
bù yè chéng
  • a city without darkness;a city with lights turned on all night -- a big city with gay night life
不夜城 [bù yè chéng]
  • [a city without darkness] 形容城市繁华,夜晚灯火辉煌如同白昼

不夜城[bù yè chéng]
  1. 济南不夜城深基坑工程设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Deep Excavation of Jinan Night Club City

  2. 共同的相似与发展&《不夜城》与《子夜》对比谈

    The Similarity and Development & Comparing City Without Night and Mid night

  3. 香港是一个非常国际化和有激情的城市,一个不夜城!

    Eric : Hong Kong is a very international and exciting city !

  4. 这话也适用于这座不夜城

    The same could be said for the city that never sleeps .

  5. 我还以为这是不夜城呢。

    Thought this was the city that never sleeps .

  6. 巴黎被称为不夜城。

    Paris is called the city of light .

  7. 所以,漠河镇又被称为“不夜城”。

    So , and mohe river town has been called the " Never sleeps " .

  8. 有一张床,但不夜城。

    Has a bed but never sleeps .

  9. 璀璨夺目的霓虹灯广告照亮整个不夜城,潮水般的人群涌向这个区域。

    Colorful neon signs light up the street at night when thousands of people flood the area .

  10. 纽约&这个不夜城被疯狂和混乱包围!

    NEW YORK , NY – The city that never sleeps got another dose of madness and chaos !

  11. 商业与文化传承与创新&大唐不夜城文化艺术休闲区规划设计

    Trade and Culture , Inheritance and Innovation : Design of Buildings in Datang Culture and Art Leisure Area

  12. 夜幕降临在这著名的不夜城,灯光笼罩在范围广大的地下迷宫以及一些不安定因素上。

    Night falls on the famously well lit city , which spreads out over an underground labyrinth of immense scope and some danger .

  13. 公司目前主要承担陕西省、西安市重点项目大唐不夜城的建设和经营任务。

    At present , the company is mainly responsible for the construction and operation of Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-bright City in Xi'an , Shaanxi .

  14. 最终形成“羊西线餐饮一条街”和“海鲜不夜城”的东西遥相呼应。

    Finally , Catering Street of Yangxi Line and All Night Long Seafood City will echo each other from afar , east and west .

  15. 总部基地已为针对该地块的提议花费数百万英镑。该公司希望能够将该地改造为一个迷你不夜城,吸引中国企业的欧洲总部入驻。

    ABP has spent several million pounds on a proposal for the site , which it hopes will be transformed into a 24-hour mini-city hosting the European headquarters of Chinese companies .

  16. 人们对纽约的称呼从“灯光之城”再到“不夜城”,其中的玉石酒店所拥有的酒店表面就尤其的吸引人,当你走过充满个性的格林威治村时,你会不由自主的对这个酒店立面发出赞叹之情。

    From the City of Lights to the City ThatNever Sleeps , The Jade Hotel in New York City is another hotel exterior thatyou simply can 't help but admire while walking the character-filled streets ofGreenwich Village .

  17. 尽管纽约号称“不夜城”,但是东京商务人士的睡眠时间比他们的纽约同行还要少,也少于巴黎、斯德哥尔摩和上海的同行。

    New York may be known as the city that never sleeps , but Tokyo business people get less time in the sack than their New York peers & and also those in Paris , Stockholm and Shanghai .

  18. 无论什么时候,当英国人问我为什么我这么喜欢纽约,我会说:“是因为那座城市充满活力。”而他们会说:“啊,是的,那是座不夜城”。

    Whenever people from Britain ask me why I like New York so much , I say : " It 's the energy of the place " and they say ," ah , yes , the city that never sleeps " .

  19. 尽管纽约号称“不夜城”,但是东京商务人士的睡眠时间比他们的纽约同行还要少,也少于巴黎、斯德哥尔摩和上海的同行。根据一项面向五个城市的调查,东京人在工作日的睡眠时间平均不足六小时。

    New York may be known as the city that never sleeps , but Tokyo business people get less time in the sackthan their New York peers -- and also those in Paris , Stockholm and Shanghai.According to a survey of five cities , people in Tokyo on week days sleep just under 6 hours on average ,