
  • 网络Agrobacterium tumefaciens;crown gall;crown gall disease
  1. 中国葡萄野生种对葡萄根癌病的抗性

    The Resistance of Wild Vitis Species in China to Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  2. 桃树根癌病是公认最难防治的土传细菌病害之一。

    It is acknowledged that Agrobacterium tumefaciens is one of the soil borne bacteria diseases which are difficult to control .

  3. 葡萄根癌病是由葡萄土壤杆菌(Agrobacteriumvitis)引起的一种在生产上造成了较大经济损失的世界性病害。

    Crown gall of grapevine , caused by pathogenic strains of Agrobacterium vitis , has been a problem with economical losses for extensive damage to grape health and quality all over the word .

  4. 本研究结果表明E26菌株对葡萄根癌病的生防作用主要是预防作用,其机理复杂,有多种因子包含其中。

    The results obtained suggested that the biological control of grape crown gall by strain E26 is a complex process with a number of factors playing roles involved in .

  5. 抗樱桃根癌病生防菌的诱变育种及其技术研究

    Study on Mutation Breeding and Techniques of Cherry Gall Biocontrol Strain

  6. 抗月季根癌病种质资源的筛选与评价

    Selection and Evaluation of the Resistant Resources to Rose Crown Gall Disease

  7. 月季抗根癌病砧木筛选的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Rosa Rootstock Resistance to Crown Gall

  8. 桃树根癌病防治技术探讨应用农杆菌转化水稻的研究

    Study on the control of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Rice Transformation Mediated by Agrobacterium

  9. 根癌病土壤杆菌诱导转化毛状根能力的评价

    Appraisement on the ability of inducing transformed hairy root by Agrobacterium rhizogenes

  10. 果树根癌病生物防治研究进展

    The Biocontrol Progress on Crown Gall Disease of Fruit Tree

  11. 葡萄砧木抗寒与抗根癌病的研究

    The Resistance of Grape Rootstocks to Cold and Crown Gall

  12. 我国北方葡萄根癌病的发生规律及药剂防治

    The incidence of crown gall disease of grapevine in China and its chemical control

  13. 甜樱桃砧木品系对根癌病抗性的研究

    Study on the Resistance Strains of Sweet Cherry Rootstock to the Crown gall Disease

  14. 嫁接是月季繁殖的主要方法之一,筛选抗根癌病的砧木是防治该病害的一种很好的途径。

    Using resistant rootstock is a good method for the control of this disease .

  15. 鉴定桃砧木对根癌病敏感性的叶圆片转化系统的建立

    A Leaf Disc Transformation System to Test the Sensitivity of Peach to Crown Gall Disease

  16. 大樱桃根癌病的发生与防治试验

    Occurrence and Control of Sweet Cherry Root-cancer

  17. 根癌病对几种樱桃砧木生长发育及氮、磷分配的影响

    Effects of crown gall on the vitality and the status of nitrogen and phosphorus of some cherry rootstocks

  18. 调查了猕猴桃根癌病的发生与树龄、土壤、品种和管理水平的关系。

    The relationship between occurrence of the disease and the ages of tree , soil , cultivars and the lever of management is investigated .

  19. 根瘤菌、施肥等技术对紫花苜蓿生产性能的影响抗樱桃根癌病生防菌的诱变育种及其技术研究

    Effect of Root Nodule Bacteria , Fertilization on Alfalfa s ( Medicago Sativa ) Production Performance ; Study on Mutation Breeding and Techniques of Cherry Gall Biocontrol Strain

  20. 农杆菌素84对桃树等许多植物的根癌病显示有近100%的实际防病效果,并在许多国家实用化。

    About 100 percent disease-proof effect could be reached for Agrocin 80 to control root cancer of peach and many other plants , and widely used in many countries .

  21. 本文分离和培养了猕猴桃根癌病的病原菌;研究和观察了病原菌的生理生化特性和病原菌的形态;

    This paper deals with isolation and cultivation of the pathogen of crown gall in kiwifruit , and studies the morphological , physiological , biochemical and serological characteristics of the pathogen .

  22. 研究表明,采用本方法生产切花月季种苗,不仅可以大幅度提高芽接成活率和成苗质量,杜绝根癌病危害,而且可以减轻劳动强度,提高生产效率,延长种苗生产和种苗销售的时间。

    With the method it was available to get higher survival rate of budding and root cancer free plantlets with higher quality , to get higher production efficiency with labour saving , and to prolong the duration of plantlet propagation and sale .

  23. 根癌病对树体生长后期和休眠期氮磷含量及分配的影响盆栽樱桃砧木新梢冠瘿瘤中,氮、磷含量明显高于该冠瘿瘤所着生的枝条;

    Effects of crown gal I on the contents and distributions of whole nitrogen and phosphorus in late growth and dormant period of rootstocks Consistently higher concentrations of N and P occurred in shoot tumors on pot cherry rootstocks compared to nontumorous shoot tissue .