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kuì zèng
  • present;make a present of sth;give as a present;make a present
馈赠 [kuì zèng]
  • [present ;make a present] 赠送,也指赠送的东西、礼品

馈赠[kuì zèng]
  1. 这本书则是理想的馈赠。

    The book would make an ideal present .

  2. 当我紧握誓言里它所蕴含的全部馈赠。

    When I clung to all the present for the promise that it closed ;

  3. 人参是送给康复期病人的常见馈赠。

    Ginseng is the usual gift for a convalescent .

  4. 生活最大的馈赠是什么?

    What is life 's greatest gift ?

  5. 老师回答说:“你只尝到了水,而我感受到了馈赠。”

    The teacher replied , " You simply tasted the water while I tasted the gift . "

  6. 普罗米修斯警告过他不得接受宙斯的任何馈赠,而他已将之忘于脑后。

    He had quite forgotten pometheus ' warning : never to accept anything from Zeus .

  7. Gift:我们都被教育馈赠之物,切莫挑剔;可能在德国更是这样,在那儿,这个单词的意思是毒药。

    Gift : Never look a gift horse in the mouth , were told ; perhaps more so in Germany where the word means poison .

  8. KarmaScience公司由斯坦福MBA本•刘易斯和密歇根大学罗斯商学院(MichiganRoss)MBA李•林登在2011年创立,已经成为通过移动设备实时进行个人礼物馈赠的典范。

    Launched in 2011 by Stanford MBA Ben Lewis and Michigan Ross MBA Lee Linden , Karma created a model for person-to-person gifting via mobile devices in real-time .

  9. 比如摩根士丹利(morganstanley)如今向赢得其高尔夫活动的客户所偏爱的慈善机构捐款,而不是向客户直接馈赠。

    For example , Morgan Stanley now donates money to the favourite charity of winners of its golf outings for clients , rather than giving gifts .

  10. 大多数大型PC生产商都会在特定的Vista机型中提供一个选项(有时需要加钱),官方称为“降级”,但有时以“升级”或“馈赠”的名目进行推广。

    Most major PC makers will sell you selected Vista models with an option , which sometimes costs extra , officially called a'downgrade , 'but sometimes marketed as an'upgrade'or'bonus . '

  11. DH5α菌株由郑州大学医学院重点分子医学实验室侯卫红博士馈赠。

    DH5 α strain provided by Dr. Hou Wei-hong , the Key Molecular Medical Laboratory of Zhengzhou University Medical College .

  12. 我推荐本指南给那些希望把NXT系统作为馈赠礼物,或者只是想自己尝试一把的人。

    I recommend this guide to anyone looking to give a NXT system as a gift or looking to tinker with one themselves .

  13. Ice公司总裁朱迪•索恩说:“我们的试验显示,英国人不接受真实的廉价商品、折扣、馈赠这种概念,总认为会上当,尽管我们承认眼下的困难时期正迫使我们积极寻找这些。”

    Jude Thorne , Chief Executive Officer of Ice , said : " Our experiment shows that as a nation , we simply don 't accept the notion of genuine bargains , discounts and offers with no catch , despite admitting that difficult times are forcing us to seek them out actively . "

  14. 但正如该中心工作人员、出生于印度的人类学家克莱尔塔尔沃克(claretalwalker)所指出的,另一个问题在于,学生们越来越将援助误认为是一种单方面的馈赠。

    But the other issue , as Clare talwalker , an Indian-born anthropologist attached to the centre explained , is that it is increasingly misguided for students to view aid as a unidirectional gift .

  15. 认同UBI的科技业支持者觉得,与其把人工智能看作一场扼杀人类工作机会的灾难,不如把它看作赐予这个社会的馈赠:这个国家行了大运,现在它可以给每个公民分发支票了。

    Rather than a job-killing catastrophe , tech supporters of U.B.I. consider machine intelligence to be something like a natural bounty for society : The country has struck oil , and now it can hand out checks to each of its citizens .

  16. 模型比例一应俱全,是行业人士收集,馈赠友人的首选。

    It is the industry gathering , friends gift of choice .

  17. 质粒为德国教授AndreasChristmann的馈赠。

    Plasmid was a gift of Professor Andreas Christmann in Germany .

  18. 而馈赠玉早在新时期时代便产生了。

    While gifts jade early in the new era is produced .

  19. 不得接受发行申请单位的馈赠;

    Shall not receive gifts from units applying for the issue ;

  20. 艺术是现实生活的升华。美好的生活艺术与馈赠艺术的缩影

    An epitome of the fine art of living and of presentation

  21. 不要靠馈赠去获取朋友,

    Don 't try to win a friend by presenting gifts .

  22. 我们的国父给予我们最伟大的馈赠:

    A great gift that our Founders gave to us :

  23. 这就是送给夫妻的美妙“馈赠”。

    This is the amazing " gift " to husband and wife .

  24. 真正慷慨的馈赠,有两条检验标准。

    There are two tests to mark out the genuinely generous gift .

  25. 我就是于七月里一夜在山间获其馈赠的。

    I leaned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains .

  26. 礼品馈赠隐含了一种无形的社会契约。

    With gift-giving , there 's an implied social contract .

  27. 当地制作的陶娃娃是馈赠亲友的佳品哦。

    Locally made pottery dolls make nice gifts for friends .

  28. 向任何人馈赠或进行没有代价的交易?

    Make a gift or entered into a transaction for no value ?

  29. 如此美丽的海滩是大自然馈赠的遗产。

    Such beautiful beaches are part of our natural heritage .

  30. 时间是一种馈赠不要浪费哪怕是一分钟时间。

    Time is a gift . Don 't waste a single minute .