
  • 网络Commodity trading;Commodity exchange
  1. 安然也从事大宗商品交易业务,但它专门有一个为MBA量身开发的合作项目,亚当斯参与了这个项目。

    Enron was also a commodities-based trading business , but it did have an associate programme , developed specifically for MBAs , which he joined .

  2. 来宝集团已针对这些指控开展了辩护,并已委托普华永道(PwC)审核其长期大宗商品交易的会计行为。

    Noble has defended itself against the accusations , and had PwC review how it accounted for its long-term commodity deals .

  3. 在这一努力中,“圣杯”是ficc(固定收益、外汇和大宗商品交易)。

    The Holy Grail in this quest is ficc fixed income , currency and commodities trading .

  4. 南非政府和大宗商品交易巨头嘉能可(glencore)对此次合并的影响力可能最大。

    The South African government and Glencore , the commodities trading giant , could potentially have the most influence over a xstrata-anglo merger .

  5. constellation本周二开始努力寻找买家,或获取紧急注资,当时投资者已明显对其大宗商品交易业务的稳定性和信贷评级丧失了信心。

    Constellation started scrambling on Tuesday to find a buyer or secure an emergency capital infusion , when it became apparent that its investors were losing confidence in the stability of its commodities trading operations and credit ratings .

  6. 食品集团玛氏(mars)首席采购官布莱斯罗素(bricerussell)称,由于很难找到有经验人士,这些公司除了从大宗商品交易公司寻人,还互相挖人。

    Brice Russell , Chief Procurement Officer for food group Mars , said companies were poaching people from each other as well as from commodity trading houses because it was hard to find experienced people .

  7. 在新加坡,大宗商品交易公司的税率低至5%;而在瑞士日内瓦和楚格(Zug),这一税率为10%,伦敦则达24%。

    Singapore offers trading houses a tax rate as low as 5 per cent , compared with 10 per cent in the Swiss hubs of Geneva and Zug and 24 per cent in London .

  8. 大宗商品交易行业已经可以凭借自己的力量改善透明度。

    The trading business is ripe for transparency in its own right .

  9. 监管机构正试图解决监管大宗商品交易这个棘手问题。

    Regulators are grasping the nettle of regulating commodity trading .

  10. 该证交所还扩大了期货和大宗商品交易业务。

    It has also developed a growing business in futures and commodities trading .

  11. 大宗商品交易价格将持续高波动&访高盛执行董事兼高级商品经济师詹姆斯·古特曼

    Staple Commodities ' Trading Prices will continue to Fluctuate

  12. 高盛近一半的营收来自固定收益、外汇和大宗商品交易。

    Goldman makes almost half its revenues from fixed income , currencies and commodity trading .

  13. 这一全新商业模式的佼佼者之一是一位前大宗商品交易人。

    One of the champions of this new business model is a former commodity trader .

  14. 实际上,斯特拉塔和嘉能可进行合并,将缔造出第一家庞大的垂直整合型大宗商品交易企业。

    Instead , combining Xstrata and Glencore creates the first mega vertically integrated commodities business .

  15. 但欧元区成员国身份,以及大宗商品交易依赖美元的事实,限制了这一进程。

    But eurozone membership and the reliance on dollars for commodity trades limit the process .

  16. 整理出更准确的全球大宗商品交易统计数字将有助于改善当前的局面。

    Collating better statistics about global commodities trading would be an improvement on the current situation .

  17. 这一真空使得伦敦、纽约和芝加哥发展成为了大宗商品交易中心。

    The vacuum has allowed London , New York and Chicago to thrive as commodities trading hubs .

  18. 新加坡正在扩充物流能力,也是越来越多大宗商品交易企业落户的地点。

    The city state is building logistical capacity and an increasing number of commodity trading companies are based there .

  19. 此外,人们对能源公司和其它大宗商品交易机构内部的交易量也感到担心。

    Nervousness also exists about the volumes of trading being done within energy companies and other commodity trading houses .

  20. 如果政策制定者们对大宗商品交易放任不管,这一昔日的回水可能有朝一日会变成经济的麻烦之海。

    If policymakers leave commodities trading unattended , this erstwhile backwater could one day become a sea of economic troubles .

  21. 一家大宗商品交易公司的高管表示:我不认同对中国经济持悲观态度。

    I do not share the pessimism about the Chinese economy , says a senior executive at a commodities trading company .

  22. 一些对冲基金表示,大量招聘活动来自增长迅速的大宗商品交易顾问基金。

    Several hedge funds said much of the hiring has been from commodities trading adviser funds , which have been growing rapidly .

  23. 其次,香港应致力成为衍生金融产品和大宗商品交易的风险管理中心。

    Second , Hong Kong should seek to establish itself as a risk-management Centre for the trading of derivative financial products and commodities .

  24. 默罕默德表示,马来西亚现在向大宗商品交易公司开出了3%的税率,比新加坡的税率还要低。

    However , Malaysia has now undercut Singapore by offering commodities trading companies a 3 per cent tax rate , Mr mahammad said .

  25. 同时美国人的法律制度改革中也包括了明年早些时候将在能源、金属和农产品的大宗商品交易中引入强制性持仓限额的规定。

    And American regulatory reforms include the introduction of mandatory position limits on trading in energy , metals and agricultural commodities early next year .

  26. 一些高管称,金管局似乎专注于大宗商品交易,而其他高管表示,该机构也在考虑金融衍生品。

    Some executives said the MAS appeared to be concentrating on commodity trades , while others said it was also looking at financial derivatives .

  27. 此外,如果你正在为大宗商品交易融资,一旦大宗商品价格上涨,那就有可能抹去你的一些收益。

    Also , if you are financing a transaction with commodities , and commodities prices rise , that could erase some of your gains .

  28. 很多大型资本市场和大宗商品交易公司的首席风险官难以保持独立,也得不到足够的支持来对抗交易部门。

    Many cros at large capital markets and commodity trading firms struggle with independence and the necessary support to stand up to the trading organization .

  29. 高盛的支持者们还提出,美国新的银行资本充足率要求,导致大银行已退出固定收益、外汇和大宗商品交易。

    Goldman fans also argue that because of the new capital requirements , big banks have exited fixed income , currency , and commodities trading .

  30. 国际大宗商品交易方式出现交易形式多样化、多层次化、交易组织联盟化、交易机制市场化等发展趋势。

    There are some tendencies in trading modes such as diversified and multi-leveled transaction forms , market-oriented transaction mechanism and alliances in international sale and purchase .