
  • 网络Classic
  1. 传世经典之作。

    The classics spreading in the world .

  2. 马友友,国际最顶尖的大提琴演奏家之一,精彩演绎巴赫的传世经典。

    Yo-Yo Ma , one of the greatest cellists , in Bach 's monumental works for solo cello .

  3. 世界名曲精选,传世经典。她是流行歌曲的名歌星。

    Outstanding examples of world-famous melodies are classics handed down from one generation to another . She is a famous pop star .

  4. 中外传世经典文学艺术作品都是情意互证两不偏废的。

    The literary and art works that can last forever all give equal emphasis to emotion and meaning with each supporting the other .

  5. 在经济大萧条的1929年,设计师让.巴杜却将极其昂贵的珍贵香料调和成了这瓶传世经典,那些极其讲究的香料里包括了格拉斯的茉莉花以及保加利亚玫瑰。

    The perfumer - Jean Patou - created a scandal in the oppressed days of the Depression back in 1929 by combining an extradionary large amount of expensive ingredients including Jasmine from Grasse and Damascene Rose from Bulgaria .

  6. 并在此后的十余年里,纵横驰骋、战功卓绝,留下了诸如特拉西美诺湖战役、坎尼大捷等传世的经典战例。

    In the next ten years , he had brilliant achievements in war and left behind a classic examples handed down , such as the Tracy Miele Lake battle and the Cannae victory .