
kè ɡuān zhǔ yì
  • objectivism
  1. Lakoff和M.Johnson为代表的认知语言学研究实现了从客观主义哲学观到经验现实主义哲学观的转变,这标志着人类意识形态和语言哲学的进步。

    Represented by George Lakoff and M.Johnson , it realized a change from view of objectivism philosophy to that of experimentalism philosophy , marking a progress in human ideology and language philosophy .

  2. 笔者更倾向于采取一种相对客观主义的立场。

    The author favors in adopts one relatively objectivism the standpoint .

  3. 同时,Lakoff依据神经元模拟论提出了模拟论语义学,以此进一步论证了隐喻和语言的体验性,有力地批判了客观主义哲学观和乔姆斯基TG语言理论。

    Meanwhile , based on the Neural Simulation Theory , Lakoff has developed Simulation Semantics , which further substantiated the embodiment view of metaphor and language , and refuted the objectivist philosophy and Chomskian TG grammar .

  4. 1968年夏,兰德在为《客观主义者》(TheObjectivist)杂志撰写的文章中宣布两人之间的合作告终,并称布兰登夫妇在财务上占她便宜。

    In the summer of 1968 , Ms. Rand announced in an article for The Objectivist magazine that their collaboration was over , claiming that both of the Brandens had taken financial advantage of her .

  5. 客观主义和主观主义在定罪和量刑中的适用

    Application of Objectivism and Subjectivism in the Conviction and Sentence

  6. 在犯罪论中我们要么选择客观主义,要么选择主观主义。

    We either choose objectivism or subjectivism in crime theory .

  7. 主要有两大学派:客观主义和经验主义。

    There are mainly two schools : objectivism and experientialism .

  8. 客观主义是关于个人和理性思考的重要性。

    Objectivism is about the importance of the individual and reasonable thought .

  9. 刑事责任评价基点的客观主义及其功能评价

    Objectivism in Criminal Science and Evaluation of Its Functions

  10. 客观主义刑法理论产生的时代背景及其内涵

    On the Historical Background of Generation and Connotation of Objectivism in Criminal Law

  11. 从客观主义的立场探讨徇私枉法罪主体

    Crime Subject of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct in Objectivism

  12. 浅析刑法客观主义的主观化倾向

    On the Tendency of Subjective Turn of the Objective Doctrine of Criminal Law

  13. 客观主义者认为科学是描述大自然的。

    Objectivist regarded science as a description of nature .

  14. 论现行刑法的客观主义倾向

    On the objective tendency of current criminal law

  15. 客观主义在文学或艺术中对客观物体的强调而并非对情感或思想的强调。

    An emphasis on objects rather than feelings or thoughts in literature or art .

  16. 客观主义和主观主义的基本要点与形而上学历史学视域中的相同。

    Objectivism and subjectivism has the similar main points with that of metaphysical history .

  17. 主观[客观]唯心论在刑法客观主义视野下审视刑罚双轨制

    Inspecting the Double-track Penalty System in the View of the Objectivism in Crime Theory

  18. 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。

    Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy .

  19. 契约中的主观主义与客观主义研究

    Study on Subjectivism and Objectivism in Contracts

  20. 历史的客观主义原则必然表现为科技史的当代主义;

    The objectivism principles in the historical research must show it 's contemporary values naturally .

  21. 客观主义的价值中立;

    The neutral value of the objectivism ;

  22. 蒙太格语法的本体论是建立在认识论客观主义和意义对应论基础上的。

    The Ontology of MG is based on epistemological objectivism and Correspondence Theory of Meaning .

  23. 行为主义:一种客观主义的、一元论的观点,关注个体的行为和判断。

    Behaviorism : An objectivist and monist perspective with regard to individual actions and decisions .

  24. 在史学思想、史学观点方面奉行人文主义、客观主义,注意运用民族(种族)文化观念治史。

    Keeping humanism and objective views and paying attention to treat history with national cultural concept .

  25. 主要的民法典文本或契约法文本没有任何一个完全贯彻客观主义或主观主义。

    None of main versions of civil code or contract law wholly embodied subjectivism or objectivism .

  26. 文中重点阐述了客观主义与主观主义,分析各自的优劣之处。

    This paper focuses on the objectivism and subjectivism , analyze their respective advantages and disadvantages .

  27. 她为人所知的是她的畅销小说和在哲学体系上的发展,她自己称之为客观主义。

    She is known for her best-selling novels and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism .

  28. 所以,法律经济学研究的正确方法是:在道德标准的指引下,坚持主观主义与客观主义的结合;

    Therefore , the real methodology of the legal economy is the combination of subjectivism and objectivism ;

  29. 然而,尽管建构主义相对于客观主义的进步性已毋庸置疑,但现实的教育活动中尚存在着大量对建构主义的误读与误用。

    Yet , in the current education reality , there exists misinterpretations and misuse of the constructionism theory .

  30. 费耶阿本德的相对主义和不可通约超越了客观主义与相对主义的绝对对立,同时也是后现代思想的源泉。

    Feyerabend 's relativism and incommensurability transcended objectivism and relativism absolute opposition , it was also post-modernism fountainhead .