
  1. 希望广大教师牢记为党育人、为国育才使命,积极探索新时代教育教学方法,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人作出新的更大贡献。

    He expressed his hope that teachers will bear in mind their mission of cultivating talent for the Party and the State , develop teaching methods for the new era , and make more contributions to nurturing socialist builders and successors with an all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic grounding , in addition to a hard-working spirit .

  2. 不过,一些公司利用3D技术积极探索新的游戏类型,比如体育竞技游戏的表现就相当不俗。

    Companies that use 3-D to explore new types of gameplay such as sports titles did better .

  3. 积极探索林业NGO的改革和发展

    The Reformation and Development of Forestry NGO

  4. 西部大开发的首要任务就是要积极探索多种融资方式来加快基础设施的建设,采用BOT国际融资方式是加快基础设施建设的一条可行之路。

    The most important task to develop the wide west is to speed up the infrastructure construction by various financing means .

  5. 本文的研究为今后RIA技术在森林防火GIS系统中的应用做了积极探索,具有一定的参考和示范作用。

    This study for future RIA technology in the application of GIS system of forest fire made active exploration , have the certain reference and exemplary role .

  6. 广州市积极探索,在全省率先对外来人口实行IC智能卡管理。

    The government of Guangzhou city took the lead of implementing IC smart card management of the population from other places in the province , after the active studies .

  7. 有鉴于此,本文作者在《C语言》课程的教学实践,积极探索一种基于学科教学的融合型研究性学习教学模式,以及评价体系。

    In view of this , author 's of this text teaching practice in course of " C language ", explore a kind of integration type studying study teaching mode based on discipline teaching actively , and appraise the system .

  8. 如何在网络管理水平相对较低的情况下快速提升3G网络服务质量,是我国3G商用工程布网前需要积极探索的问题。

    How to quickly improve the quality of the networks while the network management is in a fairy low level needs to be actively studied before 3G networks have been built commercially .

  9. 应加强数据综合与显示以及颜色与3D显示的应用研究,积极探索计算机新人-机交互技术的应用和新的专业化软件的开发思路。

    The future research should emphasize the composition of data and its display , and the application of color and 3D display . The applications of new computer man-machine interface technique and the new developing ideas of power system software should be explored also .

  10. 司法ADR的迅速发展及其良好的运行效果极大地冲击我国的司法理念,无论是理论界还是实务界都开始积极探索多元化纠纷解决方式的建立。

    The rapid development and excellent performance of the judicial ADR impact greatly to China judicial philosophy , whether theorists or practitioners have begun to actively explore the establishment of multi dispute resolution .

  11. 故进一步积极探索PQ中毒致肺纤维化的机制并有针对性地寻找有效的治疗方法,仍然是救治PQ中毒的国内外研究热点。

    Therefore , further explore the mechanism of pulmonary fibrosis induced by paraquat poisoning and to find effective treatment , has become a hot research at home and abroad about treatment of paraquat poisoning .

  12. GNI以开放和共赢的姿态对外开展合作,积极探索、创新,共同推动数字电视产业健康、快速的发展。

    GNI will collaborate with others , question for and innovate actively to drive DTV industry to develop healthily and fast with an attitude of open and win - win .

  13. PDS政策赋予了中小学在促进教师专业发展中新的性质和功能,推动了积极探索实现教师专业发展途径的尝试进而推动了的美国教育改革。

    The PDS policy has given a new nature and function to the elementary and middle school in promoting teacher professional development and pushed forward attempt of " actively exploring the path of realizing teacher professional development " and then pushed forward the American education reform .

  14. 我国高职教育课程改革可以吸取澳大利亚TAFE课程体系中的有益成分,结合我国高职教育实际,改革现有的高职教育课程,积极探索适合我国实际的高职教育课程。

    Our higher vocational education curriculum reform can absorb Australia TAFE curriculum system , combining with the positive elements in higher vocational education practice , reform of higher vocational education courses of existing , active exploration of higher vocational education for the actual courses .

  15. 积极探索高校思想政治工作的新途径&浅谈高校政治辅导员如何做好思想政治工作

    On Exploring New Approach to Political and Ideological works in Universities

  16. 注意调动学生主动参与和积极探索;

    Stirring students ' participating in and exploring initiatively and actively ;

  17. 积极探索建立农户信贷保险体系。

    Actively exploring the establishment of farmer credit insurance system .

  18. 积极探索新型助学贷款运作模式;

    To actively explore new operation models for student loan ;

  19. 积极探索新形势下企业思想政治工作的新途径

    Probe into the New Pattern of Ideo-political Work for Enterprises

  20. 上海积极探索适应特大城市的住房保障体系

    ShangHai : Vigorously Establishing the Housing Security System for Mega-City

  21. 抓住机遇积极探索培养合格妇幼卫生专科人才

    Seize the opportunity , Probe actively , Train qualified MCH professional talents

  22. 积极探索、创造条件、实行学分制

    Carrying out the Credit System by Active Study and by Creating Conditions

  23. 因此,积极探索挤奶厅效能的评估方法,并对鱼骨式、并列式和转台式这三种我国最常见挤奶厅类型的效能进行评估具有重要的现实意义。规模奶牛场挤奶厅效能评估的研究

    A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Three Types of Milking Parlors

  24. 积极探索建立开放环境中高师教育的新范式。

    Exploring the new model of higher normal education in the open circumstances .

  25. 自此,我国开始了对环保法庭的积极探索。

    Since then , China has begun to actively explore the environmental court .

  26. 积极探索盲生中医教学的新模式

    A new chinese medical teaching pattern of blind students

  27. 积极探索有中国特色的劳动力再就业之路

    On the Re-employment Road with Distinctive chinese Features

  28. 积极探索科研体制改革的新路子

    Actively Exploring the New Way of the Reform of Scientific and Technical Management System

  29. 积极探索再就业培训新路

    Exploring New Ways of Vocational Training for Re-employment

  30. 积极探索城乡一体化协调发展与建设的合理模式,实现城市和乡村优势互补、协调发展;

    Seeking for optimizing patterns ensuing the coordinated development between the city and rurality ;