
  • 网络objective dialectics
  1. 思维辩证法与客观辩证法相统一,具有客观性原则。

    Unity of thought dialectics and objective dialectics ; Objectivity 's principle .

  2. 和谐是客观辩证法的总体特征,是唯物辩证法逻辑体系的总体范畴;

    And it is the general character of objective dialectics and the general category of the logic system of materialist dialectics .

  3. 客观辩证法与主观辩证法

    Objective and subjective dialectics

  4. 历史已经反复证明了主观辩证法和客观辩证法的互补原理,是一切理论创新的思维规律。

    History has proved the complementation theory of subjective dialectic and objective dialectic , the thinking law for all theories ' creation .

  5. 既要重视客观辩证法与主观辩证法的教学,又要强化实践辩证法的研究和探索;

    Not only lay stress on the teaching of objective and subjective dialectics , but also strengthen the research and exploration of practical dialectics ;

  6. 这既是由自然辩证法的本来如此所决定的,也是主观辩证法必须与客观辩证法相符合、相一致所决定的,它是西方环境伦理学的一项重要价值诉求。

    Doing like this , which constitutes an important value aim of the western environmental Ethics , is based on that the subjective dialectics must be fully in accordance with the objective dialectics .

  7. 整个认识过程就是主体在实践活动中对感性和理性、有限和无限、客观辩证法和主体能动性等矛盾环节的不断开展与解决。

    The process of knowledge is that the subject display and solve these practice movements between the sensibility and the reason , the finitude and the infinitude , objective dialectic and the subjective activity .

  8. 回顾黑格尔传统的辩证法和马克思主义传统的辩证法以及相关的理论&包括主观辩证法(如自反性之类)和客观辩证法(对抗和矛盾);

    This essay will review various theories of the dialectic , both Hegelian and Marxist : these tend to sort themselves out into subjective ones ( reflexivity and the like ) and objective ones ( antagonism and contradiction ) .

  9. 马克思实践辩证法总体特征表现在:它是人们理论实践过程的对立统一,从这个角度上讲马克思辩证法是客观辩证法;它是历史辩证法。

    Marx practical dialectic general characteristics are those : It is the unity of the course of people practice of theories , from the this aspect Marx 's dialectic is the objective dialectic , It is the historical dialectic ;

  10. 传统观点认为:黑格尔作为一个庞大客观唯心主义哲学体系的建构者和一个天才的辩证法大师,造成其客观唯心主义立场和辩证法不彻底性的最基本原因是其资产阶级的妥协性。

    Traditionally , it is bourgeoisie compromise that makes the incompleteness of Hegelian 's objective idealism and dialectics .