
xiǎo chéng xù
  • applet;small routine
小程序[xiǎo chéng xù]
  1. 国内互联网巨头腾讯公司于1月9日发布“小程序”,可以让用户无需下载和安装便可在微信内互动使用各类程序服务。

    Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched " mini apps " on Monday , which let users interact with app-like services within its instant messaging app WeChat , without having to download and install them .

  2. 这是一个简单的小程序,是用C语言开发的。

    This is a simple small program is the use of C language development .

  3. 用零极点动态控制波形图显示的Java小程序实现方法

    Java Programming Used in Dynamic Displaying of Wave Controlled by Zeros and Poles

  4. 利用JAVA小程序实现求解差分方程的动态演示

    Dynamic displaying wave of difference equation using Java applet

  5. JAVA的小程序,大家可以参考一下,提点意见和建议。

    JAVA small procedures , we can take a look , and recommendations Chidianyijian .

  6. 我使用一个小程序生成了很多CUP工作。

    I have a small program that generates lots of CPU work .

  7. 光链路设计的Java小程序实现

    Optical Link Design Based on Java Applet

  8. 表示网站图上的java小程序或javascript文件。

    Represents a java applet or JavaScript file on your web site map .

  9. 一个判断回文的小程序,是我刚开始学C语言时编的程序之一。

    Judgment of a small program , I have just started to learn the C language when one part of the process .

  10. Bootloader就是在操作系统内核运行之前运行的一段小程序,用来加载操作系统,它的使用大大方便了程序的调试;

    Boot Loader is a short program to load operation system .

  11. VB中显示数据库字段内容小程序的运用

    Application of the Program Displaying the Field Contents of the Data-base in VB

  12. 所以我们做了这个小程序,叫做TouchFX。

    So we did this app , we called it Touch FX .

  13. 转变和转变扩展:产生SIP服务小程序和部署描述符实体

    Transformations and transformation extensions : Generating SIP servlet code and deployment descriptor entries

  14. 作为示例,下面有一个演示Linux中对动态链接库的缺省使用的小程序

    As an example , here is a small program that demonstrates the default use of dynamic libraries in Linux

  15. 顾名思义,启动脚本是真正的Shell脚本,即为实现某些工作而编写的小程序。

    As the name implies , startup scripts are true shell scripts & those little programs you write to achieve some work .

  16. AUTOCAD以实物1∶1绘图,使得文字输入时必须与图纸比例联系起来。文字字高值很不直观,本文介绍的小程序能解决这个问题。

    The paper introduces a small program , which can make the text height perceivable in Auto CAD drawing with scale at 1:1 .

  17. CAD小程序:批量将直线转化为多段线,首尾相接的将会被合并为一条多段线。

    CAD applet : According to set the angle of a straight line and the volume automatically adjusts the initial direction of multi-segment line .

  18. 这是一个简易的浏览器小程序用vc开发的,对学学习和借鉴,是一个很不错的选择。

    It is a simple web browsing program , using VC and is a good example to learn and study .

  19. 这是一个获取计算机网卡详细信息的小程序,如读取MAC地址等。

    This is a computer card access to detailed information on small procedures , such as reading MAC address .

  20. Struts是一个开源框架,它方便网络应用程序的开发者基于Java伺服小程序和其他相关的技术。

    Struts is an open-source framework that facilitates the development of web applications based on Java servlets and other related technologies .

  21. Java技术在Internet上得到广泛应用,但Java小程序(Applet)却极易被非授权者非法使用。

    Java technique has been widely applied in Internet , but Java Applet program is very easy to be illegally used by unauthorized users .

  22. 举例来说,无论任何时候需要一段脚本或小程序,你就可以开始使用Ruby[或任何需要的技术]、慢慢引入新的Web开发平台。

    You can start by using Ruby [ or any desired technology ] whenever a script or small program is needed , for example and introducing the new web development platform slowly .

  23. 在C语言中,函数是很重要的。因为函数具有把代码模块化的功能,通过代码模块化,一个大且复杂的程序能够写成多个小程序的组合。

    In C language , functions are important because they provide a way to ( 69 ) code so that a large complex program can be written by combining many smaller parts .

  24. 用纯C能写出这个小程序,很佩服作者,为大家提供了这么一个学习范例代码,希望研究C的朋友好好研究一番。

    Pure C program to write this little , very much admired authors , as we provide a learning example for such a code , C 's friends want to study some good research .

  25. 下面是使用这种思想的一个小程序(请将下面的代码输入到vectest.c中)

    Here is a short program using these ideas ( enter as vec_test . c )

  26. 我经常用AWK,主要是编写小程序。

    I use AWK a lot for most small programs that I write .

  27. 通常的方法是在FPGA比特流中的一段块RAM(BRAM)内包含一个小程序。

    The usual method is to include a tiny program inside a piece of block RAM ( BRAM ) within the FPGA bitstream .

  28. 我将会开始编写一个新的PHP项目,这是一个小程序,能够将Markdown文件转换为HTML输出。

    I 'm going to begin writing a new PHP project & a small program that will convert Markdown files into HTML output .

  29. 首先,将免费应用下载到iPad上,然后在你的Mac或PC电脑上安装一个在后台运行的配对小程序。

    First , you download the free app to your iPad , then you install a small companion utility on your Mac or PC , which runs in the background .

  30. 您可以下载并运行我们用C编写的一个小程序(请参阅下载部分),来观察TaskManager和PerfMon中显示的这些数量。

    You can explore how these quantities appear in Task Manager and in PerfMon by downloading and running a small program we 've written in C ( see the Download section ) .