
  • 网络small class size;small class;class teaching
  1. 小班教学(每20个学生1个教师)

    Small class size ( 1 teacher to 20 student )

  2. 美国小班教学综述

    A Review on Small Class Size Instruction in America

  3. 这所规模中等的大学位于英格兰中部,可以进行小班教学,并且和罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)、庞巴迪(Bombardier)、丰田(Toyota)等跨国公司有着良好的关系。

    The university boasts small class sizes and good connections with several global companies , like Rolls-Royce , Bombardier and Toyota , which have offices in and around the town of Derby .

  4. 他说,小班教学和个人化关注给与预科学校的学生特有的自信,并使他们能够放松地和权威人物交流,这些又进一步的转换成了他们今后比他们的同龄人高得多的薪金收入。

    That translates to higher wages post-college , compared with their peers .

  5. 可以在沙田试行小班教学。

    Small-class teaching could be implemented in Sha Tin on a trial basis .

  6. 试论英语小班教学

    A Trial Discussion on the Small-scale Teaching of English

  7. 蒙特梭利主张小班教学,这样才能保障老师对每个学生的关注度。

    These programs require small student-to-teacher ratios , which allow for individualized attention .

  8. 精选教材,小班教学,注重培养学习兴趣与高尚品格;

    Small classes to meet the needs and interests of all our students .

  9. 高校思想政治理论课中的小班教学模式探究

    The Probe of the Ideological and political theory of teaching in small classes Mode

  10. 大学英语大班+小班教学模式中小班教学课堂安排

    A Plan for Small Classes of College English

  11. 你是否赞成于中学推行小班教学?

    Whether you agree that Hong Kong secondary schools should implement small class teaching ?

  12. 不少教师甚至认为,合作学习只适合在小班教学进行。

    Many teachers even think that cooperative learning is only suitable for small class teaching .

  13. 小班教学对母亲母乳喂养自信心影响的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis about the effect of small-class teaching on mothers ' self-trust of breast-feeding

  14. 学生享有14/1的学生与教职员比例的小班教学。

    Students enjoy small class sizes with a student to faculty ratio of14 / 1 .

  15. 目的探讨小班教学对提高母亲母乳喂养自信心的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of small-class teaching on mothers ' self-trust of breast-feeding .

  16. 小班教学下个性化阅读的思考与实践

    Considering and Practice in the Fields of Individualized Reading in the Condition of Small Class Teaching

  17. 结论产前小班教学能提高母亲母乳喂养自信心,有助于提高母乳喂养率。

    Conclusion Small class teaching before labor can increase self-trust of breast-feeding and the rate of breast-feeding .

  18. 你是否同意小班教学更能让老师明白和了解你的学习需要?

    Do you agree that teaching in small classes also allow teachers to understand your learning needs more ?

  19. 而许多适合于小班教学的课堂活动在大班中也失去了其有效性。

    And many classroom activities which suit the small-size English class lose their effectiveness in the large-size English classroom .

  20. 小班教学和团队结构是小学教育团队的特色。

    Class sizes are small and a team structure is a feature of the organisation of the junior school .

  21. 小班教学,多种形式的开展,激发学生对体育舞蹈的兴趣。

    The bottom class in kindergarten teaching , many kinds of form development , stimulates the student to the sports dance interest .

  22. 该校采取小班教学制度,使每个学生都能够得到老师的关注,而来自老师的鼓励可以使学生在学习英语方面取得更大更快的进步。

    Our friendly and experienced teachers and administrative staff ensure that each and every student receives the very best in English language tuition .

  23. 观察组100人产前采用小班教学、对照组100人产前采用大班教学;

    100 women in the observation group were taught in small class , while 100 in the control group were taught in large class .

  24. 在学期的前两周,你们可以从上课-复习换到小班教学方式,而且可以从一个复习课程或是一个段落换到另一个。

    During the first two weeks of the semester , you may switch from Lecture to All-Section format , and from one recitation or section to another .

  25. 许多小学生在接受小学义务教育校内美术课的同时,参加小学校外美术教育活动,小学校外美术教学大量运用小班教学的模式。

    Besides accepting compulsory art education in primary schools , many pupils take part in extracurricular activities for art-painting , which adopt a great deal of the small-class teaching models .

  26. 台湾的多元文化教育背景、多元入学渠道和小班教学为台湾多元教学评量方法的实施提供必要的历史条件。

    The historical conditions for multiple teaching assessment methods of Taiwan are the multicultural education background of Taiwan and the diversified channels of entering a school and teaching in small classes .

  27. 但高校的课堂教学控制与中小学不同,大班与小班教学的课堂控制也存在着差异。

    But class control tactics in universities are different from those in high schools and elementary schools , and class control of large classes is also different from that of small classes .

  28. 美国小班教学的理论研究与实践表明:实施小班教学能够使教师给予每一个学生更多的关注时间,从而提高他们的学习成绩。

    The theory and practice of small class size instruction have shown that the small class size instruction can make teachers give much more time for every student so as to improve their studying results .

  29. 在课程设置方面,江苏省体育院校均开设网球普修课,但专项课没有普遍开设;在教学上还并未全部采用符合此项运动特点的小班教学。

    On course , sports academies are set up in Jiangsu Province Tennis Course , but there is no universal set of special classes ; in education has not been fully used in line with the characteristics of the movement of small class teaching .

  30. 小班化教学的人际互动分析

    The Analysis of Human Relations and Interaction in Small Class Teaching