
  • 网络traditional films
  1. 数字化技术对传统电影的改变

    The Change of the Traditional Films under the Effects of the Digital Technology

  2. 微电影是传统电影与网络视频相结合的产物。

    Micro films are the product of the combination of traditional films and online videos .

  3. 为使传统电影继续延续下去,电影胶片将成为艺术家电影院的珍品。

    Celluloid will become a curiosity in art house cinemas determined to keep traditional film going .

  4. 差异性,这个对传统电影美学至关重要的因素,正在悄然退步。

    The difference , which is the essential factor of traditional film aesthetic , is quietly going backwards .

  5. 第三章通过与传统电影技术相比较,简述数字电影技术在哪些方面占有优势,又在哪些方面有所局限。

    The third section presents the advantages of digital cinema technology and limitations by comparison with the traditional film technology .

  6. 运用传统电影制作技术和表现手段创作的科幻电影依然有其独特的艺术魅力。

    The science fiction films using some traditional techniques and means of expression will have their proper artistic charm too .

  7. 他的电影不排斥传统电影的叙事功能,又不是经典意义上的电影故事叙述者。

    Firstly , although Huang 's movies aren 't exclusive from the traditional movie narration , they are not classic stories narrators .

  8. 传统电影作品的主流形式是以正而人物、情节为主,来讲述故事,表达哲理,反映人类社会生活。

    The main form of traditional film works focus on positive characters and plots , tell the story and express the philosophy .

  9. 摘要《公民凯恩》是现代电影的滥觞之作,是划分现代电影与传统电影的转折点。

    Citizen Kaen is the originate work of the modern films and the turning point of the distinction between the modern and traditional films .

  10. 五十年代,印度传统电影模式发展到一定阶段,应运而生兴起新电影运动。

    Fifty years , the development of traditional Indian movie mode to a certain stage , the rise of a new film movement came into being .

  11. 从传播内容上看,短影视与传统电影又有很大的不同,有着属于自己独特风格的传播内容与创作特征。

    From the point of view dissemination of content , the short film is different from the traditional film in style of communication content and creative features .

  12. 第一,结构的独树一帜,改变了传统电影的单一线性结构,给影片增添了交流空间和审美价值。

    First , the structure became an independent school , changing the single linear structure of the traditional film and adding exchanging space and aesthetic value to the film .

  13. 因此,比较传统电影与当代实践基础上的艺术(其根源在电影)以更好地理解我们生活中发生的事情不失为一件有趣的事情。

    Thus , it is interesting to compare the traditional film and the contemporary time based art that has its roots in film to better understand what has happened to our life .

  14. 第四章分析女性电影对于传统电影语言的批判,通过对镜头语言的女性化解读,解析出女性电影特有的电影语言。

    The third chapter , analysis of female film for traditional film language criticism , women on the streets of language to solve read , parse the unique female film film language .

  15. 无论在传统电影批评还是现代电影批评的领域,类型批评都是重要的不可或缺的批评方法之一。它的研究对象类型电影的产生是大工业生产和艺术审美合力的产物;

    Not only traditional field but also modern field need genre film criticism , the research object of which is genre films derived from modern industrial production and mass aesthetic value of arts .

  16. 第二章论述了数字化电影的概念,并指出数字化电影给传统电影所带来的冲击以及对生产和销售的革命性影响。

    Chapter 2 describes the concept of Digital movie and indicates that Digital movie will bring on revolutionized impact to the traditional movie as well as productivity and box office value of movie .

  17. 中国新生代导演以叛逆的姿态登上中国影坛,表现出与中国传统电影截然不同的特征。

    The Chinese film directors born in the 1960s and 1970s climbed onto the movie circles with rebellious postures . The films directed by them are completely different from the traditional Chinese films .

  18. 从理论上来说,互动是网络电影传播区别于传统电影和网络点播电影的本质,它对网络电影的发展具有不可忽略的作用。

    Theoretically , inter-motion distinguishes internet movie from traditional movie and the selection of movie on internet . It can be said that inter-motion plays an important role in the development of internet movie .

  19. 作为一项整合电影艺术与广告艺术的现代营销手法,植入式广告的兴起改变了传统电影的制作方式,将电影的媒体功能放大利用,俨然成为一个绝佳的广告平台。

    As a modern marketing strategy which combines film art and advertising art , implanted advertisements have changed the production method of traditional films which make use of the media function of films in a maximum way .

  20. 数字技术与电影业的联姻产生了数字化电影,这种全新的电影制作方式给传统电影尤其是中国电影带来了很大的冲击。

    The combination of digital technology with movie industry made digital movie come into being . The brand - new mode of film - making brought great impact on traditional movie industry , especially the movie industry of China .

  21. 作为中国传统电影的主要类型之一,伦理情节剧电影往往寄托着广大观众的道德愿望,反映着一个时期的社会热点和人民心态,一直以来深受广大观众的喜爱。

    As a main type of Chinese traditional movie , ethics drama movie has all along been the favorite of Chinese audience because it carries on the moral wishes of the audience and reflects the social hot issue and mass psychology of a certain period .

  22. 通过这种正名,也就将早期间谍电影的发展阶段予以重新认定,从而在填补传统电影史书所忽视之处的同时,也试图纠正存在的某些不太严谨的表述。

    And by means of the rectification of names , we can reaffirmed the development phase of the early Spy movies , and fill the blanks of the traditional books on the China film history . Meanwhile , try to correct various formulations that may be not precise .

  23. 3D电视有别于传统立体电影:有了3D电视,观众就不需要戴上特制的眼镜。

    3D televisions are different from traditional3D movies.With3D TV , viewers won 't need to wear special glasses .

  24. 然而从传统的电影制作模式向数字化电影制作模式改革的过程并非都是一帆风顺的,常常面临着重重障碍,中国电影数字化制作方式的改革就是如此。

    However , it is not easy to reform from the traditional model to the digital model .

  25. 此外,互联网平台的崛起挑战了(而且还可能会取代)传统的电影推介和发行方式。

    Furthermore , the growth of internet platforms is challenging and may potentially replace traditional film promotion and distribution methods .

  26. 第三章就电影片名的来源、主要特点、和传统的电影片名翻译方法和理论依据做了说明。

    Chapter three explains sources and main features of film titles , and the traditional translation methods and theoretical basis to film title translation .

  27. 传统德国电影的崩溃终于令电影的经济基础坍塌了,从理念到实践我们都抵制这种电影制作模式。

    The collapse of the conventional German film finally removes the economic basis for a mode of filmmaking whose attitude and practice we reject .

  28. 华语电影研究与传统中国电影研究之间的微妙差异背后,存在一系列新概念、新思路和新方法。

    Underlying the subtle difference between the studies of cinema-in-Chinese and the Chinese cinema studies are a series of new concepts , new ways of thinking and new methods .

  29. 根据电影叙事是否依据一个形式惯例传统,电影理论把电影分为类型电影和非类型电影。

    According to the film narration based on the modal tradition or not , the movie theories are divided into the genre film and the none - genre film .

  30. 画外音作为电影人声的一部分,它的出现,改变了传统的电影叙事方式,也丰富了电影的叙事话语。

    Voice over is one part of the film voice , when it has appeared , it has changed the traditional way of film narrative and enriched film narrative discourse .