
  • 网络Psychidae
  1. 大袋蛾(ClaniavariegataSnell)雌虫性信息素的分泌腺体和释放机制的研究&Ⅰ.大袋蛾性信息素释放部位

    STUDIES ON THE GLANDS AND RELEASE MECHANISM OF THE FEMALE SEX PHEROMONE IN CLANIA VARIEGATA SNELL I. Localization of the Site that Releases Sex Pheromone in Clania Variegata Shell

  2. 大袋蛾(ClaniavariegataSnell.)雌虫性信息素分泌腺体及其释放机制的研究&IV、雌成虫生理活动的日节奏与释放性信息素的机制

    Studies on the glands and the release mechanism of the female sex pheromone in Clania variegata snell . & ⅳ . diel physiological rhythms of the female adult and the release mechanism of its sex pheromone

  3. 大袋蛾对三种常用药剂抗药性的研究

    Study on the Resistance of Large Apple Bag-moth to Three Pesticides

  4. 大袋蛾雌虫性信息素腺细胞的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of the sex pheromone gland cell of Clania variegata Snellen

  5. 泡桐大袋蛾防治指标的研究

    Study on controlling index of Clania variegata Snellen

  6. 大袋蛾越冬期天敌及生物抑制作用研究

    Study on the Natural Enemy Species and Their Biological Control of Clania Variegata in Hibernation

  7. 以四年生泡桐为例,大袋蛾幼虫防治指标定为4条/10片叶;

    As for old tree , the index of control was 4 larvae / ten pieces leaves .

  8. 广东柠檬桉袋蛾新属种记述(鳞翅目:袋蛾科)

    Description of a new bagworm moth injury lemon scented gum from Guangdong ( lepidoptera : psychidae )

  9. 描述了大袋蛾(ClaniavacriegataSnellen)雄成虫内部生殖系统的形态学和组织学。

    The morphology and histology of the internal reproductive systems of the male adults in Clania variegata are described .

  10. 泡桐大袋蛾种群消亡成因的初步分析(英文)

    Preliminary Analysis on Reasons of Population Crash of Paulownia Bagworm [ Clania variegata Snellen ( Lepidoptera : Psychidae ) ]

  11. 大袋蛾杆状病毒病的流行及其应用试验

    Epizootiology of the baculovirus disease of the bagworm , cryptothelea variegata , and its application in the control of its insect host

  12. 大袋蛾是鳞翅目中发现的首例.交尾时不产生精包而直接授精的虫种。

    It is the first species found in lepidoptera , in which spermatophore is not produced , but direct insemination is used .

  13. 通过定点调查、室内饲养观察和镜检,已确定在皖北地区大袋蛾越冬期主要天敌有15种,其中:寄生性天敌9种,寄生率为28.7%;

    Fifteen kinds of main natural enemies of Clania variegata in hibernation were found in north of Anhui province by systematic watching in the fixed area plot , indoor feeding and microscope watching . The parasites were 9 species , the parasitized rate was 28.7 % ;

  14. 经三年观察试验与研究分析,大袋蛾对泡桐叶的危害,幼虫食叶量248.28cm~2/条,防治指标确定为失叶量占25%。

    Cryptothelea variegata Snellen harms leaves of Paulownia fortune : during the larval stage , the area nibbled is 248.28cm2/one larva . That the nibbled area of leaves makes up 25 per cent of the total leaves on each tree has been determined as the index of control .