行电视剧《野望的岁月》(yearsofambition)以他为原型,这部戏帮助他最终在2002年成为首尔市长。

    He was nicknamed the " bulldozer " and was the model for a popular soap opera , years of ambition , which eased his eventual path to become mayor of Seoul in 2002 .

  9. 韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)本月早些时候登上利扬库尔岩,随后韩日两国间爆发了这场领土争端。

    The territorial spat between Tokyo and Seoul began when South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited the Liancourt Rocks earlier this month .

  10. 自从本月早些时候韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)登上韩日争议岛屿以来,两国关系便一直处于紧张状态。

    Relations with South Korea have been strained since President Lee Myung-bak visited the islands between the two countries earlier this month .

  11. 在今后两天里,在李明博(Lee)总统的主持下,我们将开展一项紧急工作,通过确保全世界核材料的安全来防止核恐怖主义。

    Over the next two days , under President Lees leadership , well move ahead with the urgent work of preventing nuclear terrorism by securing the worlds nuclear materials .

  12. 韩国出人意料地宣布加息,是为该国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)所称对抗通胀“全面战争”的措施之一。

    South Korea has unexpectedly lifted interest rates in part of what President Lee Myung-bak has called his " all-out war " against inflation .

  13. 由于缺乏好的政策选择,李明博和他的大国家党(GrandNationalParty)的声望受到削弱,但对朝鲜持更加同情态度的左翼反对党的支持率下降幅度更大。

    Although the lack of good policy options has dented the standing of Mr Lee and his Grand National party , support for the leftwing opposition , which is more sympathetic to the North , has fallen even more sharply .

  14. 韩国总统李明博说,有发达工业化国家组成的G20联盟必须想出一个包含不发达国家在内的更广泛的经济增长的概念。

    South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said the Group of20 leading industrialized and developing nations must consider a broader notion of economic growth that includes poorer countries .

  15. 但现在这个政党又分裂了,一方是朴槿惠,另一方是她的对手、争取保守党候选人资格的前首尔市长李明博(LeeMyung-bak)。

    But now the party is again divided , between Park and her rival for the conservative ticket , Lee Myung-bak , the former Seoul mayor .

  16. 2007年年底,韩国民众选举李明博(LeeMyung-bak)为总统,他坚持朝鲜必须首先放弃核武器。

    At the end of that year , South Koreans elected as president Lee Myung-bak , who insisted the North must first give up nuclear weapons .

  17. 在上月韩国总统大选前的竞选活动期间,现代(Hyundai)前高管、当选韩国下届总统的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)曾承诺,将为消费债务人提供帮助。

    President-elect Lee Myung-bak , an ex-Hyundai executive , promised help for consumer debtors during the campaign leading up to last month 's presidential election .

  18. 昨日早些时候,韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)在电视讲话中表示,在目前情况下,韩朝间任何贸易或合作往来都失去了意义。

    Earlier yesterday , Lee Myung-bak , the South Korean president , said in a televised address that under the circumstances any inter-Korean trade or co-operative activity is meaningless .

  19. 韩国保守派候选人李明博(LeeMyung-bak)昨晚以巨大优势获得大选胜利,当选韩国总统。尽管被指涉及财务不当行为,他还是赢得了近半数选票。

    Conservative candidate Lee Myung-bak was last night elected president of South Korea in a sweeping victory , winning almost half of all votes despite allegations of financial impropriety .

  20. 2010年4月12日,韩国总统李明博访美时以韩中FTA的签订为杠杆向美国施压,希望韩美FTA尽快生效。

    On April 12,2010 , the Korea president put pressure on America with the China-Korea FTA as a lever , hoping that the Korea-US FTA can be signed as soon as possible .

  21. 这名官员严厉指责了韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak),他坚持将经济援助与放弃核武器挂钩的做法导致去年朝鲜丧失了3亿美元的援助。

    The official sharply criticized South Korea 's president , Lee Myung-bak , whose insistence on tying economic aid to arms reduction cost North Korea about $ 300 million last year .

  22. 因此当他们的总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)未能入选《时代》杂志本年度全球最具影响力的100人榜单时,他们气得七窍生烟。

    So they were fuming when their president , Lee Myung-bak , failed to be named as one of Time Magazine 's 100 most influential people in the world this year .

  23. 成功当选韩国总统的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)曾承诺,通过大规模基础设施投资,将韩国经济增长率提高至7%,其中包括投资150亿美元挖掘一条横跨全国的大运河。

    Lee Myung-bak successfully campaigned for the South Korean presidency promising to propel growth to 7 per cent a year with large-scale infrastructure investments , including a $ 15bn cross-country canal .

  24. 韩国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)敦促各国抵制保护主义措施,偏偏没有意识到自己的国家在这方面的名声并非无懈可击。

    Lee Myung-bak , President of South Korea , urged nations to roll back protectionist measures , touchingly unaware that his own country has less than an impeccable reputation in this regard .

  25. 国大党的发言人ChoYoon-sun说华尔街的垮台应该使得李明博总统的私有化计划暂停下来。

    Cho Yoon-sun , a GNP spokeswoman , says Wall Street 's meltdown should give the president pause in his privatisation plans .

  26. 韩国新任总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)领导的保守党派昨日在国会选举中赢得多数席位,这将有助于他推行有益商业的经济政策。

    Lee Myung-bak , the new president of South Korea , yesterday strengthened his prospects for pushing through business-friendly economic measures when his conservative party won a majority of seats in a parliamentary election .

  27. 卢武铉的继任者李明博(LeeMyungBak)对朝鲜的立场要强硬得多,如果朝鲜不提出明确要求,他甚至拒绝提供食品援助。

    Roh 's successor , Lee Myung-bak , has pursued a much tougher line against the North , refusing even to send food aid unless Pyongyang specifically requests it .

  28. 自12月以压倒之势赢得胜利后,李明博采取了帝王式的领导风范管理国家,这令人想起他在担任现代集团(Hyundai)的行政总裁,掌管各部各门的岁月。

    Since his landslide victory in December , he has adopted an imperial style of leadership reminiscent of his days as chief executive of various arms of Hyundai , a conglomerate .

  29. 韩国方面试图退回日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)写给李明博的一封抗议信,这种做法在外交上非常具有争议。

    In a highly contentious diplomatic gesture , Seoul tried to send back a letter of protest that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda had written to Mr. Lee .

  30. 朝鲜警告可能会对韩国发动圣战,包括动用核武器,而韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)则誓言,一旦领土再次遭袭,韩国将进行无情的反击。

    North Korea has warned of a holy war against the South , including use of nuclear weapons , while President Lee Myung-bak , of South Korea vowed a merciless counterattack if its territory were assaulted again .