
  • 网络yoko;Yoko Ono;Ono Yoko;Yoko Ono Lennon
  1. 约翰‧蓝侬与小野洋子的结婚证书影本与小俩口的CD封面照片。

    A copy of the marriage certificate of John Lennon and Yoko Ono and a CD with a photo of the couple .

  2. 苹果唱片公司由披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼(PaulMcCartney)、林戈·斯塔尔(RingoStarr)以及约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)的遗孀小野洋子(YokoOno)所有。

    This later led to a legal battle between Apple Corp , owned by Beatles band members Paul McCartney , Ringo Starr and John Lennon 's widow Yoko Ono .

  3. 他原来是小野洋子YokoOno的代理律师。当我转过身去的时候,我看见小野洋子正在在一位教练的指导下做伸展运动。

    Turned out he was a New York lawyer representing Yoko Ono and there , when I turned around , was Yoko , doing stretching exercises with a trainer .

  4. 它名叫“14个房间”(14Rooms),由14个小型表演组成,它们由玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇(MarinaAbramovic)、达米恩·赫斯特(DamienHirst)和小野洋子等艺术家创作,他们每人隐藏在一个装镜子的门后的一个小空间里,打开门后,

    Called " 14 Rooms , " it consists of 14 mini-performances created by artists including Marina Abramovic , Damien Hirst and Yoko Ono , each secreted in a small space behind mirrored doors .

  5. 他帮助默多克加深了对一些事物的见解。达洛伊西奥在台上的优异表现,加上背后李嘉诚的雄厚财力,为Summly招来了包括艾什顿?库奇(AshtonKutcher)、小野洋子(YokoOno)、史蒂芬?弗莱(StephenFry)等许多人的捐赠。

    And he was providing insight to Rupert . ' D'Aloisio 's stage presence , coupled with the deep-pocketed credibility brought by Li , attracted a large group of benefactors to Summly , including Ashton Kutcher , Yoko Ono and Stephen Fry .

  6. 约翰?蓝侬于1969年娶了日本艺术家小野洋子。

    John Lennon married Japanese artist Yoko Ono in 1969 .

  7. 你知道约翰蓝侬跟小野洋子的故事吗?

    Do you know the story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono ?

  8. 小野洋子在丈夫“摇滚传奇”约翰·列侬70岁生日时深谈怀念。

    Rock Legends widow remembers Lennon on his 70 years old birthday .

  9. 很难相信小野洋子现在已经77岁了。

    It is hard to believe that Yoko Ono is 77 now .

  10. 好吧把小野洋子的照片拿来瞧瞧

    Fine . Show me the pictures of Yoko .

  11. 约翰和小野洋子在1970年代的反战运动中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    John and Yoko played key roles in the anti-war movement in the 1970s .

  12. 今天,约翰列侬的妻子小野洋子也评论了迈克尔杰克逊的死亡。

    Today , John Lennon 's wife Yoko Ono commented on the death of Michael Jackson .

  13. 伉俪情深的小野洋子和约翰·列侬。

    Valid John and Yoko Ono .

  14. 在辛西娅发现丈夫同日本艺术家小野洋子有婚外情后,夫妇俩于1986年离婚。

    The couple divorced in 1968 after Cynthia discovered her husband 's affair with Japanese artist Yoko Ono .

  15. 艺术家兼约翰·列侬遗孀小野洋子:当然不知道,真的不知道。

    YOKO ONO , ARTIST AND WIDOW OF JOHN LENNON : Of course not . Of course not .

  16. 1969年的今天,约翰·列侬和小野洋子在蒙特利尔的伊丽莎白女王酒店开始他们的第二次“床上请求和平”行动。

    1969-John Lennon and Yoko Ono begin their second Bed-In for Peace at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal .

  17. 还是算了吧,我宁可边循环播放小野洋子的歌,边往指甲里扎竹片。

    No thanks , I 'd rather shove bamboo under my fingernails while listening to Yoko Ono songs on repeat .

  18. 《360°全面视野》安德森·库珀:今晚,我们很高兴能为你带来小野洋子的独家专访。

    ANDERSON COOPER , AC 360 ° : Tonight , a 360 exclusive we 're really excited to bring you-Yoko Ono .

  19. 在伦敦,音乐家约翰列侬和他的妻子小野洋子以前未见的照片,陈列在邦汉姆拍卖行。

    A previously unseen photograph of musician John Lennon and his wife , Yoko Ono , is displayed at Bonhams auction house in London .

  20. 每一个人,从德斯蒙德·图图到哈利王子,从希拉里·克林顿到小野洋子,都在9月20日后对我们表示支持,或者和我们取得了联系。

    Everyone , from Desmond Tutu to Prince Harry to Hillary Clinton to Yoko Ono have issued their support or contacted us since September 20th .

  21. 1969年,乔治对保罗不发行自己的歌曲和列侬采纳小野洋子而不是他的建议感到十分生气。

    In 1969 , George was getting angry at Paul for suppressing his songs and was furious at Lennon for taking Yoko 's advice over his .

  22. 在具有决定性的一天,看过约翰的星象,阿什伯顿-邓宁告诉列侬让他与小野洋子分手,回到前妻辛西娅身边。

    One fateful day , after examining John 's horoscope , Ashburton-Dunning told Lennon to break up with Yoko Ono and return to his first wife , Cynthia .

  23. 在1969年的越战期间约翰·列侬和小野洋子举行了一次长达两周的“床上请求和平”行动,以非暴力手段表达他们对战争的抗议和对和平的追求。

    During the Vietnam War in1969 John Lennon and Yoko Ono held two week-long Bed-Ins for Peace , which were their non-violent ways of protesting wars and promoting peace .

  24. 约翰列侬的第二任妻子小野洋子也说道:她有一颗追求生活的热心,我为我们在坚定地站在披头士家族中感到骄傲。

    John Lennon 's second wife Yoko Ono added : She had such a strong zest for life and I felt proud how we two women stood firm in the Beatles family .

  25. 乔治试图增强音乐自信,保罗越来越像老板,约翰总带着小野洋子去录音棚——这些改变了乐队的习惯。

    George was trying to assert himself musically , Paul was becoming rather bossy , and John kept bringing Yoko Ono into the studio , which threw off the band 's groove .

  26. 艺术家兼约翰·列侬遗孀小野洋子:好的,我当时正在筹办一场展览,我在伦敦梅森苑的因迪卡画廊举办自己的艺术展。

    YOKO ONO , ARTIST AND WIDOW OF JOHN LENNON : Oh , OK . Well , I was doing a show , my own art show in Indica Gallery in Mason ( 's ) Yard in London .