
  • 网络National monument;monas
  1. 宏伟的国家纪念碑是为纪念开国者而树立的。

    The splendid national monument was eredted in memory of the country 's founders .

  2. 石墙酒吧将是第一个讲述同性恋权利斗争故事的国家纪念碑。

    Stonewall will be our first national monument to tell the story of the struggle for LGBT rights .

  3. 拉什莫尔山国家纪念碑

    Mount Rushmore National Memoria

  4. 还有一次,父亲带我去了普林西斯街东头的国家纪念碑。

    Another expedition with my father took me to the National Monument at the east end of Princes Street .

  5. 这种80英尺高、好像倒栽了的树,在默纳伯地区可以称得上是这个岛国的第一国家纪念碑。

    The80-foot-tall " upside-down trees " in the Menabe region could become the island country 's first national monument .

  6. 例如,兴建国家纪念碑式建筑项目就是为了要达到世代相传的目的。

    For example , a project to erect a national monument will create a result expected to last centuries .

  7. 我是美国国家纪念碑,我有300多英尺高,150多吨重。

    I 'm a U.S. national monument that 's more than 300 feet tall and weighs more than 150 tons .

  8. 恶魔塔是美国第一个国家纪念碑,几乎可以被误认为是一棵巨大树木的树桩。

    Devils Tower , the first national monument in America , could almost be mistaken for the stump of an enormous tree .

  9. 所以这个星期,我正式认定石墙国家纪念碑成为美国国家公园系统的最新成员。

    So this week , I 'm designating the Stonewall National Monument as the newest addition to America 's national parks system .

  10. 肯尼大致讲述了赔偿计划,他表示将建立国家纪念碑,以纪念这段爱尔兰历史上的黑暗时期。

    Kenny outlined plans for compensation , and said a national monument will be built as a reminder of this dark episode in Ireland history .

  11. 月球国家纪念碑仍会再次爆发。科学家预测,未来它将继续爆发,其爆发也将改变地表形状。

    The Craters of the Moon continues to be volatile , and scientists predict that it will experience future eruptions that will alter its surface .

  12. 维克斯向下士内森·克里罗家人表示哀悼,这名警卫在国家战争纪念碑附近被枪手杀害。

    He extended his condolences to the family of Corporal Nathan Cirillo , a guard whom the gunman killed near the National War Memorial .

  13. 西格尔:加拿大广播公司的一名同事目睹了国家战争纪念碑站岗士兵被枪杀。

    SIEGEL : That shooting of the soldier who was standing guard at the War Memorial that was witnessed by one of your colleagues from CBC .

  14. 今天早上一名枪手枪杀了渥太华国家战争纪念碑的一名站岗士兵,自那以后议会大楼就一直处于封锁状态。

    The Parliament building has been on lockdown since this morning , just after a gunman killed a soldier standing guard at the National War Memorial in Ottawa .

  15. 那名士兵于上周三在国家战争纪念碑被枪杀,现在那里也有配备自动武器的警察在站岗守卫。

    The National War Memorial , where the soldier was killed last Wednesday , there are now police with automatic weapons standing guard on the guards , if you will .

  16. 他就是那个枪杀了国家战争纪念碑站岗士兵的枪手,国家战争纪念碑距离加拿大议会大楼仅有150米。

    He is indeed the fellow who also shot and killed a Canadian soldier who was standing guard at the Canadian War Memorial - the National War Memorial - just 150 meters or so from our Parliament buildings .

  17. 当导游在每个站点分享独特的史实时,您可以探索国家广场上的纪念碑和纪念馆。

    Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop .