
  • 网络marxist party;Marxist political Party;Marxist political Party.
  1. 学习是马克思主义政党的重要特质和前进基础。

    Learning is the characteristic and developing basis of Marxist party .

  2. 论马克思主义政党先进性理论在中国的历史发展

    Discussion on the Historical Development of Progressiveness Theory of Marxist Party in China

  3. 马克思主义政党思想理论建设的基本经验及其创新

    New Exploration of Ideological and Theoretical Building of Marxist Political Parties

  4. 执政基础问题,是关系马克思主义政党前途命运的重大课题。

    Ruling foundation is the destiny of the Marxist political party .

  5. 摘要先进性是马克思主义政党性质的集中体现。

    The advanced quality is the central manifestation of Marxism party nature .

  6. 马克思主义政党建设的理论创新&第三代领导集体对党建理论的丰富和发展

    On Theory Innovation in the Construction of Marxist Party

  7. 党代表大会制度是马克思主义政党的根本制度。

    The Party congresses serve as the fundamental system of the Marxist party .

  8. 学习是马克思主义政党固有的本质特征。

    Learning is inherent in the essential characteristics of the Marxist political party .

  9. 实现人的全面发展是马克思主义政党的终极理想。

    To realize people 's entire development is the terminal ideal of Marxian polity .

  10. 党的先进性建设是马克思主义政党的根本性建设。

    The construction of party 's advance is a core duty of Marxism party .

  11. 坚持马克思主义政党的性质必须全面体现三个代表

    Keeping Essence of Marxist Political Party Must Refect the Important Thought of the Three Represents

  12. 马克思主义政党的政治品质如何,是跟它的阶级基础与理论基础即无产阶级和马克思主义基本原理的本质特征密切相关的。

    The political quality of Marxist party depends on its class basic and theoretical basis .

  13. 事实上,学习是马克思主义政党与生俱来的高贵品质。

    In fact , learning is the natural and honorable quality of the Marxism Party .

  14. 马克思主义政党的先进性,源于思想理论的先进性。

    The progressiveness of the Marxism political party is source to its advanced theories and thoughts .

  15. 论马克思主义政党学说与时俱进的理论品格

    On the theoretical character of keeping in step with the times of Marxist theory on political party

  16. 我们党是一个勇于正视历史,善于总结经验教训的马克思主义政党。

    Our party is a Marxist party good at facing the history and summarizing the experiences and lessons .

  17. 全球化与马克思主义政党的产生、发展及其所走过的战略道路有着深刻的内在联系。

    Globalization is inextricably linked with the birth , development and the strategic road of Marxist political parties .

  18. 马克思主义政党只有赢得青年,才能赢得未来。

    Marxist political party can gain the future only if it can win the heart of the youth .

  19. 保持先进性始终是马克思主义政党建设的一个核心问题。

    Maintaining the party 's progressiveness is a core question throughout the construction of the political party of Marxism .

  20. 中国的多党合作理论,是马克思主义政党理论中的一个重要组成部分。

    The theory of multi-party cooperation in China , is an important part of the theoryof the Marxist party .

  21. 一个真正的马克思主义政党在执政以后,必须有一条马克思主义的政治路线,把发展作为自己的中心任务;

    A real Marxist political party must have a Marxist political route regarding the development as own center mission ;

  22. 实行宗教信仰自由政策,是马克思主义政党对待宗教的正确态度,是马克思主义宗教观的重要内容。

    Free religious belief policy is the correct religious attitude of Marxist parties and the core of Marxist religious viewpoint .

  23. 对于马克思主义政党来说,党的先进性建设必须以思想建设与理论创新为先导。

    To Marxism political party , the advanced construction of the party must regard thought construction and theory innovation as the guide .

  24. 其理论意义在于丰富和发展了马克思主义政党建设理论的宝库。

    Its significance lies in theory has enriched and developed the Marxist theory on the building of a reservoir of political parties .

  25. 物化标准是核心,价值标准是马克思主义政党区别于其他类型政党的根本政治标志。

    And the value criterion is a fundamental political sign that sets apart a Marxist political Party from any other political parities .

  26. 马克思主义政党理论是研究无产阶级政党产生、发展和自身建设规律的科学。

    The Marx doctrine political theory is the study of the proletarian party generation , development and construction of oneself of science .

  27. 马克思主义政党先进性理论的创新与发展&十六大以来我们党关于先进性建设的新思想及其重要意义

    Innovation and Development of Marxist Parties ' Progressiveness Theory-New Thought and Significance of Progressiveness Construction of the Party Since the 16th National Congress

  28. 对人类社会发展规律的认识,是马克思主义政党制定纲领路线的基本依据。

    The knowledge of the development law of human society is the basic foundation for Marxist party drawing up the programme and line .

  29. 五是总体传播效果显著,奠定了建设马克思主义政党之理论基石。

    The fifth , the effect of dissemination is notable and large , which lays a foundation for Party building and country building .

  30. 我们党始终保持马克思主义政党本色,永不脱离群众和具有蓬勃活力。

    Our party will always remain a Marxist party , will never be divorced from the people and will be full of vitality .