
jī féi
  • collect manure;manure accumulation;store compost;lay in manure
积肥 [jī féi]
  • [collect manure;lay in manure;manure accumulation;store compost] 把各种肥料收集、积攒起来

积肥[jī féi]
  1. 这些小学生经常帮生产队积肥、锄草,诸如此类的好事他们还做过很多。

    These school children regularly help the production teams collect manure and do weeding ; they often do good deeds like this .

  2. 认为通过圈猪积肥是控制和消灭钩端螺旋体病的有效途径。

    Enclosing pigs to collect manure has proved to be an effective way to control and eliminate leptospirosis .

  3. 然后,他们可以把沼气当成燃料,给积肥场供电供暖。

    Then they could burn it , to power and heat the compostfacility .

  4. 杉木林积肥场从州政府那里获得了100万美元拨款,以便实施它的食物变燃料计划。

    Cedar Grove has gotten a million-dollar grant from the state government to pursue its food-to-fuel plan .

  5. 目前,杉木林积肥场正在考虑一个新的处理食物垃圾的方案。

    The people who work at Cedar Grove talk about compost the way chefs talk about food .

  6. 在把香蕉皮和面包屑放进积肥堆之前,公司要用它们来创造替代能源。

    Before turning banana peels and bread crusts into compost , the company wants to use them to create alternative energy .

  7. 化食品渣滓为生物气体将使食品回收应用业愈加有益可图,特地是由于这些食品渣滓经过燃气提炼当前仍然可以用来积肥。

    Turning food waste into biogas would make food recycling more profitable-especially because the food could still be used for compost after the gas-extraction process .

  8. 化食物垃圾为生物气体将使食物回收利用业更加有利可图,尤其是因为这些食物垃圾经过燃气提炼以后仍然可以用来积肥。

    Turning food waste into biogas would make food recycling more profitable - especially because the food could still be used for compost after the gas-extraction process .

  9. 如果这些沼气进入大气层,将会加剧全球变暖现象。杉木林积肥场将把这些沼气收集储存起来。

    Instead of letting that methane escape into the atmosphere , where it could contribute to global warming , Cedar Grove would suck it up and store it .

  10. 在西雅图北面的杉木林积肥场,每天都有卡车一辆接着一辆开进这个巨大的仓库,倾卸满载的食物垃圾和庭院废弃物。

    Every day , at Cedar Grove Composting north of Seattle , truck after truck pulls into this huge warehouse to dump loads of food and yard waste .

  11. 劳伦斯·克莱恩是杉木林积肥场的手艺和成长规划师。他说,他们也可以把食物垃圾发生的沼气转换成压缩自然气,给他们的卡车当燃料。

    Lawrence Klein , technology and development planner for Cedar Grove , says they could also convert the gas from the food waste to compressed natural gas , to fuel their trucks .