
  • 网络MANO;manor;MANOA
  1. 然而大多数学校不具备马诺新科技高中拥有的财政支持。

    Most schools , however , do not have the financial support that Manor New Technology receives .

  2. 马诺新科技高中有332名学生,其中68%(的学生)是少数民族,同时有52%(的学生)来自贫困家庭。

    Manor New Technology has 332 students , 68 percent are from ethnic or racial minorities , 52 percent are from poor families .

  3. “人类的头骨?”马诺打破沉默问道。

    A human skull ? " Mano asked , breaking the silence . '

  4. 在他们之中,马诺和刘云超争议比较大。

    Among them , Ma Nuo and Liu Yunchao have stirred extensive controversy .

  5. 王文清还说,同理,像马诺这样所谓的物质女孩也代表了一部分社会群体。

    Similarly , said Wang , so-called material girls like Ma also represent a section of society .

  6. 评论家指出,马诺的言论揭示了当今盛行的不健康态度:人们牺牲情感以换取物质利益。

    Critics said Ma ` s comments showed a prevailing unhealthy attitude where people will sacrifice emotional feelings for materialistic gains .

  7. 突然间,他有一种后悔走近这个女人的想法。“那你之后做了什么?”马诺插话道。

    Suddenly , he regretted coming up to this woman . ' So what you do after ? " Mano cut in . ' What y'think ?

  8. 子弹从他的右侧头部穿过,经过眼窝后面,最终停留在他的鼻腔内。万幸的是,桑格马诺并未受到很严重的伤害。

    The bullet went through the right side of his head , behind his eye socket and lodged in his nasal passage but miraculously did no serious damage .

  9. 去年,江苏的一档相亲节目的选手马诺宣称,她宁可在宝马里哭,也不在自行车上笑,因此臭名昭著。

    Ma Nuo , a contestant on a Jiangsu dating show , became infamous last year for declaring that she 'd rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle .

  10. 像马诺这样22岁的物质女孩使《非诚勿扰》及其竞争对手《我们约会吧》一跃成为中国最著名的电视节目。

    Material girls such as Ma , 22 , have rocketed If You Are the One and its rival dating show , Take Me Out , to the summit of Chinese television fame .

  11. “是的,马诺老弟,肯定不是动物的,我告诉你!跟人类的一模一样!”随着我故事的进展,沉默的氛围不断加深。

    Yeah , boy , Mano , couldn 't be no animal , telling you ! That was as human as human coulda be ! " The silence deepen and deepen as I went along .

  12. 去年,江苏的一档相亲节目的选手马诺宣称,她“宁可在宝马里哭,也不在自行车上笑”,因此臭名昭著。愤怒的网民将她的话作为新证据,证明中国的新富为了追求稍纵即逝的物质财富而放弃精神追求。

    Ma Nuo , a contestant on a Jiangsu dating show , became infamous last year for declaring that she 'd " rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle . " Outraged netizens took her comments as fresh evidence that China 's new rich had sacrificed inner fulfillment for the fleeting pleasures of material wealth .