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  1. 不根或部门将会离开。

    Not a root or a branch will be left to them .

  2. H2O2在黄瓜和绿豆下胚轴不定根形成中的作用

    H_2O_2 Effect on Adventitious Root Organogenesis of Cucumber and Mung Bean Hypocotyls

  3. SOD能降低膜脂过氧化程度,促进不定根的形成。

    SOD can reduce lipid peroxidation .

  4. MS培养基无论是否添加萘乙酸,蓝猪儿试管苗都能发生不定根,萘乙酸使不定根的数目增多,分布密集。

    The tube plantlet cultured on1 / 2 MS medium could produce roots and NAA was optimum for root number .

  5. 另外,小G蛋白和ABC转运蛋白在落叶松扦插形成不定根的物质运输方面发挥作用。

    The small GTPases and ABC were very important in transport during formatting of adventitious root of Larix cutting .

  6. NADPH&黄递酶为NOS标志酶,本文以该酶组织化学法对不定根发生过程中的类似动物NOS活性进行了检测。

    NOS-like enzyme activity was detected during adventitious root formation by NADPH-diaphorase histochemical method .

  7. 培养基的初始pH值为6.5时,丹参不定根的生长情况最好,其增殖倍数为5.1;

    The B5 basal medium is best for cell growth ; 3.The biggest multiplication rate 5.1 was obtained at the pH value of 6.5 ;

  8. 白花泡桐不定根发生过程中内源激素和RNA的变化

    Changes in Endogenous Phytohormone and RNA in Paulownia fortunei ( seem . ) hemsl . during the development of adventitious root

  9. 结果:锥线束CT在发现根折方面具有特有的优势,尤其是对于一些常规X线检查难以辨识和发观的不完全根裂。

    RESULTS : Cone beam CT is very useful for the diagnosis of root fracture , identification of the fracture line that cannot be detected in dental radiographs .

  10. 随着不定根的伸长,PPO活性逐渐下降。

    With the elongation of adventitious roots , the activity of PPO declined gradually .

  11. 淹水对玉米不定根形态结构和ATP酶活性的影响

    Effect of flooding on morphology , structure and ATPase activity in adventitious root apical cells of Maize Seedlings

  12. IBA和NAA都能提高荷花玉兰扦插时不定根的发生率。

    Both IBA and NAA could increase rooting rates of Southern Magnolia .

  13. 几种抑制剂对钾和IAA诱导的离体黄瓜子叶不定根形成的影响

    Effects of some inhibitors on potassium - and IAA-INDUCED adventitious root formation of Excised Cucumber Cotyledon

  14. 结果显示:不定根的发生与内源IAA水平状况有密切关系;

    It reveals that : the level of endogenous IAA ties up with adventitious roots generation .

  15. 用1-100mMH2O2处理8-18h能显著促进不定根的形成与生长,H2O2清除剂CAT和ASA能去除外源H2O2对不定根形成和生长的促进作用。

    The treatment with 1-100 mM H2O2 for 8-18 h significantly promotes the formation and development of adventitious root .

  16. 不需要根用户特权就能构建RPM,这可以阻止更改核心系统文件。

    Building an RPM without the privileges of root prevents changes to core system files .

  17. PAT的抑制导致主根变短、侧根和不定根数目减少。

    Inhibition of PAT resulted in the shortened primary roots , less and short-ened lateral and adventitious roots .

  18. 且随着NAA浓度的逐渐增加,不利于根的发育。

    And with a gradual increase in the concentration of NAA is not conducive to root development .

  19. H2O2是生长素诱导的绿豆幼苗外植体不定根形成过程中的信号分子。

    H2O2 may be a messenger involving in IAA induced the adventitious rooting of seedling explants in mung bean .

  20. 方法:考察了蔗糖质量浓度、培养基pH、接种、植物生长物质等影响因子对丹参不定根的生长及其次生代谢产物含量的影响。

    Method : Effects of sucrose concentrations , medium pH , inoculum size and plant growth regulators on adventitious root growth and secondary metabolites production in S. miltiorrhiza were investigated .

  21. 低水平的GA3、高水平ABA和较高比值的ABA/GA3利于不定根的发生。

    Low content of GA3 , high level of ABA and high ratio ABA / GA3 are useful to generation of adventitious roots .

  22. 经菌液处理的插穗叶光合速率增加,不定根内IAA水平提高。

    Compared with the control , photosynthesis of leaf and the level of endogenous IAA of adventitious roots were increased .

  23. H2O2可能作为生长素的下游信号,参与生长素诱导的不定根形成的信号转导。

    H2O2 may function as a downstream messenger in auxin signaling pathway and involve in auxin signal transduction induced adventitious rooting .

  24. 同时就SNP、IBA和NAA对不定根发生的影响进行了比较研究。

    Some comparative researches on the effect of SNP , IBA and NAA on adventitious root generation have been done .

  25. 外源H2O2具有促进绿豆幼苗外植体不定根形成与生长的作用。

    Exogenous hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) has the effects on promoting the formation and development of adventitious roots in mung bean seedling explants .

  26. 乙烯利、ACC、AOA和AgNO3对绿豆下胚轴插条不定根形成的作用

    Effects of Ethephon , ACC , AOA and AgNO_3 on Adventitious Root Formation in Mung Bean Hypocotyl Cuttings

  27. 生根期间POD活性出现2个高峰,在不定根诱导期和表达期上升,在伸长期下降。

    The activity of POD had two peaks during rooting process . The activity of POD increased up during induction and expression phase and declined at the elongation phase .

  28. 结果表明,在甘薯叶片外植体不定根分化过程中,POD活性呈上升趋势,而可溶性蛋白质含量和SOD活性呈下降趋势。

    The results showed that during adventitious roots formation , activity of POD in leaf explants was increased , but the content of water-soluble protein and the activity of SOD decreased .

  29. 20个无性系均在淹水6~14d后形成了膨大皮孔和不定根。

    All 20 clones formed hypertrophied lenticels and adventitious roots by Day 6 to 14 of flooding .

  30. 猪粪便污水PSB液肥化及其对绿豆插条不定根发生的促进作用

    Producing PSB fluid fertilizers from piggery waste water and its promotive effect on adventitious root formation of mung bean cutting