
  • 网络nomadism;nomadic herding
  1. 游牧业与养畜业的本质区别决定了游牧改革的走向。

    The essential difference between nomadic pastoralism and animal industry decides on the alignment for the nomadic pastoralism reform .

  2. 清代以前,天山北路是一个以游牧业为主要生产方式的地区,属于新疆草原文化的范畴。

    Before Dynasty Qing , north piedmont Mountain Tianshan is a traditional nomady production area , which belongs to the prairie community culture of Province Xinjiang .

  3. 本地自然环境较为恶劣,生产活动以游牧业为主,长期以来养成食肉饮酪的生活习惯决定了当地人不可一日无茶的饮茶习惯。

    The local natural environment is more serious , production activities are mainly nomadic animal husbandry , a long time to develop habits of carnivorous drink buttermilk .

  4. 首先他提出了人类早期历史的四个转折点即渔猎活动的产生,农耕文化的起源,人工灌溉农业的开端以及游牧业的兴起。

    At first he states four turning points in early history : the rise of hunting , the rise of plowing agriculture , the rise of artificial irrigation and the rise of nomadism .

  5. 清末放垦以前,蒙古族的农业种植业属于一种附属于游牧业的农业,带有明显的粗放经营特色。

    With an evident characteristic of extensive management , the Mongolian nationality 's farming was a kind of agriculture attached to pasturing before free cultivation was permitted at the end of the Qing Dynasty .

  6. 游牧业的萎缩使之逐渐接受农业,但一开始的农业仍是传统的粗放农业,随着人口压力的进一步增加,种植业才逐步集约化。

    Pasturing shrank and was replaced by farming little by little . But at first farming was still the traditional extensive agriculture and getting intensive when pressure of population growth went a step further .

  7. 蒙古族游牧畜牧业的生产方式离不开驮运与装载的交通运输工具。

    Mongolia Mongolian Nomadic animal husbandry production is inseparable from the pack and loading transportation .

  8. 蒙古人之所以几千年来经营和发展游牧畜牧业是因为他们深刻认识自己周围自然地理环境的结果。

    The Mongols have been engaged in nomadic animal husbandry for thousands of years because they have had a thorough understanding of the natural geological conditions around them .

  9. 在此基础上,建立饲草料储备制度、发展季节畜牧业、实行保护价收购制度、建立游牧畜牧业保护区,以促进草原畜牧业的健康发展。

    And on the basis of these , a system for storing fodder should be established , seasonal animal husbandry developed , protective purchasing prices put into action , establishing preservation zones for nomadic animal husbandry so as to promote the healthy development of the animal husbandry on the grasslands .

  10. 哈萨克人民自古以来是以游牧为主的民族,游牧生产是他们基本的生产生活方式,游牧以畜牧业为主,对畜牧业来讲最基本的生产资料是畜牧和牧场。

    Kazak is a nomadic ethnic group since ancient times , nomadic production is their basic way of living and production , animal husbandry is the main body of nomadic , in terms of animal husbandry , the most basic means of production are animal husbandry and pasture .