
  1. 本文利用李荣先生主编《现代汉语方言大词典》各分卷本所提供的语料,讨论了三个方面的问题:(1)宾语问题;

    With the data offered by the 41 - volume Modern Chinese Dialects Dictionary edited by Professor .

  2. “目前的下跌主要与美元的走强有关”长城期货公司的铜分析员李荣(音)说。

    " The recent slump is basically related to a strengthening US dollar ," said Li Rong , a copper analyst at Great Wall Futures Co.

  3. 李荣先生说,从自己的母语入手研究方言,可由易到难,少走许多弯路。

    According to Mr. Li Rong , we can encounter fewer difficulties and avoid some detours in the study of a dialect if we start from our own dialect .

  4. 李荣说,其结果是,鉴于走强的美元对几乎所有金属产品的压力,投资者纷纷把现金从这些金属产品中抽走。

    As a result , investors have withdrawn some of their cash from commodities , amid pressure imposed by the strengthening US dollar on almost all commodities , Li said .

  5. 比较和询问.文章的语料,主要引自李荣先生主编的《现代汉语方言大词典》各分卷本,少量也引自其他学者的论著。

    The data used here mainly comes from the Comprehensive Dictionary of Regional Dialects of Modern Chinese ( by Ma Li Rong ) and only some of it comes from the articles and books of other scholars .