
  1. 王昌龄与中国古代后期诗歌情景理论的走向

    Wang Changling and the tendencies of the post-classic Chinese poetry

  2. 论王昌龄诗中的月亮意象

    On the Moon Image in the Poems of Wang Chang-ling

  3. 王昌龄称得上意境论的先驱者或奠基人。

    Wang would be the pioneer or founder of the theory of feelings .

  4. 诗传边塞情&王昌龄《闺怨》、《出塞》的比较分析

    Transmission of Frontier Affection Through Poetry & A Comparison between Wang Chang-ling 's Two Poems

  5. 王昌龄妇女诗论略

    On Wang Changling 's Women Poems

  6. 意境说诗歌理论形成和发展过程:王昌龄三境说开意境说理论之先河;

    The formation and development of the theory of artistic conception for poems are as follows .

  7. 王昌龄的人生轨迹及心态流变可以从其宫怨诗中看出。

    Wang Changling s life orbit can be seen in his poems of resentfulness in palaces .

  8. 王昌龄的妇女诗主要描写了三种女性:宫女、贵族妇女、民间女子。

    Wang Changling mainly wrote about three kinds of women : maids in the imperial palace ;

  9. 近三十年王昌龄诗歌研究综述(1977-2007)

    A Summary of the Past Thirty Years Research into Wang Changling s Poems ( 1977-2007 );

  10. 浅论高适与王昌龄边塞诗的异同

    Talk about the Similarities and Differences of GAO Shi and WANG Chang-ling 's Frontier Fortress Poem Lightly

  11. 王昌龄是盛唐最著名的诗人之一,其诗歌艺术成就极高。

    Wang Changling , as one of the most famous poets in flourishing period of Tang Dynasty , made great achievements in the poetry arts .

  12. 王昌龄是盛唐时期著名诗人、文学理论家,他的诗学思想深深影响着后世文人。

    Changling , Wang is a renowned poet and literary in the heyday of Tang dynasty , whose literary theoretic has far-reaching influence on later periods .

  13. 因此,王昌龄的送别诗并非一般的应景之作,更非无病呻吟、舞文弄墨的文字游戏,而是诗人情感的坦诚流露、灵魂的真实写照。

    Therefore his farewell poems are not mere formality or word playing of groan but the true clear espression of feeling and the description of soul .

  14. 20世纪出版的一批较有影响的工具书、文学史及唐诗注本,凡涉及王昌龄的雅号时,大多以诗天子立目或称其为诗天子。

    Some reference books , literature history books and annotated poems of the Tang Dynasty published in the 20th century either list him up or refer to him as King of Poetry .

  15. 但由于各自的文化背景、个性气质、艺术追求不同,王昌龄的边塞诗与大伴家持的防人歌在风格、表现手法、情与景的相互关系上又有所不同。

    Because there are some differences in own culture background and individual character and the pursuit of art , there are some differences in style and technique of expression and the relation between emotion and scene of their poems .

  16. 相对于李白、王昌龄为代表的盛唐绝句,杜甫绝句呈现出新的审美特点:谐趣之美、俗趣之美、理趣之美。

    Relative to rhyme of flourishing Tang dynasty that deputy of Li bai and Wang changling , Du fu 's rhyme present a new aesthetics characteristic : the beauty of humorous-interesting , the beauty of vulgar-interesting , the beauty of reason-interesting .

  17. 有鉴于此,本文把高适、岑参、李颀、王昌龄四位诗人作为一个群体,主要结合他们交往僧侣、接触佛教的事实,分析佛教义理对他们诗歌创作的影响,探寻他们的佛教意趣。

    In view of this , this thesis views four poets as a colony , combine they associate monk , exposed to fact of Buddhism , seek their Buddhism interest and charm mainly , and analyse that pays attention to the impact on their poetry creation in Buddhism religious doctrine .