
liè bǔ
  • hunt
猎捕 [liè bǔ]
  • [hunt] 捕猎

  1. 海蛞蝓有三千多个品种许多专门猎捕一种猎物

    There are over 3000 species , many hunt just one specific prey .

  2. 在47年的漫长搜索之后,物理学家们不会这么轻易放弃这场猎捕。

    After a 47-year-long search , physicists would not give the hunt up that lightly .

  3. 一只大野猫在捕杀了58只羊羔后遭到猎捕。

    A giant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered .

  4. 你赞成猎捕狐狸吗?

    Do you approve of hunting after foxes ?

  5. 我们怎么能够猎捕金枪鱼直到它们即将灭绝?

    How we are capable of hunting bluefin tuna to extinction .

  6. 我在非洲度假,猎捕动物。

    I 'm on holiday in Africa , hunting for animals .

  7. 绿色和平组织说日本将增加猎捕量达到935只。

    Greenpeace says the Japanese would increase the catch to 935 .

  8. 我们用一生来猎捕这个魔鬼。

    Our whole lives have been searching for this demon .

  9. 绿色和平组织声称本季日本计画猎捕935只小须鲸。

    Greenpeace says Japan plans to take 935 minke whales this season .

  10. 比起观光来,他们更喜欢猎捕野兽?

    They liked hunting wild animals for fun more than going sightseeing .

  11. 青蛇是猎捕蚯蚓的专家。

    The smooth green snake is a specialist worm hunter .

  12. 常为了娱乐或取其毛皮而遭人类猎捕。

    They have often been hunted for sport or fur .

  13. 用狗把熊追到树上并猎捕它。

    Chase a bear up a tree with dogs and kill it .

  14. 还说他的工作是,猎捕北极小海豹

    he said that his job was an arctic baby seal hunter ,

  15. 然而,一些人并不赞同猎捕鲨鱼。

    Some people , however , do not approve of catching sharks .

  16. 野生动物保护人士担心,中国的圈养场有可能鼓励印度的猎捕行为。

    Conservationists worry the farms in China could encourage poaching in India .

  17. 早期人类猎捕动物和收集野生植物。

    Early humans hunted animals and gathered wild plants .

  18. 这是一种独特猎捕策略的模糊提示

    a faint hint of a unique hunting tactic .

  19. 他的工作就是猎捕邪恶的灵魂以获得奖金。

    His job is hunting evil for the soul of the prize money .

  20. 严寒的环境迫使他们闯入村子猎捕食物。

    The freezing conditions have forced them into villages in search of food .

  21. 人们猎捕鹿类以取其肉、皮和角

    " They are hunted for their meat , hides , and antlers . "

  22. 不论猎捕到公角鲸或母角鲸,因纽特人绝不浪费丝毫可用之物。

    Whether they catch a male or female narwhal , the Inuit waste nothing .

  23. 一个为了猎取皮毛而设陷阱猎捕动物的人。

    Someone who traps animals for their furs .

  24. 因此它们必须要速度很快才能躲过猎捕。

    That means they have a need for speed in order to escape capture .

  25. 如果狼人在猎捕吸血鬼我肯定知道

    Well , if werewolves are hunting vampires , I would know about it .

  26. 自从我被圈进狗仔队猎捕的前男友名单里。

    Ever since I landed on the paparazzi 's list of ex-boyfriends to hound .

  27. 它们的猎捕意味着其他的鱼类数量不会变得过多。

    Their hunting means that other fish do not become too great in number .

  28. 我把整个猎捕的画面都拍下来了。

    I took pictures of the whole chase .

  29. 早期的人类将许多物种猎捕殆尽

    Early Humans Hunted Many Species to Extinction

  30. 现在,他要唤醒全世界注意每年一次的海豚猎捕行动。

    Now he wants to bring the annual dolphin hunt to the world 's consciousness .