
  1. 大话西游之HR管理篇

    Chapter of HR Management of Gossip of Journey to The West

  2. 江湖险恶,我从来都不轻易留下我的姓名!(大话西游)

    The world is dangerous , I never left my name .

  3. 大话西游:跑都跑得那样帅,我喜欢。

    He is so handsome even when he run , I like .

  4. 后现代主义观照下中国影视剧研究&以《大话西游》为例

    Analysis of Chinese TV drama from the perspective of postmodernism

  5. 话说周奔驰“大话西游”之后,将无数的英语书架在肩上,大踏步而回。

    After his western odyssey , Zhou Benchi strolled back with loads of English learning books .

  6. 《大话西游》表明,他更加专注于电影制作方面。

    He became more concerned with the production side of movie-making with the Journey to the West ( Dahua Xiyou ) .

  7. 周奔驰:我的梦想是象“大话西游”中的孙悟空一样,借出差的机会到世界各国转一圈。

    My dream is to travel all around the world while on a business trip just like Sun Wukong in the West Odyssey .

  8. 我决定说一个谎话我爱你论会话含义理论在《大话西游》经典台词中的体现

    " I decide to tell a lie I love you " On The Embodiment of Theory of Conversational Implicature in the Classic Lines of Chinese Odyssey

  9. 周奔驰开始痛苦地反思:自己虽说在“大话西游”期间,借周游世界之机,积攒了不少财宝,坐拥“奔驰”车数辆。

    Zhou began his self-reflection : During my western odyssey I traveled a lot of places and gathered a lot of treasure including several Benz cars .

  10. 通过对《哈姆莱特》、《阿甘正传》、《大话西游》等五个具有代表性的后现代改编文本进行分析,来展示文学改编成电影的具体过程,并指出其中的后现代意味。

    Postmodern Sense and the New Realistic Novelty Through the analysis of five representative post-modern films , it tries to show the detailed process of filming from literature .

  11. 短短几年,《大话西游》从一部“颠覆经典权威”的后现代主义电影,演变为流行于校园和网络的文化现象。

    Within no years , from a post-modern movie of " overthrowing the classic authority ", West Odyssey has become the most popular cultural phenomenon on campuses and in the Internet .

  12. 星爷上一部电影《大话西游:西游降魔篇》在2013年收获12.4亿票房(约1.94亿美元)。

    Chow 's last film , Journey to the West : Conquering the Demons , earned more than 1.24 billion yuan ( $ 194 million ) from the box office in 2013 .

  13. 电影“大话西游”中有这样一个情节:在绞刑架上唐僧分别对看押他的两个小妖怪进行了政治思想工作;

    One scene in a Chinese film , A Chinese Odyssey , Xuan Zang who was put on a cross gave a political and moral lecture to two small devils around him .

  14. 从生存论的角度阐释《大话西游》中所潜在的生存模式,即情感化生存最终向佛法的认同与皈依。

    In the perspective of the existentialism , the potential model for existence in Big Talk on Western Pilgrimage is discussed , that is , emotional experience finally recognizes and converts to Buddhism .

  15. 时空交错文化蕴涵论影视剧的叙事时空文化悖论时空与后现代主义电影《大话西游》的时空文化研究

    Cultural Connotation in the Interlacement of Time and Space & On narrative time and space in films and telefilms Time and Space of the Cultural Paradox and Post-Modernism : A Cultural Study on A Modern Play of Journey to the West in Terms of Time and Space

  16. “大话”得名于香港片子《大话西游》,《现代汉语词典》对它的说明是“虚夸的话”。

    " Da Hua " named from the film " A Chinese Odyssey " Its explanation is " the bragging words " in Modern Chinese Dictionary .