
jī fēn fǎ
  • integration method
  1. 采用Gear自动积分法获得满意的数值计算结果。

    By using Gear 's automatic integration method , satisfactory numerical results have been obtained .

  2. 在此基础上,闭环H∞控制系统状态方程的解也可以由精细积分法计算,虽然对于有限时间H∞状态反馈控制来讲,这是一个变系数线性微分方程组。

    The state equation of closed loop system is also solved by the precise integration method , although it is time varying .

  3. 基于FPGA的数控数字积分法圆弧插补器的设计与实现

    A DDA arc interpolator for digital differential analyzer based on FPGA

  4. 用SPECT断层显像体积积分法测定甲状腺质量

    Determination of the mass of the thyroid by SPECT tomography image volume-integration

  5. PWM型开关变换器闭环系统时域分析的精细积分法

    A precise time - integration for analysis of time - domain to closed - loop PWM switched converters

  6. 广义Hamilton(控制)系统的离散梯度积分法

    A discrete gradient integration method for generalized Hamilton systems

  7. 编程实现用自适应积分法(AIM)计算PEC散射问题。

    Develop the code of adaptive integral method ( AIM ) that computes the PEC scattering .

  8. 广义Abel方程的Gauss数值积分法

    Gauss numerical integration for solving the generalized Abel Equation

  9. 使用积分法求解Navier-Stokes方程的有限元格式

    A Finite Element Scheme for Solving Navier & Stokes Equations by Integral Method

  10. Helmholtz方程外Dirichlet问题的边界积分法

    Boundary Integral Method for Exterior Dirichlet Problem of Helmholtz Equation

  11. APF谐波电流检测的积分法与低通滤波法的比较研究

    Comparison Research on Integral Method and Low Pass Filter Method of Harmonic Current Detection for APF

  12. 采用纽马克(Newmark)逐步积分法求解运动微分方程,按照瑞利(Rayleigh)阻尼确定阻尼矩阵。

    Newmark time integration method incorporating a Rayleigh damping is used to solve the equation of motion .

  13. 目的:以Candidaspecies尿酸酶为模型,考察用积分法筛选抑制剂的条件。

    AIM : To investigate the prerequisite of the integrated method for characterizing inhibitors with the inhibition of xanthine on Candida species uricase as the model .

  14. 同时还给出了运用Newmark隐式积分法求解的适合于两相多孔介质的非线性迭代过程。

    And deduces the process of nonlinear iterative solution with the Newmark integration method .

  15. 用Melnikov函数的数值积分法估计混沌阈值

    Estimate of Chaotic Threshold by Numerical Integral Method of Melnikov Function

  16. 本文介绍一种提取听觉脑干诱发电位(ABR)的方法&取样积分法。

    Boxcar , a method for recording auditory brainstem evoked response ( ABR ), is presented in this paper .

  17. 并利用两端边值问题的精细积分法,通过MATLAB语言编制相应的程序来求解杆件的广义位移和广义力。

    Then by a precise integration method of two end boundaries , and the establishment of corresponding MATLAB language program , the pole pieces of generalized displacements and generalized forces are solved .

  18. 并对近年来流行的算法,如快速概率积分法、MonteCarlo模拟法、响应面法等进行重点介绍。

    An emphasis is focused on some popular algorithms , such as fast probability integration method , Monte Carlo simulation method and response surface method , and so on .

  19. 本文运用Laplace变换法和围道积分法分析线性化的正压原始方程组的谱问题。

    In this paper the methods of Laplace transform and residue integration are used analyse the spectrum of the system of linearized barotropic primitive equations .

  20. Adomian积分法下Kdv-Burgers方程的行波级数解

    Travelling Wave Series Solutions of the Kdv-Burgers Equation with Adomian Integration

  21. 如果能灵活掌握好时变、空变的倾角γ(T0,x)则可能使积分法DMO运算时间大幅度地减少。

    The operation time will be largely reduced when a good control of dip γ( T_0 , x ) is made in the integral DMO method .

  22. 并以概率积分法为例,赋予地表移动参数g,tgβ,S,b以明确的力学涵义和公式,从而充实了地表移动预计方法的内容。

    Using the probability integration method , the author gave the parameters of surface movement q , tg β, S , and b clear mechanical definitions . Thus improved the method of predicting surface movement .

  23. 采用的方程是三元非定常跨声速修正小扰动位势方程,使用时间积分法,求解格式是近似因式分解交替方向隐式(ADI)格式。

    The numerical procedure solves the unsteady transonic modified three-dimensional small perturbation equation by time accurate alternating direction implicit finite difference scheme .

  24. 基于位移型Gurtin变分原理计算动力响应的逐步积分法

    A step by step integration method for dynamic response by Gurtin variational principle

  25. VAS法与积分法观察头痛程度,其结果无显著差异(P0.05),说明两种方法对于疼痛的测量都有均衡性。

    VAS and integral observation of headache by degree , no significant differences in the results ( P0.05 ), two kinds of methods for measurement of pain there is balance .

  26. PDE模型机平均推力应处于推力壁压力曲线积分法与弹簧-质量-阻尼系统法所测推力之间。

    It was estimated that the average thrust of the model PDE was between the value obtained by thrust wall pressure integration method and spring-mass-damper system method .

  27. 在此基础上,用Kirchhoff积分法对数字模拟与物理模拟记录的雷达图像作了偏移处理,并给出了实例。

    Finally , Kirchhoff integral migration method was adopted to process the synthesized GPR record and the simulated one , and a example of migration processing was presented .

  28. 采用修正的RITZ向量法和Newmark直接积分法求解振动及动力响应问题,避免了质量阵因附连水质量阵不对称而引起的求解困难。

    A modified RITZ vector method and Newmark direct integral method are employed to overcome the difficulties of the numerical analysis caused by the unsymmetrical added mass .

  29. 结合精细积分法和Muller法为四边简支矩形层合板的简谐振动分析提出了新的方法。

    A new solution for the harmonic vibration of simply supported rectangular laminates with damping was proposed by using the precise integration method and Muller method .

  30. 本文介绍了求单自由度二阶系统冲击响应谱(SRS)的几种常用的数字化分析方法:直接积分法;

    The purpose of this paper is to introduce several direct numerical algorithms which are used to solve Shock Response Spectrum ( SRS ) of single freedom second order system .