
ɡuó jiā wén wù jú
  • State Cultural Relics Bureau
  1. 国家文物局3月20日在成都宣布,考古人员在四川省三星堆遗址新发现6座“祭祀坑”,目前已出土文物500余件,距今约3000年。

    Archaeologists have found six new sacrificial pits and unearthed more than 500 items dating back about 3000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan province , the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced on March 20 in Chengdu .

  2. 这个结果发布于2009年4月,同时中国国家文物局(StateAdministrationofCulturalHeritage)也宣布,他们在发动长城沿线各省的考古小组走出去勘测长城。

    That announcement was made in April 2009 , and then at the same time the State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced that they were asking archeological teams in each provincial region containing wall to go out and measure it .

  3. 收留文物,那是国家文物局的工作;

    Acquisition of artefacts is the task of the national heritage board ;

  4. 主办单位:文化部、全国人大教科文卫委员会、国家文物局

    Hosted by : Ministry of Culture NPC Educational Scientific Cultural and Public Health Committee , etc

  5. 进一步的保护方案现在正等待国家文物局的批复。

    A further protective plan is now waiting for approval from the State Administration of cultural heritage .

  6. 国家文物局坚决反对并谴责所有拍卖非法出境文物的行为。

    The State Administration of Cultural Heritage resolutely opposes and condemns all auctions of artefacts illegally taken abroad .

  7. 2009年,国家文物局批准了大辛庄遗址保护总体规划。

    In2009 , the State Administration of Cultural Heritage approved the general plan for the protection of Daxin Village Site .

  8. 本条例的实施细则由国家文物局制定。

    The rules for the implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by the State Administration for Protection of Cultural Relics .

  9. 据我了解,国家文物局已经向有关公司正式表明强烈反对拍卖圆明园文物的原则立场,并明确要求撤拍有关文物。

    To my knowledge , the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has stated strong opposition against the auction , and demanded its cancellation .

  10. 2005年“太阳神鸟”已被国家文物局公布为中国文化遗产标志。

    The Sun Bird Object was appointed by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as the symbol of China 's intangible cultural heritage in2005 .

  11. 该文物局的一名工作人员表示,在没有国家文物局批准的情况之下,这条高速公路的部分地段已经被铺设好了。

    Parts of the road had already been paved without approval from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage , said an employee of the bureau .

  12. 国家文物局周二声明“强烈反对”对其进行拍卖,并致信佳士得拍卖行责令其停止拍卖行为。

    SACH said Tuesday that it " strongly objected " to the auction and had written to Christie 's asking it to stop the auction .

  13. 未经国家文物局批准,任何单位或者个人不得以任何方式私自勘探或者发掘。

    Without approval by the State Administration for Protection of Cultural Relics , no units or individuals may conduct by any means unauthorized exploration or excavation .

  14. 国家文物局已正式发出通告,强烈反对将这两个雕塑进行拍卖,并要求取消此次拍卖行为。

    The State Administration of Cultural Heritage ( SACH ) has formally informed the auctioneer of our strong opposition to the auction , and clearly demanded its cancellation .

  15. 中小学拟设博物馆课程教育部和国家文物局10月19日联合发布关于利用博物馆资源开展中小学教育教学的意见。

    The Ministry of Education and the National Cultural Heritage Administration co-released a document on Monday to guide better introduction of resources of museums into education at school .

  16. 根据国家文物局表示:克里斯蒂安·戴迪安在他到访中国西北城市甘肃时,举办了这个文物移交仪式.这些文物会存放在甘肃省博物馆。

    Christian Deydier made the hand-over while visiting northwest China 's Gansu Province . They will be stored in Gansu Provincial Museum , according to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage .

  17. 而《悬泉诏书》是至今所能见到的古代最为完整的诏书,1996年夏天,它被国家文物局专家组确定为“国宝”。

    Xuaquan imperial edict is the perfect one that we have ever seen so that in the summer of1996it was defined a national treasure by the experts from national cultural relic bureau .

  18. 2009年6月10日,海口骑楼历史街区入选文化部、国家文物局支持评选的中国十大历史名街。

    June 10 , 2009 , Haikou arcade historic district selected to be one of the " Top Ten historic street " . Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Board support the selection .

  19. 2004年,国家文物局提出了逐步构筑四层结构的历史文化遗产保护领域科学和技术创新体系的目标。

    In 2004 , the state administration of culture heritage put forward a goal of constructing the innovative system of science and technology which is a frame of four floor in culture heritage protection .

  20. 2000年3月至5月,经国家文物局批准,河南省文物考古研究所对登封法王寺二号塔地宫进行了抢救性考古发掘。

    In the spring of 2000 , Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted a savage excavation on the underground cache of tower number 2 of the Fawang Temple located in Dengfeng City .

  21. 据国家文物局2012年统计数据显示,全长6259公里的明代长城,保存完好的部分仅有不到10%,而31%的城墙(约1961公里)已消失在了历史长河中。

    According to a 2012 report by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage , of the 6259 kilometers of the Ming Dynasty Wall , less than 10 percent is well preserved , while 31 percent of the Wall , or 1961 kilometers , has disappeared .

  22. 负责保护中国古迹的机构国家文物管理局否认曾批准此次《图兰多》一剧的演出。

    The State Cultural Relics Administration , the institution responsible for protecting China 's ancient monuments , denies having granted permission for the Turandot shows .

  23. 国家文物管理局副局长张建新说,克里斯蒂的拍卖是不可接受的,中国不应该被要求买回(这些文物)。

    Zhang Jianxin , deputy director of the museum department with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage , says the Christie 's auction is unacceptable and China should not be asked to buy them back .