
mǎ dá jiā sī jiā
  • Madagascar
马达加斯加[mǎ dá jiā sī jiā]
  1. 马达加斯加是我去过的最迷人的地方。

    Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to

  2. 马达加斯加生态系统类型多样,从雨林到半荒漠等不一而足。

    Madagascar 's ecosystems range from rainforest to semi-desert .

  3. 看需要达到多少人才可以解释线粒体DNA在马达加斯加岛产生的变异情况。

    would have been needed to explain the variation in mitochondrial DNA in Madagascar .

  4. 除去《神偷奶爸》和《怪物史瑞克》,另外三部票房成绩不菲的动画电影是冰川时代(IceAge),《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)和皮克斯动画工厂出品的系列动画《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)。

    The other three highest-grossing animated franchises below Despicable Me and Shrek is Ice Age , Madagascar and Pixar series Toy Story .

  5. “如果这些动物从马达加斯加岛上消失了,那么它们也就永远的消失了”,国际野生动物保护组织(ConvervationInternational,CI,保护国际)主席这样说道。

    " If we lose these animals on Madagascar , they 're gone forever ," says Russell Mittermeier , president of the wildlife group Conservation International ( CI ) .

  6. Cox博士最近在学术期刊《皇家学会进展》(ProceedingsoftheRoyalSociety)发表的文章中对266名马达加斯加人进行DNA抽样,同现有的2745名印尼人的DNA样品进行了比对,得出了以上结论。

    He drew this conclusion , just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society , by sampling the DNA of 266 Malagasy people and comparing it with existing samples from 2745 Indonesians .

  7. 到了十九世纪中期MTT来分发从西北海岸的非洲,马达加斯加和从土耳其黑海沿岸的,马斯喀特。

    By the mid-19th century the MTT had come to circulate from the northwest coast of Africa to Madagascar and from the Turkish coast of the Black Sea to Muscat .

  8. 《马达加斯加3》由维亚康姆(ViacomInc.)旗下的派拉蒙影业公司(ParamountPictures)发行,在除美国之外的28个国家获得了7550万美元的票房收入,其中包括中国、俄罗斯和巴西。

    Madagascar 3 , distributed by Viacom Inc 's Paramount Pictures , earned an additional $ 75.5 million in 28 foreign countries , including China , Russia and Brazil .

  9. 韩国大宇物流(DaewooLogistics)获得了马达加斯加农田的使用权,用以种植供给首尔的粮食作物。外交官和顾问人士表示,此项交易是同类交易中规模最大的一笔。

    Daewoo Logistics of South Korea has secured farmland in Madagascar to grow food crops for Seoul , in a deal that diplomats and consultants said was the largest of its kind .

  10. 同年,她前往马达加斯加,在艾莱科儿童保护中心与参加UNICEF项目的儿童一起玩耍,并传授他们知识。

    That same year , she traveled to Madagascar where she spent time teaching and playing with children attending UNICEF programs at the Ilaiko Child Protection Centre .

  11. 在今后两年内,马达加斯加还将从FTI得到5000万美元。

    Madagascar will receive another $ 50 million in the next two years from the FTI .

  12. 东部型ELNino事件发生时热带印度洋海温普遍升高,尤以马达加斯加岛北偏东海域为甚;

    During El Nino years , the anomalous SST decreases in the east but increases in the northwest and south-middle of the tropical Indian Ocean , specially in east of Madagascar Island .

  13. 灵长类动物学家IrisDr·scher和PeterKappeler将注意力集中在七对结为夫妇的白足运动型狐猴身上。这些狐猴生活在马达加斯加岛南部的一个自然保护区中。

    Primatologists Iris Dr · scher and Peter Kappeler concentrated on seven sets of pair-bonded members of a species called white-footed sportive lemurs , at a nature reserve in southern Madagascar .

  14. 马达加斯加总理罗杰·库卢(RogerKolo)和工业部长朱尔斯·艾蒂安·罗兰德(JulesEtienneRolland)已经表示要妥善处置骚乱。

    Madagascar Prime Minister Roger Kolo and the country 's industry minister , Jules Etienne Rolland , have pledged to try to resolve the situation .

  15. Cox博士和他的同事们因此能进行印尼人和马达加斯加人线粒体基因组的数据比对,从而推断出原本相同的线粒体DNA天各一方后发生的任何遗传变化都是源于一些罕见的基因突变。

    Dr Cox and his colleagues were therefore able to make a statistical comparison of Indonesian and Malagasy mitochondrial genomes knowing that any changes which had occurred since they separated would be the result of rare mutations . These can be spotted and accounted for .

  16. 由于已确定马达加斯加人和印尼人的DNA是在约1200年前分开的——这与考古学家们统计得出的马达加斯加成为殖民地的时间相近,接着Cox博士带领的小组就开始对随机抽取的那一时期的数据进行女性人数的解析,

    Having confirmed that Malagasy and Indonesian DNA separated about 1200 years ago , which is statistically close to the date archaeologists suggest Madagascar was colonised , the team then asked their data how many women , drawn at random from the Malay Archipelago of that period ,

  17. Bashir说,“快速通道动议”的资助意味着马达加斯加将能够更迅速地得到更多的赠款资助:在两年内,而不是世界银行项目的七年。

    Bashir says Fast Track funding means Madagascar will get more financing as a grant much more quickly-over two years , versus seven under the World Bank project .

  18. 科学家们从马达加斯加东部的雨林中搜集的树皮中提取了一种名为tazopsine的新型分子。

    Scientists isolated a new molecule , tazopsine , from bark collected in Madagascar 's eastern rain forest .

  19. 生物化石专家最近在马达加斯加岛上新发现了一种“魔鬼蛙”(Beelzebufo希腊语:魔鬼)化石,据介绍,这种蛙类主要以恐龙幼崽为食。

    According to fossil experts , the Beelzebufo frog , newly-discovered on the island of Madagascar , dined on baby dinosaurs .

  20. 这样,中国的网民就可以访问英文报纸的网页,以及用他们那非凡的汉语来阅读其上的内容,甚至进一步阅读用Malagasy马达加斯加语写的博客,或用Galician加利西亚语写Twitte推特。

    Chinese web-surfer could then visit an English newspaper website and read all the content in excellent Mandarin , before moving on to read blog entries written in Malagasy or Twitter posts in Galician .

  21. 马达加斯加总统拉瓦卢马纳纳被推翻三个月之后,南非举行特别峰会。在会议的最后,SADCC敦促各方停止暴力活动。

    At the end of a special summit in South Africa held three months after Madagascar President Marc Ravalomanana was ousted , SADCC urged all sides to refrain from violence .

  22. 产于马达加斯加岛至热带亚洲和新几内亚的附生蕨类植物。

    Epiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea .

  23. 这部野生动物纪录片描绘了在马达加斯加发现的稀有种类。

    The wildlife documentary described the rare species found in madagascar .

  24. 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫。

    Monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets .

  25. 这是一处私人保护区,是马达加斯加最知名的野生动物景点。

    This private reserve is Madagascar 's most popular wildlife destination .

  26. 促进非洲和马达加斯加教育文化发展大学协会

    University Association for Educational and Cultural Development in Africa and Madagascar

  27. 在马达加斯加军警逮捕两名罢工领袖后,冲突扩大。

    Confrontation escalated after Madagascar security forces arrested two strike leaders .

  28. 说他们正在召回某些马达加斯加香草可可。

    Louis , said it was recalling certain Madagascar Vanilla cocoa .

  29. 非洲马达加斯加一百五十三人死于神秘病毒。

    153 people died of mysterious virus in Madagascar in africa .

  30. 但没有人真正关心第三马达加斯加电影?

    But does anyone really care about a third Madagascar film ?