
xiǎo chéng zhèn
  • small-town;townlet
小城镇[xiǎo chéng zhèn]
  1. 小城镇担负解决“三农”问题的主要角色。

    Townlet plays a main role in solving three agricultural problems .

  2. 他们希望这家商店具有小城镇那种朴实热情的形象。

    They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image .

  3. 四周的小城镇已并入这座城市。

    The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city .

  4. 这是座大城市,却给人一个小城镇的印象。

    It 's a big city but it has the feel of a small town .

  5. 印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。

    Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages .

  6. 地图上散布着小城镇的名字。

    The maps were dotted with the names of small towns .

  7. 这一竞选政策意在吸引郊区和小城镇选民。

    It 's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters .

  8. 滑铁卢战役是在比利时的小城镇滑铁卢附近打响的。

    The battle of Waterloo was fought near the Belgian village of waterloo .

  9. 在春季,阿巴拉契亚地区的小城镇为社区举办大型三叶韭晚餐很常见。

    During spring , it is common for small towns in the Appalachian area to hold large ramp dinners for the community .

  10. 因纽特人过去冬天住在冰屋里,但如今,他们中的许多人都住在小城镇的房子里。

    The Inuit people used to live in igloos in winter , but today , many of them live in houses in small towns .

  11. 每逢假日,这个小城镇就活跃起来了

    On holidays the little town wakes up .

  12. 布朗先生居住在一个小城镇里,但后来在城里找到了工作并和他的妻子,两个孩子搬到了城里。

    Mr.Brown lives in a small town , but then he gets a job in a big city and moves there with his wife comes by .

  13. 基于GIS的小城镇固体废弃物管理信息系统研究

    Research of the Small Town Solid Waste Management Information System Based on GIS

  14. 射流曝气SBR在小城镇污水处理中的应用研究

    Application of SBR with Jet Aeration on Treatment of Small-scale Town Sewage

  15. 分析了目前工业控制系统、嵌入式Linux系统以及小城镇、乡村给水系统的现状和趋势,并比较了目前应用比较普遍的各种工业控制系统。

    Analyzing the current actuality and direction of industrial control systems , embedded Linux systems and water supply systems in small towns and villages .

  16. 来自中国农村及小城镇的务工人员一直推动中国一些最大的互联网公司的商业模式,包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)以及滴滴出行。

    Migrants from rural China have fuelled the business models of some of the country 's largest internet companies including Alibaba , Meituan-Dianping , as well as Didi Chuxing .

  17. 本文选择了跨径在20m以上的两种典型小城镇桥型&钢筋混凝土桁架拱桥和钢筋混凝土刚架桥进行研究,探讨了这两种桥型的结构受力特性、构造特点以及施工方法。

    The paper chooses two kinds of typical bridge whose span is over 20m in small town as objects for research , such as reinforced concrete truss arch bridge and reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge . It studies their mechanical characteristics , structural features and construction methods .

  18. 小城镇现代商品流通模式初探现代人口学

    Basic Study on Mode of Modern Commodity Circulation in Small Towns

  19. 经济发达地区小城镇职业教育模式研究

    A Pattern Research of Small Town Vocational Education in Developed Areas

  20. 北京郊区小城镇住宅建设研究初探

    The Research on Residence Construction of Small Town in Beijing Suburb

  21. 重庆都市圈小城镇发展研究

    Study on the Development of Townships in Chongqing 's Urban Circle

  22. 小城镇污水处理一体化技术现状与展望

    The Current Situation and Prospect of Township Wastewater Integrated Treatment Technology

  23. 小城镇旅游景观保护性设计与研究

    The Innovation and Research of the Tourism Features in Small Towns

  24. 推动了小城镇区域经济的发展;

    They have impelled the regional economy development of small towns ;

  25. 现代小城镇消防监督管理探析

    The analysis on fire supervision and management in small modern towns

  26. 小城镇总体规划中给水工程规划探析

    Water-feeding project planning analysis in the general planning of small towns

  27. 小城镇生态监测指标体系及监测方法研究综述

    Review about Ecological Monitoring Index and Monitoring Methods of Little Town

  28. 我国小城镇发展状况、对策与展望

    The Development , Solutions and Prospect of Small Towns in China

  29. 西部小城镇发展模式探析

    Analysis of the Developmental Mode for Small Towns in the West

  30. 事实上,小城镇的市场最适合我。

    Markets in small towns have turned out best for me .