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kè xīnɡ
  • guest star;nova and comet
客星 [kè xīng]
  • [guest star] 我国古代对新星和彗星的称谓

  1. 使用威斯特波克射电望远镜对古代东方客星射电遗迹的探测

    A search for radio remnants of ancient oriental " guest stars " with the Westerbork telescope

  2. 中国最早的客星记载是大约公元前14世纪出现于天蝎座(心宿二)附近的一颗新星。

    The earliest record on guest stars in China dates back to as early as in the 14th century BC , about a nova near the a Star on the Scorpio Constellation .

  3. 研究证明,在中国古代的12次超新星记录中,有7颗以上对应着射电源。这充分说明中国古代的客星纪事对现代天文学的研究所起的重要作用。

    It turned out seven of the twelve supernovas re-corded by ancient Chinese astronomers correspond to the radio source , whichshows the importance of China 's records on guest stars to modern astronomic re-search .

  4. 超新星的爆发更加壮观,可以将这颗星的亮度增强到几百万倍,中国古人称这类天体为“客星”。

    The outbursts of supernovas are even more spectacular , increasing their brightness by up to hundreds of millions of times . The ancient Chinese people named such celestial bodies " guest stars . "