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  1. 在执政上,女性的能力显然与男性不相伯仲。

    Women are clearly the equals of men where governing is concerned .

  2. 只希望费丁和斯托克达尔继续努力,以证明自己与哈特的水平不相伯仲。

    Hopefully Fielding and Stockdale will go on to prove that they belong in the same company as Hart .

  3. 总的来说,得出来曲线让人瞠目结舌,与最受热捧的对冲基金收益曲线不相伯仲。

    In aggregate the results have been stunning , comparable to the returns of the most blistering hedge fund .

  4. 这两支球队在常规赛中不相伯仲。但竞争在芝加哥一个星期日的下午才真正开始。

    These two teams were two and two in the regular season . But the rivalry really begins on a Sunday afternoon in Chicago .

  5. 香港的流动电话渗透率甚高,而无线及流动科技的发展与其他先进国家的发展亦不相伯仲。

    Hong Kong also has a high mobile phone penetration rate and the development of WMST in Hong Kong parallels that of most other developed countries .