
  • 网络subduing the enemy without fighting;The soldiers
  1. 孙子的不战而屈人之兵全胜攻心战略,是遏止战争、维护和平、造福人类的最佳方略。

    Sun Tzu 's thought of " subduing the enemy without fighting " is the best choice to prevent war , maintain peace and benefit humankind .

  2. 这一现象的出现,是因为实行不战而屈人之兵全胜攻心战略的大前提和大环境已经到来。

    This phenomenon illuminates the major premise and circumstances of implementing the thought have come .

  3. 当西方世界也处于农业文明之际,西方世界也无法使武力成为一种有效的工具,也有著「不战而屈人之兵」的观念。

    When the western world was also in the stage of agriculture civilization ," to defeat the enemy without combat " was also a creed of its military .

  4. 美国对外文化扩张是新的历史时期美国为实现不战而屈人之兵目的的新式外交手段。

    The U.S. foreign cultural expansion is the purpose of the new diplomatic means to " Defeat the Enemy Without Fighting " in the new historical era of the United States .

  5. 因此,视「不战而屈人之兵」与「文化道德主义」为中国独特的战略文化,其实只是时空的错置。

    Accordingly , this article could conclude that , take " to defeat the enemy without combat " and " culture moralism " as Chinese unique strategic culture is a misplacement of time and space .

  6. 战略战争需要较强的综合实力,并在较长时间内、在所有领域综合运用战争与非战争手段,努力达成不战而屈人之兵的效果。

    Strategic warfare demands great comprehensive strength , and the use of war and non-war means synthetically in all fields over a long period of time so as to " subjugate the enemy 's army without fighting " .

  7. 在当时诸候纷争烽火连绵的情况下,利用对外贸易大打经济战,削弱他国的经济势力,达到不战而屈人之兵的目的,正是管仲对外贸易思想的精华所在。

    The essence of his thought is to make use of the foreign trade to conduct an economic battle to weaken other countries ' economic power , and conquer them without fighting under the situation of continuous flames of the war at that time .

  8. 在《孙子兵法》中,战争的最高目的是安国保民,孙子最卓越的理论不战而屈人之兵即是服务于这一目的的;

    In Sun Zi ' Art of War , the supreme end of war is to keep the country at peace and protect the people , and Sun Zi 's superexcellent theory , subdue the enemy without fighting , is to serve this end .