
  1. 可见分析一个政府是否是信用政府,需要从主观意愿与客观能力两个方面去考察。

    So government credit should be examined in two aspects : subjective wishes and objective capacity .

  2. 法律需求是民众主观需求和客观能力实现的统一。

    The demand for law is the combination of subjective need of the public and objective realization .

  3. 甲方应按照甲方完全或部分完成上述订单的客观能力支付乙方佣金,不管甲方产品在出品之前是否产生任何其他费用。

    Party A shall pay commissions to Party B contingent upon Party as objective ability to fully or partially fulfill said orders , despite and aside from any other commitments for product previously placed with Party A.

  4. 贫困地区合作医疗筹资标准的可行性一方面受到农民的客观支付能力(ATP)的影响,同时还受到农民对合作医疗的认识和意愿支付水平的影响。

    The feasibility of RCMS financing in poor rural China is affected not only by the ability-to-pay ( ATP ), but also by the willingness-to-pay ( WTP ) and acknowledge of RCMS .

  5. 方法:对52例脑卒中患者用RBMT测试其客观记忆能力;采用视觉模拟评价法评测患者的主观记忆能力;

    Method : 52 cases of the patients with stroke were assessed in the study .

  6. 目的:通过对脑卒中患者工具性日常生活活动能力与其主客观记忆能力之间关系的研究,判别影响IADL的记忆功能因素,探讨脑卒中患者主客观记忆能力对IADL的预测价值。

    Objective : To distinguish the memory influenced factors of IADL for the patients with stroke and to explore the prediction value of IADL by subjective and objective memory ability for the patients with stroke .

  7. 你夺走他们接受文明客观的能力。

    You take away their capacity for civilized dispassion .

  8. 然后,论文对推荐公式做了相关验证性试验,验证公式的客观描述能力,说明了推荐公式的有效性。

    The paper gives some validation experiments about the ability of recommendation formulae to depict impact of the objective facts to the system 's recommendation .

  9. 公司利用文化的每一股新生力量和创意凝结为一体,形成了具有专业素质和客观分析能力的严谨工作态度。

    Companies use culture and creativity of each share condensed into one new force , formed with the professional quality and objective analytical rigor to their work .

  10. 由于中长期预报预见期较长,又受客观认知能力和技术水平的限制,以及众多不确定因素的影响,中长期水文预报的精度尚不能满足生产部门的需要。

    However , with long forecast period , the accuracy of mid-long term forecast failed to satisfy the need of production department , restricted by objective cognitive ability , technology development and many uncertain factors .

  11. 商誉是指商事主体在商事活动过程中所具有的客观偿债能力和主观履行意愿在社会上获得的综合评价,是由多种因素共同作用而形成的不可确指的无形财产。

    Business Reputation refers that a comprehensive social evaluation of business body 's objective ability of debt repayment and subjective willing to repay in its business activities , which is an intangible asset combined of various elements .

  12. 随着考试理论研究的不断深入,国外一些新的考试方法逐渐被引进和应用,如客观临床能力考试、标准化病人考试、计算机模拟考试等。

    As the deepening of the theoretical research of tests , some new external test methods are introduced and applied , such as test of objective clinical ability , test with standard patients , mock test on the computer , etc.

  13. 随机抽取上海考区50名考生,对他们重复实施两次2002年上海考区的临床实践技能考试及实施以标准化病人为基础的多站客观结构临床能力考试(OSCE)。

    Candidates sampled at random were tested twice by the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors in Shanghai in 2002 and by objective structured clinical examination with standard patient .

  14. 参照CMM软件研发组织能力成熟度等级划分,提出竞争能力决定于客观上的能力适应度和主观上的经济适应度,且二者共同形成软件研发组织竞争能力的观点。

    On the basis of ' Capability Maturity Model for Software ' , the view was proposed that the competitive power of a software development organization was depended on the objective economical adaptability and subjective capability adaptability , engendering the competitive power of the software development organization .

  15. 可取的素质包括谦逊、客观思考的能力和稳重。

    Qualities desirable include humility , the ability to think objectively and poise .

  16. 总体而言,通过分析表明,项目市场前景良好,具有客观的盈利能力。

    Overall , through the analysis shows that , the project market prospect is good , has the objective profitability .

  17. 请列举一个你在工作或学习中面对一种微妙而又困难的局面时,你能够成功地保持客观的分析能力的例子。

    Tell me about an occasion where you successfully maintained your objectivity in addressing a sensitive and difficult situation at work .

  18. 绩效是指工作人员在工作过程中所取得或形成的客观结果和能力的体现。

    Performance is the presentation of objective results acquired through working process by a staff and the presentation of personal capability of a staff .

  19. 传统中国画的笔墨不仅具有传情达意的能力、表现客观物象的能力、而且还承载着中国传统文化的精神。

    Traditional Chinese paintings not only possess the ability of expressing feelings and representing vision , but also bear the weight of spirit of Chinese traditional culture .

  20. 结果表明,质心跟踪法对强对流雷达回波具有较好的客观外推预报能力。

    The results show that the method of tracking echo centroids has a fairly good capability of linear objective forecasting to radar echo of the severe convection .

  21. 尽管客观上自己能力很好甚至非常好,但是如果来自老板或同事的批评似乎连连不断,也许应该职责暴力者。

    If the criticism from your boss or co-worker never seems to stop , despite your history of objective competence and even excellence , a bully might be to blame .

  22. 绩效考评是以一定的量或度为标准对客观结果和能力进行综合系统的分析考核评价。

    The assessment and evaluation of achievements is a comprehensive and systematic analysis and evaluation of the objective results and ability measured in amount and degree by a certain norm .

  23. 学生的写作能力是国内学科教学心理研究所关注的领域,写作能力测评问题已成为当前语文教育实践中亟待解决的问题。目前尚缺乏系统的理论研究和有效、客观的写作能力测评工具。

    The Study of Psychology of Teaching and Learning of Reading The student 's writing skill is the realm that the local psychology of teaching of school subjects pay attention to .

  24. 制造业企业生产系统的设施布置对企业生产成本会产生至关重要的影响,同时它也决定了企业生产系统适应客观需求的能力。

    The facilities layout of manufacturing system of the enterprise is crucial for cost of production , which also determines the ability of adapting the objective needs for a manufacturing system of the enterprise .

  25. 同时,还要像他那样,有准确地反映客观事物的能力,在现实生活中多观察,多做基本练习,下一番苦功才行。

    At the same time , also , as he did , there is an accurate reflection of the ability of objective things , and more in real life observation , more basic practice , the next do some hard work .

  26. 传统CAD技术缺乏映射客观现实环境的能力,限制了人机协作环境一体化。

    Traditional CAD lacks capability for mapping objective world , confining human-computer collaboration .

  27. 在信用卡业务系统中,引起信用风险的基本事件B的敏感性因子最大,即持卡人客观上丧失还款能力是引起信用卡信用风险的关键事件。

    In credit card business , the cardholder objectively loss the repayment ability is the key event in causing credit risk .

  28. 目的探讨更科学、客观地评定责任能力的方法。

    Objective To investigate the methods of more scientifically and objectively rating the responsibilities .

  29. 可实现性——所制定的目标一定是要可以实现的,你的目标要客观,要是你能力范围内可以达到的。

    Attainable-To be attainable , a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work .

  30. 可实现性所制定的目标一定是要可以实现的,你的目标要客观,要是你能力范围内可以达到的。

    Attainable To be attainable , a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work .