
  • 网络national saving rate
  1. 在沃克尔30年前入主美联储之前的数十年期间,美国国民储蓄率一直相对稳定,相当于国内生产总值(gdp)的20%左右,而美国总债务大约是gdp的160%。

    When Volker walked into the Fed 30 years ago , the US national savings rate had been relatively static for decades at around 20 per cent of GDP and total US debt to GDP was about 160 per cent .

  2. 国民储蓄率基本为零。

    The national savings rate is essentially zero .

  3. 欧洲政策研究中心(centreforeuropeanpolicystudies)的丹尼尔格罗斯(danielgros)上周撰文表示,由于拥有更高的国民储蓄率,西班牙的状态要比希腊好。

    Daniel Gros of the centre for European Policy Studies argued on these pages last week that Spain is in a better position than Greece because of its higher rate of gross national savings .

  4. 这位美联储(Fed)主席警告说,全球经济失衡推动引发了此次危机,需要加以纠正。经济失衡是指国民储蓄率、消费率和投资率之间存在的巨大落差,体现为巨额贸易赤字或盈余。

    The Federal Reserve chairman warned that global imbalances the big gaps between national saving , consumption and investment rates reflected in large trade deficits and surpluses had helped cause the crisis and needed to be corrected .

  5. 尽管2008年后美国明显有必要提高国民储蓄率,但巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统却试图延续消费狂潮&他向荷包业已干瘪的消费者大力推销住房和汽车,同时不顾预算赤字不可持续实施减税举措。

    In spite of the evident need for a rise in national saving after 2008 , President Barack Obama tried to prolong the consumption binge by aggressively promoting home and car sales to already exhausted consumers , and by cutting taxes despite an unsustainable budget deficit .

  6. 希腊的国民储蓄率刚超过10%。

    Greece has barely managed to save more than 10 percent of their GDP .

  7. 美国之所以出现经常项目赤字,是因为美国的国民储蓄率非常低。

    The US has a current account deficit because the US national savings rate is very low .

  8. 首先,我国处于居民消费结构优化升级的发展阶段,人民币存款余额已超过15万亿元,较高的国民储蓄率和巨大的国内市场潜力为拉动需求增长提供了物质条件。

    Nowadays , firstly , high national saving rate and huge market potential supply enough material condition for the domestic demand increase ;

  9. 第二部分主要对国民储蓄率与资本市场&股票市场、房地产市场的关系进行理论阐述和实证检验。

    Part Two mainly discusses the relationship between national saving ratio and stock market , the real estate market , theoretically and empirically .

  10. 最适宜居住和工作的地方是挪威、德国和荷兰,这几个国家的失业率、平均工作时长和碳排放量都更低,而国民储蓄率则相对较高。

    Norway , Germany and the Netherlands came highest in the survey with low unemployment , low average hours , low carbon emissions and a high national savings rate .

  11. 上周他宣布,我们必须加大储蓄,以弥补早些时候国民储蓄率的下降,并将平均寿命逐渐提高的事实纳入政策考虑范围之内。

    This week he announced that we would have to save more to make up for an earlier drop in the gross national savings ratio and to take account of increasing life expectancy .

  12. 2009年,衡量美国国内储蓄的最广泛的指标&国民净储蓄率(国民储蓄净额相对国民收入的比率)降到了-2.5%的历史新低。

    In 2009 , the broadest measure of domestic US saving – the net national saving rate – fell to a record low of - 2.5 per cent of national income .

  13. 经济高速增长时期,日本面临国际经济大发展、自由贸易主义盛行的宽松环境,拥有良好的国民素质、高储蓄率和工业发展的背景。

    During the high speed economical growth , Japan confronted the opportunity background of the international rapid economical development , the free trade principle in vogue , the good national quality , the high saving ratio and the industrial basis .