
  • 网络Wang Mian;miǎn;Mien Wang
  1. 后来,王冕又到一个寺庙去做工。

    Afterwards , Wang Mian Works in a temple again .

  2. 王冕与九里山

    Wang Mian and Jiuli Hill King Lear On WANG Hong

  3. 王冕待访的是推翻蒙元政权的汉人朱元璋。

    Wang mian was waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang who overthrown the Mongolian Yuan political power .

  4. 先生,天真本身就是王冕。

    It was none other than Mr. Wang . Innocence , Monsieur , is its own crown .

  5. 在《儒林外史》中,王冕是作者高标的儒家理想人格。

    Wang Mian was a kind of ideal personality of Confucianism in The Scholars by WU Jing-Zi .

  6. 如果起机缘要我做国王,纪元自然会给我王冕,用不着我去张罗。

    If chance will have me king , why , chance may crown me , without my stir .

  7. 王冕游历期间的所见所闻,是他诗文创作的重要源泉,促其确立了写实、质朴的诗风。

    Traveling is an important source of his literary creation . It established to promote his rustic poetry .

  8. 每天早上,王冕很早就出门给有钱人放牛。

    Everyday , Wang Mian go out very early in the morning to feed the cattle for the toff .

  9. 本文以汉语的话题结构研究为出发点,着重讨论了以“王冕死了父亲”为代表的“领有名词短语分裂”现象。

    Seemingly a syntactic issue , the split noun phrase in German represents a special word order that involves semantic , pragmatic and rhetorical considerations .

  10. 你们全都看过在「卢帕克」那一天我三次献给他一顶王冕,他三次拒绝接受:这是野心麽?

    You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown , which he did thrice refuse : was this ambition ?