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  1. 我国古代大纺车的产生与发展

    The occurence and development of the multispindle spinning frame in ancient China

  2. 水力大纺车

    The Large Water-driven Spinning Wheel

  3. 大纺车与原有的纺车不同,其特点是:锭子数目多达几十枚,及利用水力驱动。

    with the prominent features different from the previous spinning wheels in that it had dozens of spindles and was powered by water .

  4. 楚材晋用:中国水转大纺车与英国阿克莱水力纺纱机

    The Intellectual Resources of One Country Used by the Other : China 's Hydraulic Spinning Wheel and Britain 's Mechanical Spinner Invented by Sir Richard Arkwright

  5. 这些特点使大纺车具备了近代纺纱机械的雏形,适应大规模的专业化生产。水力大纺车还大大提高了纺织业效率。

    These features , which resembled those of modern spinning machines , made the waterwheels suitable for large-scale professional production.The large water-driven spinning wheel also greatly improved the efficiency of the textile industry .

  6. 水力大纺车是中国古代将自然力运用于纺织机械的一项重要发明,如单就以水力作原动力的纺纱机具而论,中国比西方早了四个多世纪。

    The large water-driven spinning wheel was an important invention that applied natural power in textile manufacturing in ancient China . The water-driven spinning wheel in China precedes its Western counterpart by more than four centuries .

  7. 古代纺车的锭子数目一般是2—3枚,最多为5枚。宋元之际,随着社会经济的发展,在各种传世纺车机具的基础上,逐渐产生了一种有几十个锭子的大纺车。

    The ancient spinning wheel usually had two to three , or even five , spin-dIes.At the juncture of the Song and Yuan Dynasties when the society experienced substantial economic development , on the basis of various kinds of spinning wheels at the time , a new kind of large-size spinning wheel with dozens of spindles gradually appeared ,