
yóu lǎn qū
  • tourist area
  1. 黄河游览区的野生花卉资源

    Resources of wild flowers on the Huanghe river 's tourist area

  2. 黄河游览区植物引种驯化初报

    He report on plants drawing in and taming on the Huanghe river 's tourist area

  3. 海岸建筑物在海滨游览区的布置和功能

    Arrangement and Function of Coastal Area Structures in Sea Shore Recreation Projects

  4. 武汉东湖楚文化游览区

    Tourism Area with Chu Culture Feature in Wuhan East Lake

  5. 它是中国著名自然风景游览区之一。

    It is one of china 's well-known natural tourist scenic areas .

  6. 监测了西宁地区不同功能区空气负离子状况,以公园游览区空气负离于浓度最高,平均358个/cm~3;

    The state of negative air ions in the different functional areas was reported .

  7. 崂山,著名的风景游览区及道教中心,位于青岛东部。

    Laoshan , a scenic area and Daoist centre to the east of Qingdao .

  8. 在空间分布上表现为,空气污染主要发生在生活接待区,而各游览区则基本上未受到污染危害。

    Spatially , atmosphere pollution is mainly occurred in accommodation areas not in sightseeing areas .

  9. 景区由道教文化游览区,佛教文化游览区,儒家文化游览区组成。

    Lingyun consists of Taoist Culture Area , Buddhist Culture Area , Confucius Culture Area .

  10. 现已开发了三个景区:大松溪峡谷、双峰森林公园和水上游览区。

    Has developed a three node : The Song Canyon , Forest Park and bimodal The area water .

  11. 湖里公园实行免票制后,游览区环境容量发生了一系列的变化,文章对此进行个案分析。

    This paper made a case study of the impact of free entry on the carrying capacity of the environment in Huli Park .

  12. 它是经过黄河大观景区的(30元),黄河游览区(25元4小时)

    You will enjoy Yellow River Scenic Spot ( RMB30 ) and Yellow River Visiting Area ( RMB25,4h tour ) on the way .

  13. 根据黄山风景区客流空间负荷特点,认为北海游览区是黄山风景区物质容量的“瓶颈”;

    According to the space load of tourist of Huangshan Scenic Spot , Beihai Sight seeing Spot is the " bottle neck " of the physical capacity of Huangshan Scenic Spot .

  14. 作为俱乐部今年活动的亮点,这一重要的车友社交活动于四月份在澳大利亚久负盛名的葡萄酒观光游览区布诺萨山谷举行。

    The highlight of the Club 's year , this premier motoring and social event was held in April in the Barossa Valley , one of Australia 's foremost wine tourism regions .

  15. 根据参加四项海滨游览区项目的咨询和设计工作的体会,对应用各种类型海岸建筑物时的设计要点进行设计小结。

    According to the experience gained from the consulting and design works of four Sea shore recreation projects , the main points of design applying various types of coastal structures are summarized in the paper .

  16. 依据这一优化主导思想,将铜山风景区划分为5大结构分区,分别为森林体验区、水域风光区、山岳游览区、农业观光区、生态恢复区。

    Optimize based on this idea led to Copper Mountain Scenic Area is divided into 5 major structural divisions , respectively , for forest experience zone , the waters of scenic areas , mountain tourism , agriculture , tourist , ecological restoration areas .

  17. 依据这一主导思想,将郑州黄河湿地划分为生态保护区、生态恢复区、游览活动区、发展利用区等四类功能分区。

    Based on this ideology , we should divide Zhengzhou Yellow River wetland into four type zones , such as ecological reservation , ecological restoration , tourist area , development of production areas .

  18. 并分别游览专项活动区和生活服务区论述了不同小品设施的建设方法。

    And respective method for building particular zones for tour activities and life services is mentioned .

  19. 这起事件成了多数英国报纸的头条新闻,媒体开始密切关注游览海滨度假区的年轻人。

    The story led most British newspapers , and the media began monitoring young people visiting seaside resorts .

  20. 江南区办公室表示,去年有1000万外国游客到首尔观光旅游,其中有一半以上游览了江南区。

    The office said more than half of 10 million foreign tourists to Seoul last year also visited Gangnam .

  21. 巾帼班组成立当天,这些“的姐”们还免费带九久夕阳红老年城的九位老人游览了政务区和滨湖新区。

    On the same day when the team was set up , the members took nine elderly people from an elderly people 's home to visit the Civic Area and the Lakefront District in the city .

  22. 我建议我们快速游览一下伦敦中心区市容。

    I suggest we do a quick tour of central London .

  23. 你能给我推荐一些供游览参观的风景区吗?

    Would you please recommend some scenic areas for me to visit ?

  24. 截止到11月月初,据统计已经有300万左右的游客游览了该风景区,这一数字与去年相比增长了8.7%.

    As of the beginning of November , 3 million travelers have reportedly visited the area , an increase of 8.7 percent on last year .