
  • 网络Objectivity;objectivity principle;Objective Principle
  1. 思维辩证法与客观辩证法相统一,具有客观性原则。

    Unity of thought dialectics and objective dialectics ; Objectivity 's principle .

  2. 无论是哪一种研究方法,都必须坚持客观性原则。

    The principle of objectivity has to be stuck to in the choice of research method .

  3. 论历史学的客观性原则

    On the Objective Principle of Historical Science

  4. 客观性原则的理想与现实

    The Ideal and Reality of Objective Principle

  5. 客观性原则要求交易和财务报告要在客观存在的可证实的事实之上。

    The Objectivity Principle requires business transactions and financial statements to be based upon objective and verifiable evidence .

  6. 其必要性表现为:课堂教学中的文化差异要求客观性原则;

    The necessity of applying the principle is as follows : the cultural differences exist in the classroom instruction ;

  7. 失去客观性原则,会计记录将会建立在主观臆断和个人意见的基础上,并易导致争论。

    Without the objective principle , accounting records would be based on whims and options and subject to dispute .

  8. 教师队伍的现状要求客观性原则;社会变迁与中国行政诉讼原告资格制度的发展

    The qualification of teachers differs ; On the Social Background of the Development of Plaintiffs Qualification in Administrative Litigation

  9. 如今,这个词预示着文章可以通过作者评论、插入语和尖刻的旁白偏离严格的客观性原则。

    Nowadays , the word signals a license to depart from strict objectivity via authorial comments , Interjections and snarky asides .

  10. 作为第二语言教学目的语的汉语使用现状要求客观性原则;

    The current use of Chinese , which is the target language of the second language teaching , is quite complex ;

  11. 第二语言学习者的复杂性要求教师对学生的评价坚持客观性原则。

    The various differences of the second language learners require teachers to adhere to the principle in the classroom appraisal of students .

  12. 构建评估体系要坚持实效性原则、针对性原则、整合性原则、客观性原则、动态性原则。

    To build effective evaluation system should adhere to the principle of specific principle , integrated principle , objectivity principle , dynamic principle .

  13. 课堂教学评估要贯彻目的性原则、针对性原则、有效性原则、常规性原则、客观性原则、可行性原则、变化性原则等。

    Classroom instruction evaluation should implement the following principles : purpose , learner-orientation , validity , normal reference , objectivity , practicality and variation .

  14. 明确了心理教育中的健康标准和工作原则:客观性原则,发展性原则,差异性原则等。

    Clear and definite the health standard that mental state educate the inside with work principle : Objectivity principle , development principle , difference principle etc.

  15. 客观性原则的要点就是会计记录应当以实际发生的经济业务为依据。

    The key of objective principle is that accounting records and financial reports must be based on financial and economic transactions as they actually take place .

  16. 本文阐述了数字化医院建设成本效益分析的基本原则,即全面性原则、客观性原则和定量分析与定性分析相结合的原则。

    For the first time the article described the analysis principles as the principle of comprehensive , objectivity , and combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis ;

  17. 在客观性原则指导下树立起客观报道的操作要求和方法是使中国新闻业更加科学规范的必然要求。

    Setting up the operation requirements and methods for objective news reporting under the guide of objective principle is necessary to make Chinese journalism more scientific and normal .

  18. 客观公正原则实质上是客观性原则和公正原则的结合,因而具有两个方面的基本内容。

    The objective and impartial principle is essentially the combination of the principle of objectivity and the principle of impartiality , thus it has fundamental contents of two aspects .

  19. 第二,提出环境刑事法律解释的创新原则,即以合法性原则为前提,以客观性原则为主导。

    Second , taking innovation on the criminal legal interpretation of environment , making the legal principle as the premise one , and the objective principle as the leading one .

  20. 因此,在高校资产估价中,应把握好三个原则,即资产的客观性原则、现实性原则、适宜性原则,以确保高校国有资产的价值准确和保值增值。

    Therefore , in the evaluation of fixed assets , the three principles should be held , that is the objectivity , reality and appropriation principle , thus ensure the value of state owned assets accuracy and their guaranteed increments .

  21. 最重要的会计原则包括权责发生制原则、历史成本原则、收入实现原则、配比原则、稳健性原则、客观性原则、充分揭示原则、一致性原则及重要性原则。

    The most important accounting principles include the accrual principle , the historical principle , the realization principle , the matching principle , the prudence principle , the objectivity prin-ciple , the full-disclosure principle , the consistency principle and the materiality principle .

  22. 客观性原则要求会计核算应当以实际发生的经济业务为依据,如实反映财务状况和经营成果。

    The objectivity principle holds that the accounting records and financial reports must be based on financial and economic transactions as they actually take place , in order to objectively reflect the financial position and operating results of an enter - prise .

  23. 论文采用釜底抽薪的方法,指出旧客观性原则依据的局限性,从人类思想发展史的角度,用发展的和动态的观点来研究。

    The essay takes a drastic measure to deal with it to indicate the limitation on which the old objective principle is based , studying from the angle of history of human development , in the point of view of development and dynamic .

  24. 公认会计原则所包括的主要原则有:客观性原则,重要性原则,一致性原则,稳健性原则,权责发生制原则,充分披露原则,配比原则,实现原则和成本原则。

    Major principles included in GAAP are the objective principle , the materiality principle , the consistency principle , the conservatism principle , the accrual-basis accounting principle , the adequate disclosure principle , the matching principle , the realization principle , and the cost principle .

  25. 遵循导向性原则、整体性原则、过程性原则、客观性原则和发展性原则才能实事求是地对思想政治理论课教学作出客观、公正、有效的评价。

    This article believes that only follow the principle of guidance quality , principle of unity , principle of process , principle of objectivity and principle of development can we evaluate the Ideological and Political teaching work practically , and get an objective , equitable and effective evaluation .

  26. 其后,随着外部世界的剧烈变化、新闻业的蓬勃发展以及理论研究水平的逐步提升,新闻界开始对客观性原则提出质疑,以致其原有的主导地位受到挑战甚至颠覆。

    And then , with the dramatic changes in the outside world , the rapid development of journalism and the gradual improvement of the theoretical research capacity , the press began to question the principle of objectivity which led to the challenge and even subversion of its previous dominance .

  27. 客观性教学原则是第二语言课堂教学组织原则中的一条重要原则。

    The principle of objectiveness is an important principle in the classroom instruction design of the second language .

  28. 在撰写学术史时,应以全面性、客观性为原则。对研究信息的获取,力求广泛;

    In writing academic history the author must follow the principles of objectivity and all roundness : try to be exhaustive in collecting information ;

  29. 当然,也要注意方法、手段,以及适度性、针对性、客观性的原则。

    Of course , methods and principles of moderateness , pertinence and objectivity should be paid attention to when we use this teaching style .

  30. 文章强调,不论面临何种挑战与变革,准确性、公正性、客观性等原则仍然必须成为新闻业未来的基石。

    Accuracy , fairness , objectivity and other principles should still be retained as the foundation for the future , no matter what challenges and changes will be confronted with .