
  • Rides;Amusement;Recreational facilities
  1. 乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。

    The home of country music is Nashville , Tennessee & Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called Opryland where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides .

  2. 乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市——美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园——Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。

    The home of country music is Nashville , Tennessee - - Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called " Opryland " where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides .

  3. 基于GIS可视化的游乐设施在线监测与评估系统

    On-line monitoring and evaluation system of amusement park facilities based on GIS

  4. 随着上海迪士尼开园的临近,香港迪士尼去年10月份推出了建设“铁甲奇侠”(IronMan,又称:钢铁侠)游乐设施的计划,这将是钢铁侠人物首次出现在迪士尼主题公园里。

    As the opening of Shanghai 's park looms , Disney in October unveiled plans to build an Iron Man attraction , the first-ever for a Marvel-based character at a Disney park .

  5. 这座新建乐园的特色在于,许多游乐设施依据《加勒比海盗》(PiratesoftheCaribbean)以及超级英雄大片如《钢铁侠》(IronMan)和《复仇者联盟》(AvengersAssemble)的故事情节而建。

    Its new park features attractions based on Pirates of the Caribbean and superhero pictures such as Iron Man and Avengers Assemble .

  6. AFD方法应用于游乐设施失效分析的探讨

    Research on Application of AFD in the Failure Prediction Analysis of Amusement Equipment

  7. 通过对游乐设施检测领域问题和信息系统领域问题的研究,并根据用户需求,采用MVC模式和J2EE技术构造了游乐设施检测管理系统的网络结构和软件体系结构。

    Based on the study of the amusement ride inspection and information system , the network structure and the software structure of amusement ride inspection MIS are constructed with the MVC pattern and J2EE technology .

  8. 除摩天轮外,乐园内还有多种游乐设施供游客选择,如4D影院,蝶翼悬挂式飞行过山车等。

    In addition , there are many other amusement facilities around the park , such as the28-seater4D cinema , a roller coaster with a track in the shape of butterfly , and more .

  9. 包括数条云霄飞车在内的游乐设施多达25种。

    It has more than 25 rides including several roller coasters .

  10. 基于B/S结构的游乐设施检测管理系统研究

    Study on Amusement Ride Inspection MIS Based on B / S Structure

  11. 基于游戏行为的儿童游乐设施综合设计研究

    Research on Integrated Design of Recreational Facilities Result of Children 's Play

  12. 我国游乐设施安全法规体系的建立与分析

    Establishment and Analysis of Safety Regulatory System for China 's Recreation Facilities

  13. 游乐设施安全问题日益受到人们的关注。

    Nowadays people are seriously concerned about the safety of recreation facilities .

  14. 根据游乐设施检测管理系统的特点说明了系统的实现方法和技术。

    The method and technology are explained according to the system characteristics .

  15. 我非常喜欢快速和吓人的游乐设施。

    I 'm crazy about the fast and scary rides .

  16. 我们去公园玩那些游乐设施吧。

    Let 's play on those rides in the park .

  17. 本实用新型公开了一种板式滑道健身游乐设施。

    The present utility model discloses a plate-type slideway body-building recreational facility .

  18. GB8408-1987游艺机和游乐设施安全标准

    Safety standard of amusement machines and amusement park equipments

  19. 我们成为了非常好的朋友在其中的一些游乐设施。

    We got to become pretty good friends during some of those rides .

  20. 如果你喜欢,我们还可以玩好多游乐设施。

    We can go on a lot of different rides if you like .

  21. 设计模式在游乐设施检测管理信息系统中的应用

    Application of Design Patterns in Amusement Ride Inspection MIS

  22. 该系统可以具体应用在车辆和游乐设施等的运动速度检测上,在设备的安全运行以及交通监管方面有重要意义。

    This system can be applied to vehicle detection and equipment 's security inspection .

  23. 游乐设施高强度螺栓小角度纵波探伤

    Nondestructive Testing of High Strength Bolt of Game Equipment by Small Angle Longitudinal Waves

  24. 我最喜欢乘坐的游乐设施是费里斯转轮。

    My favourite ride is the Ferris wheel .

  25. 里面各项游乐设施都跟阿拉丁故事里的一样。

    It has all the amusement facilities as seen in the story of Aladdin .

  26. 这座大花园拥有5百万朵花卉,还有许多游乐设施。

    The massive garden is carpeted with five million blooming bulbs and many attractions .

  27. 申请鉴定的大型游乐设施应当附设备简图。

    Equipment brief drawings should be provided for large amusement rides applied for appraisal .

  28. 浅谈水上游乐设施电气设备安全

    Discussion on electric safety of water amusement equipment

  29. 就可以玩所有的游乐设施。

    You can ride all the rides .

  30. 国家质监局发布大型游乐设施安全技术规范征求意见稿

    China quality monitoring bureau issued large-scale amusement installation security technology standard and asked for the suggestion