
xiǎo biāo tí
  • subheading;subhead;subtitle;crosshead
小标题[xiǎo biāo tí]
  1. 文本结构:小标题的运用;

    Text structure : using subtitle ;

  2. 小标题C的其余原则都与标准和执行有关。

    The remaining provisions of subtitle C relate to standards and enforcement .

  3. 小标题一律居中。

    Subheads should be placed in the middle of the column . ; Centre the subheads .

  4. 事实上,这个向在线视频增加注释的方法就像为DVD增加小标题一样。

    In fact , this method that adds explanatory note to online video resembles increasing crosshead for DVD same .

  5. 在下面的代码示例中,我提取出html中的所有相关代码,包括页面标题、文本标题和小标题后面的前200个单词

    In the code sample below , I pulled out all the pertinent coding from the html and the top200 words after the title , page heading , and subheading

  6. 探视权执行的标的是行为,而且需要反复执行,这就增加了执行的难度。小标题C的其余原则都与标准和执行有关。

    Because of the sign of execution of visiting power is a behavior , which needs to carry out repeatedly , this increases the difficulties of execution . The remaining provisions of subtitle C relate to standards and enforcement .

  7. 他们的努力成果不能轻易地用几个小标题来加以归纳。

    Their efforts cannot easily be subsumed under a few headings .

  8. 标题和小标题使文章的结构更加清楚。

    Headings and sub-headings further clarify the structure of the article .

  9. 此小标题为“公平信用报告法”。

    This title may be cited as the Fair Credit Reporting Act .

  10. 相反,求职老兵应该在简历中用单独的小标题,专门用来说明自己的忠诚度。

    Instead , create a separate heading under which you state your clearance .

  11. 我看不清银幕上正在放映的小标题。

    I can 't see clearly the subtitle being shown on the screen .

  12. 一个段落应该给出小标题并能减少视觉疲劳,从而使阅读更容易。

    A paragraph provides subtopic definition and visual relief to make reading easier .

  13. 小标题识别的意义和方法

    Significance and Method of Sub - title Recognition

  14. 每一章内都有编了号的小标题。

    The subheadings are numbered within each chapter .

  15. 会有这样的一些小标题,出现在开头。

    It gives you sort of this little title right there at the beginning .

  16. 用样式来标记你的页面元件将使编辑过程迅速。你说你想要更多空间在小标题前面吗?

    Tagging your page elements with styles will make editing a snap , you say you want more space before those sub-heads ?

  17. 第二部分结合本人对这部作品的理解和演奏的感悟,具体分析它的小标题、演奏要点、音乐语言和创作特点等。

    In the second part , I will concrete analyze the key points of pianism and the form with my understanding and experience .

  18. 页面文本标题和小标题应该以适当的方式描述页面,这对于用户和搜索引擎都很重要。

    The page headings and subheadings should describe the page in a way that 's relevant to users as well as search engines .

  19. 因此,你应该试图在标题中写上关键词短语。事实上,你可以认为得加上一些包含关键词短语的小标题。

    Try to include your primary keyword phrases in your headings . In fact , think about inserting extra headings just for this purpose .

  20. 栅格决定你的分栏数量,边空尺寸,标题、小标题、引文和其他页面元件的安排。

    Grids determine the number of columns , margin size , placement of headlines , . subheads , pull quotes , and other page elements .

  21. 第二章由五个小标题组成,从不同的角度阐述了麦尔维尔文化困惑的表现。

    Chapter two , which is about to be composed of five sub-titles , expounds the cultural conflict and bewilderment of identity from different angles .

  22. 世卫组织上月公布了本年度《世界卫生报告》,今年的主题是初级卫生保健,小标题是“过去重要,现在更重要”。

    Last month , WHO issued its World Health Report , this year focused on primary health care and subtitled " Now more than ever " .

  23. 然后我必须准备一个电子数据表格,在不同的小标题下面非常清晰明了地列出每个月的所有收入和支出。

    I then have to prepare an Excel spreadsheet that shows very clearly all the income and expenses I have incurred each month under different sub-headings .

  24. 使用标题:如果你写一篇很长的文章,通过使用标题,将文章划分为一些部分,用小标题来突出主题的改变。

    Using Headings : If you are writing long posts , break up the sections by using headings , small titles to highlight a change of subject .

  25. 介绍了小标题识别在中文信息处理领域中的重要意义,提出了用正规式和自动机理论进行有标号小标题识别的方法。

    This paper introduces the significance of sub-title recognition in natural language processing , and presents the recognition method of sub-title with label using regular expression and automata theory .

  26. 新闻稿快结尾处,也就是在小标题“更新领导团队”下方,写着哪些高管会高升,哪些高管会从现任岗位离职。

    Toward the bottom , under the heading " renewed leadership team , " we learn which executives are being elevated and which will " step down " from their positions .

  27. 如果你把工具栏从边缘移开,它会把自己变成一个有小标题栏的悬浮工具栏,如图23-4所示。

    If a user drags the toolbar away from the edge , it configures itself as a floating toolbar , complete with a mini title bar , as shown in Figure 23-4 .

  28. 您写的一本书现在已经成为媒体的焦点,书名,暂无中文译名,书名小标题,这本书主要关于911后的美国。

    You have written a book , heart of the press , THE IDEA THAT IS AMERICA Keeping Faith with Our Values in a Dangerous World The book is about post-911 America .

  29. 这六首作品是从他先后创作的十几首前奏曲中整理选编而成的一套,每一首都有一个小标题,并载入了他的个人作品选集。

    This six works from his Preludes has created a dozen or so in order into a set of a selection of . Each capital city has a subtitle , and loaded his personal anthology .

  30. 该方法首先对文本进行篇章结构分析,得到段落的位置信息和各级小标题信息;然后综合这些结构信息使用统计方法和启发式规则来提取文档的关键词、关键句,生成文档的摘要。

    The method provided in this paper is to analyze the text structure firstly , obtain the positional information of the paragraph and all levels of subtitles information , then uses statistical methods and the heuristic rule to extract Key words and key sentences , and finally creates the abstract .