
liè zhuāng
  • safari suit;hunting jacket
猎装[liè zhuāng]
  1. 它不再像是件军装,而是变成了一件游猎装。

    It took it out of a military context and into a safari style .

  2. 她很快发现:在所有的男式服装中,猎装最为合适。

    She soon found out that of all manly dresses a shooting jacket was the most becoming .

  3. 转子和定子成品然后装配进中央电机壳装置内。配松紧子弹带的猎装背心

    The finished rotor and stator unit is then assembled into a central motor housing unit . hunting vest with elastic loop for shells

  4. 身穿牛仔裤、猎装夹克,戴着黑色围巾的瓦克斯瓦尼斯完全是那种侠客记者的模样,他辩称,对他的指控具有政治动机。

    Looking every bit the crusading journalist in his jeans , safari jacket and dark scarf , Mr vaxevanis argued that the case against him was politically motivated .

  5. 第二天,那个王子身着黄色猎装,假装打猎,又来到了城堡下,他们对望了两个小时。

    The next day , under the pretext of going hunting , the king 's son returned , dressed in yellow , and they stared at each other this time for two hours ;

  6. 事实上,他们有十五个或二十个人光景,都是穿着绿色猎装的绅士,带着马儿,有的坐在马鞍子上,有的站在马儿脑袋边。在这群人的中央,有人拉着马镫以便另一个人跨上马去。

    In reality there were about fifteen or twenty of them , all gentlemen in green huntingdress , with their horses ; some in the saddle and some standing by their horses ' heads . In the centre someone was holding the stirrup for a man to mount .