
jī jí zhǔ dònɡ
  • aggressiveness;agressiveness
  1. 我希望我们的组织少一些被动反应,多一些积极主动。

    I want our organization to be less reactive and more proactive .

  2. 企业必须更积极主动地制定环境政策。

    Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy .

  3. 我大多和积极主动的人一起工作。

    I largely work with people who already are motivated

  4. 我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。

    We look for applicants who are numerate , computer-literate and energetic self-starters .

  5. 过幸福生活的第二个秘诀是积极主动。

    The second secrect to living a happy life is to be active .

  6. 雷蒙德是个积极主动的(active)年轻人。

    Raymond is an active young man .

  7. 你对新的想法没有兴趣,你不会积极主动,不愿意交流和社交。

    You ’ re not interested in new ideas , you ’ re not proactive and you ’ re less communicative and sociable .

  8. 经历了一些事情之后,我开始积极主动地做一些事,从此我不再懒惰了。

    After a few incidents , I was self motivated doing few things and from then , I am no more a lazy guy .

  9. 杰西非常积极主动,上一次,她在我分配工作之前就主动规划了整个行程并预定好了酒店。

    Jessie is very proactive . Last time , she had organised the entire trip and booked our hotel off her own bat even before I asked .

  10. 如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。

    But they 're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days , as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial2 arts than there were in Mulan .

  11. 我国还积极主动地参与国际贸易规则的制定与修改,灵活运用WTO贸易争端的解决机制来化解问题。

    China also has to actively participate in making international trade rules and modifying the flexible use of WTO trade dispute settlement mechanism to resolve the problem .

  12. ,并决定今天就开始用Twitter通过一个积极主动的在线营销活动获得财政上的独立性。

    And you decide that today you will begin to achieve financial independence with an aggressive online marketing program using Twitter .

  13. 大三的时候,在我的《x》课程中又一次的证明了我的判断,积极主动的学习,更加完备的专业知识及敏锐独到的分析,让我很欣慰。

    My lecture of X proved my judgment again in junior year , and her proactive learning , more complete knowledge and acute and insightful analysis made me much gratified .

  14. 邮电部门应抓住机遇,利用自身优势,以竞争的态势积极主动地参与CATV业务的开发。

    The P & T departments should lose no time to enter the competition arena of CATV services with their own superiority .

  15. 2007年的下学期我很有幸的再为她上了《x》的课程,还是那样的积极主动勤于思考,并且非常的有自己的见解。

    In the second semester of2007 , I was honored to teach her the lecture of X again , and she was still as proactive , diligent in thinking and strong-minded as before .

  16. 入侵检测系统(IDS)是一种积极主动的安全防护技术,它可以监视主机系统或是网络上的用户活动,发现可能存在的入侵行为。

    Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) is a proactive security technology , it can monitor the host system or network user , may be found in the act of invasion .

  17. 目的应用人文关怀,使131I内照射治疗隔离期患者能积极主动地配合治疗,以促进行早日康复。

    Objective To observe the effect of applying humanism concern in patients who receive I131 internal radiation therapy and are isolated .

  18. 积极主动,正面的工作态度,自信心强。

    Self-motivated , and positive attitude and high degree of self-confidence .

  19. 我们强调的英语学习方式在于积极主动,形象易记。

    Our learning style is very active and easy to remember .

  20. 工作积极主动,善于创新,并具有快速的学习能力。

    Self-motivated , creative , quick to learn and result oriented .

  21. 积极主动、承担责任、自我激励、团队合作能力强;

    Initiative , commitment , motivation and strong sense of teamwork .

  22. 改变你的思维过程就从积极主动地做出最理性的决定开始吧。

    Actively make a conscious decision to change your thought processes .

  23. 工作积极主动、以结果为导向;

    Highly motivated , result oriented and able to work independently ;

  24. 积极主动,较强的自我管理能力。

    Self motivated , self managing , self starter , pro-active .

  25. 采用问题教学法激发调动学生学习的积极主动性

    Enhancing Students ' Learning Autonomy by Adopting " Question Teaching Method "

  26. 他被提醒要积极主动,否则就辞职。

    He was warned to get with it or resign .

  27. 课堂上学生积极主动学习的意愿随着年龄的增长而递减。

    Students ' active learning in classroom decreases with age and growth .

  28. 出色的谈判技巧,工作积极主动。

    Excellent negotiation skills , a high level of motivation .

  29. 工作特征维度心理契约违背导致员工的积极主动行为减少;

    Work characteristic contract breaches resulted in decreased active behavior ;

  30. 性格外向、自信、乐于沟通、对目标积极主动。

    Outgoing , confident , willing to communicate , active towards goal .