
  • 网络Accumulated temperature;Cumulative Temperature;GDD;temperature integration
  1. 借鉴积温学的原理,结合紫花苜蓿(MedicagoSativa)生理生态学特性,建立了水分限制条件下干旱沙区紫花苜蓿生长发育模拟模型。

    Based on the theories of accumulated temperature and on the physio ecological characteristics of Medicago sativa , a simulation model for its growth under soil water stress in arid sandy region was developed .

  2. 通过对连续4a夏玉米叶面积指数的研究,建立了夏玉米叶面积指数与积温之间的归一化模型,提出了精确的且唯一确定的归一化方法。

    Based on the experiment data of summer maize in Irrigation Experimental Station of Northwest A & F University during 2001 ~ 2004 , a normalized model between leaf area index ( LAI ) and accumulated temperature was developed .

  3. 区域积温插值的GIS方法

    A GIS Method for Regional Accumulative Temperatures Interpolation

  4. 利用相关分析和逐步回归分析,研究了香气成分与生态因子的相关性,筛选确定影响苹果果实香气成分的主要生态因子为≥0℃年积温、年总降水量、海拔高度以及土壤pH;

    The paper studied on the relativity between aroma component and land ecological factors by correlation analysis and step-regress analysis .

  5. 阐述了积温期分解对区域积温插值GIS方法的改进。

    This article suggests an improved GIS interpolation technique for regional accumulative air temperature , with a method of decomposition of duration of accumulative temperature .

  6. 利用气象站点实测资料,建立多元回归方程,同时结合GIS插值,对模拟残差进行修正,得到研究区≥0℃年积温和年中降水量的模拟结果。

    Based on meteorologic data , the paper established multi-regression equation to simulate ≥ 0 ℃ annual total temperatures and precipitation by amending the error with GIS interpolation .

  7. x2为上年9月16日~10月5日的积温;

    X 2 showed the cumulative temperature from 16 September to 5 October last year ;

  8. 气候要素日照Q,积温∑~t、降水R与水稻产量的复相关系数达到显著或极显著水准。

    The coefficient of multiple correlation between the climatic elements-Sun shine Q , Accumlated temperature ∑ t and Rainfall R , and rice yield reached remarkable or quite remarkable level .

  9. 因此花粉母细胞形成至减数分裂期是隐性长穗颈eui基因表达对温度敏感时期,该基因感温表达具有积温效应,6天的感温效果最佳。

    The analysis showed that eui gene expressed best in feasible temperature for 6 days during the thermo-sensitive period .

  10. 水温11~13℃时,卵黄囊期需10d,有效积温110~130℃·d。

    At 11-13 ℃, it needs 10 d from hatching stage to yolk-sac absorbed stage , and the accumulative temperature of 110-130 ℃· d is necessary .

  11. 阐述了昆虫物候分析的SSPM模型(singlesinephonologicalmodel)计算方程和过程,该模型采用Sine函数拟合每天温度变化,并利用积分,获取每天有效积温和一定时间内日度累积值。

    The paper details the calculation method of single sine phonological model ( SSPM ) in insect phenology , in which the daily temperature is curved by sine function . Accumulations and daily degree-days are acquired by integral equation methods .

  12. 其种子发芽出土、形成幼苗需要较高积温,在塑料薄膜棚内,约需40d。

    The results showed that the germination and seedlings emergence need higher accumulation temperature and about 40 days in plastic film arch .

  13. 结果表明,本模型较用比叶面积和叶干重的SLA法及用积温与叶面积的函数的GDD法更能准确地模拟温室甜瓜的LAI和植株总干重。

    The results show that the model can predict leaf area and total dry weight of greenhouse muskmelon more accurately than the traditional specific leaf area ( SLA ) and growing degree days ( GDD ) based models .

  14. 经验证,求导的生物学零度(ki)和花期活动积温(∑Τi)与实际观测年份各值基本吻合,经显著性检验均达到极显著水平。

    Through justification , the deduced biological zero point ( Ki ) and the active accumulated tempera-ture (Σ Ti ) for bloom almost fit the actual numbers , and reached the most outstanding level through outstanding test .

  15. 数学模型导出了生物学零度(ki)和花期活动积温(∑Τi),图解模型对其进行了辨别,语言模型通过反馈回路对其进行验证实际效果。

    The mathematical model was used to deduce biological zero point-joint ( Ki ) and bloom active temperature (Σ Ti ), which was studied by graphic model and language model , justifying the effect through feeding back loop .

  16. 使用该技术,能使作物提早成熟,防御冷害和霜害,可采用较常规播种的生育期长15d、所需积温多200℃·d左右的偏晚熟品种;

    By using the technique the corn variety which growth period is 15 d longer and accumulated temperature is 200 ℃· d more than the conventional variety can be used in the area .

  17. 在水、肥等可控制因子较好的条件下,影响区域PS-1生产潜力的主要因素是有效积温。

    Under the better controlled factor condition , for example water and fertilization , the main factor that influence regional productive potential under PS-1 condition is the effective accumulated temperature . 3 .

  18. 结果表明:与虫害发生面积密切相关的因子有年积温(≥10℃)、年降水量和干燥度;虫害发生面积同三者的Pearson相关系数分别为0.701、-0.814和0.937;

    The results showed that the meteorological factors closely related to the insect pest occurrence area were the yearly accumulated temperature of ≥ 10 ℃, yearly precipitation and dryness , with the Pearson coefficient being 0.701 , -0.814 and 0.937 , respectively .

  19. 该品种从出苗到适宜采收期(蜡熟期)需有效积温2550℃.d左右,在哈尔滨市生育日数为115~120d。

    This variety requires effective accumulated temperature about 2 550 ℃ from emergence of seeding to stage of wax ripeness , it 's growth period is 115-120 d in the Harbin city .

  20. Pearson相关分析表明,大针茅种群内基因多样性与温度因子(≥10℃年积温、年均温和1月份均温)之间存在显著(p0·05)或极显著(p0·01)的相关关系;

    By Pearson correlation analysis , significant correlations were found between gene diversity indexes and temperature factors (≥ 10 ℃ cumulative temperature in a year , annual mean temperature and mean temperature in January ), and all diversity indexes showed significant correlations with mean temperature in January .

  21. 试验结果表明:1.象草N51短日处理至抽穗期的积温值在年度间及年内的差异均较大。

    The results showed : ① Temperature summation from short-day treatment to heading date on Napier grass N51 was different in year and between years .

  22. 水稻品种所需温光资源量:早、中熟中粳需积温3300~3900℃,日照时数700~1000h;

    To complete the growth stage . various varieties need the resources of temperature and light : The early-ripen and mid-ripen of mid-season japonica need accumulation of the temperature of 3300 ~ 3900 ℃, sunshine hour number 700 ~ 1000h ;

  23. 多花黑麦草(Loliummultiflorum)在海拔3500m、年降水量约600mm的高寒牧区种植,因积温不足而无法完成生育周期,最高生育阶段只能达到抽穗期,从播种到抽穗历时约117d。

    Lolium multiflorum planted in an alpine region , with altitude 3 500 m , and annual precipitation of about 600 mm could not complete its growth and reproduction cycle due to insufficient accumulated temperature . It could only reach earing stage , which occurred about 117 days after sowing .

  24. 成虫在5月中旬至10月上旬发生,6月初开始产卵,卵的发育起点温度为14.66±0.5℃,有效积温为41.7±20.85日·度,在25℃下卵期平均为3.69±0.25d;

    Adult beetle emerged from mid-May to the first ten days of October , and oviposited in early June . The developmental threshold temperature of egg was 14.66 ± 0.5 ℃, and its effective accumulated temperature was 41.7 ± 20.85 degree-day .

  25. 涂黑圆圈表示积温,空白圆圈表示作物产量。

    Blackened circles denote accumulated temperatures and open ones crop yield .

  26. 辽宁省负积温地理分布特征与模拟

    Characteristics of Geographical Distribution of Negative Accumulated Temperature in Liaoning Province

  27. 冬小麦越冬期负积温明显减少。

    The negative accumulated temperature decreased obviously during the over-wintering period .

  28. 发育起点温度及有效积温因不同龄期均有差异。

    Development thresholds and accumulated temperatures vary owing to different instars .

  29. 鲜食大豆适宜采收期与有效积温的关系

    Relationship between Harvesting Time and Effective Accumulated Temperature in Vegetable Soybean

  30. 辽宁省三种松毛虫有效积温的研究

    A study on the effective accumulated temperature of the pine caterpillars