
bù shí rén jiān yān huǒ
  • be otherworldly
不食人间烟火[bù shí rén jiān yān huǒ]
  1. 放纵的,不食人间烟火的法官是一个保守的漫画的原型。

    The indulgent , other-worldly judge is an archetype of conservative caricature .

  2. 我不食人间烟火,只靠太阳能过活。

    I don 't eat to survive , I relies on solar energy .

  3. 这一群不食人间烟火的人,根本不知道别人的实际痛苦!

    These people , who are out of touch with reality , just don 't understand the real suffering of others !

  4. 有的选择在像这样的洞穴里冥想50年不食人间烟火。-

    Some choose to meditate for 50 years in a cave just like this without the slightest taste of food or water . -

  5. 起初在中世纪的绘画作品中女性的形象以一种不食人间烟火似的神只形象出现,大多是描绘圣母和女神的绘画作品。

    At first in medieval paintings in the image of women in a mortal like gods , shape , and most painting works are to portray the virgin goddess .

  6. 今天虽然没有阳光,也没有云雾,但隔江相望的小村子,安静得仿佛不食人间烟火般。

    There was no much sunshine and no mist that day , but the village across the river , looked even more transcendental , as if it had been secluded from the world .

  7. 鉴于好意同乘的无偿性和好意性,这类纠纷的处理应该有一定的特殊规则,法律并非不食人间烟火,法律效果与社会效果的兼顾是公平正义的应有之义。

    In consequence of the kindness of goodwill pick-up , the dispute caused by goodwill pick-up should have some special rules . Law also must consider human feelings , give consideration to both social effects and legal effects is an integrant part of justice and equality .

  8. 白莲花是不适合共同生活的,因为她是如此超凡脱俗,不食人间烟火。

    White lotus flower is not suit to live together because of her transcendency and purity .