
dà hónɡ páo
  • Dahongpao Tea;hirtellous clover-shrub root
  1. ‘大红袍’桃杂交F1代若干性状遗传倾向初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis on Inheritance Trend of Several Characters in F_1 Progeny of ' Dahongpao ' Peach

  2. 超临界CO2萃取九叶青花椒和大红袍花椒挥发油的化学成分分析及香气比较

    Study on chemical components and aromas of two species of volatile oils extracted by the method of supercritical CO_2 from Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim

  3. 韩城大红袍花椒挥发油化学成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Volatile oil from Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim in Hancheng by GC-MS

  4. FTIR对彝药大红袍根皮和根心的对比分析

    The Contrastive Analysis of Surface Part and Central Part from the Root of Yi Herbs Dahongpao by FTIR

  5. 据说,国宾大红袍(StateGuestDaHungPao)的优雅香气极为持久,早晨喝上一杯,第二天早晨都还有回味。

    The fragrance of State Guest Da Hung Pao tea is said to be so long-lasting that if you drink a glass one morning , the delicate perfume will still be detectable about you the morning after .

  6. 以大红袍枇杷果实为试材,研究了SO2处理对冷藏枇杷果实活性氧代谢和内源多胺含量变化的影响及与果实木质化败坏的关系。

    Changes in active oxygen and polyamine metabolism and their relation to flesh woodiness development in SO 2 treated cold stored loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica Lindl . cv . Dahongpao ) fruits were investigated .

  7. 以‘大红袍’板栗为试材,研究了0℃下0-5%的低O2处理对其品质及耐藏性的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of postharvest low oxygen ( 0 - 5 % ) treatment on the cold storage quality of chestnut ( Castanea mollissima Blume ) ' Dahongpao ' at 0 ℃ were studied .

  8. 因此枇杷果实不耐久藏,大红袍果实的贮藏期以15~20d为宜。

    In this consideration , loquat fruit was not suitable for longterm storage . Its optimum storage term for variety Dahongpao was about 15 ~ 20 days .

  9. GC/MS分析武夷山大红袍茶的香气成份

    GC / MS analysis of The Fragrance in Dahongpao Tea

  10. 大红袍是武夷山出产的一种极品乌龙茶。

    Da Hong Pao , a superior oolong tea , grows there .

  11. 湖北地方桃品种红肉特异种质&大红袍

    Red-flesh Germplasm Resource of Hubei Local Peach Variety & Dahongpao

  12. 这些产物赋予了大红袍和铁观音焦糖香、焙烤香。

    All these volatiles given the Dahongpao and the Tieguanyin caramel and baking fragrant .

  13. 味道醇厚:大红袍的标志性特征就是香气浓郁。

    Smooth taste : The signature taste of da hung pao is distinctively floral .

  14. 这样一来,国宾大红袍就吸收了更多的矿物质,滋味也更加丰富。

    As such , they absorb additional minerals and take on more complex flavor profiles .

  15. 大红袍妇炎宁胶囊治疗大鼠盆腔炎的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Therapeutical Effect of Dahongpao Capsule on Pelvic Inflammation in Rats

  16. 武夷大红袍无性繁殖子代与母代的香味成分比较

    Comparison on the Quality Components between the Vegetative Propagated Plant of Wuyi Dahongpao and Its Maternal Plant

  17. 近年来随着大红袍知名度的不断提高,市场对大红袍的需求量增大。

    Along with the Dahongpao products ' increased popularity , the market demand for Dahongpao is obviously increased .

  18. 政府认证:国宾大红袍的包装上都有福建省政府的官方戳记,产地不会有问题。

    Certified : The State Guest Da Hung Pao packaging bears an official seal from the Fujian municipal government verifying its origin .

  19. 1994年,该县河滩“大红袍”花椒曾荣获甘肃省名优特产品金奖。

    In1994 , the county flood " Big Red " pepper was famous and special products in Gansu Province won the gold medal .

  20. 国宾大红袍更是大红袍当中的绝品,不仅芬芳四溢,酸涩之味也不像其它大红袍茶叶那么强烈。

    The State Guest Da Hung Pao in particular is not only strongly aromatic , it 's also less acidic and less bitter than other da hung .

  21. 国之瑰宝:大红袍享有“中国茶王”的美誉,经常都会被用作馈赠外国元首的礼品。

    A national treasure : Said to be the'king of all Chinese teas , 'da hung pao teas are often given as gifts to heads of state .

  22. 在福建省武夷山的大红袍峡谷里,这种植物的历史可以追溯至唐朝。

    In the Da Hong Pao ( Great Red Cloak ) valley of Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province , this is an installation dating back to Tang times .

  23. 经过数月的试演之后,最近,《印象·大红袍》在中国福建省武夷山正式上演。

    After months of trial running ," Impression Da Hong Pao " officially opened recently amidst the natural landscape of the Wuyi Mountains , in China 's Fujian province .

  24. 因此,标准的饮茶礼节当中包含一个名为“洗茶”的程序,要求人们倒掉第一次冲泡的茶水,而在饮用国宾大红袍的时候,人们却可以省去这个程序。

    So while standard tea etiquette recommends dumping out the water of the first brew ─ to'cleans'the leaves ─ this is not necessary for the State Guest Da Hung Pao .

  25. 价格180英镑一壶的大红袍放在竹托盘上,被涂着紫红色口红的漂亮女服务员端上来。茶壶是手工上色的陶制茶壶,价值400英镑。

    Here , the Da Hong Pao is served reverentially by pretty girls wearing fuchsia lipstick ; brought forth on a bamboo tray and poured from a 400 hand-painted clay teapot .

  26. 福建茶叶品质优良,安溪铁观音、大红袍、武夷岩茶等等闻名世界,不仅深受国人追捧,更远销海外。

    Fujian tea quality , Tie Guan Yin , Da Hong Pao Wuyi Rock Tea , and so the world-famous , not only sought after by people , but also exported to overseas .

  27. 大红袍花椒丰产性强,喜肥抗旱,但不耐水湿不耐寒,适宜在海拔干旱山区和丘陵区的梯田、台地、坡地和沟谷地栽培。

    Dahongpao pepper yield strong , hi fat drought and wet but not cold intolerance , dry fit at an altitude of terraced mountains and hilly areas , terraces , slopes and valley cultivation .

  28. 目前大红袍主要以无性繁殖为主,对于这些无性繁殖的大红袍品质有不少消费者提出了质疑,因此对无性系大红袍从品种特性到加工品质的系统研究很有必要。

    Currently the Dahongpao is agamogenesis mostly , the quality of such product is questioned by many consumers , so the systemic study of clonal Dahongpao on varietal characteristic and processing quality is necessary .

  29. 大红袍花椒以“穗大粒多、皮厚肉丰、色泽鲜艳、香味浓郁、麻味适中”而久负“中华名椒”之盛誉。

    Dahongpao pepper to " big spike and more grains , meat , thick-skinned rich , bright color , rich flavor , taste Ma moderate " and has long " Chinese Name Law " reputation .

  30. 我还尝试了不加糖和冰的自制大红袍(产自福建武夷山的一种名茶)和混有冬瓜和红茶的一种台湾饮料。两种饮品味道清新爽口,恰好祛除了吃火锅的油腻感。

    I try handmade Da Hong Pao ( a rock tea from Fujian 's Wuyi Mountain ) with no syrup and no ice , and a special Taiwan drink integrating white gourd and black tea . Both were very refreshing and complemented the meaty and slightly oily hotpot foods .