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  1. 又有权柄赐给他叫兽像有生气。并且能说话,又叫所有不拜兽像的人都被杀害。

    And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast , that the image of the beast should both speak , and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed .

  2. 不可拜假神。

    Do not worship false gods .

  3. 我们能纪念怀想先祖的义行,也去学习效法,但不该拜他们。

    They worship their ancestors ? We can remember our ancestors and follow their good examples , but not worshipping them .

  4. 惟独末底改不跪不拜。

    But Mordecai bowed not , nor did him reverence .

  5. 我只是非去亚克拉不可,拜了!

    I simply must go to akra , please !

  6. 哈曼见末底改不跪不拜,他就怒气填胸。

    And when Haman saw that Mordecai did not go down before him and give him honour , Haman was full of wrath .

  7. 但希律说,你们找到了那小孩就来报信,因为我也想去拜他,这个邪恶君主当然不想去拜耶稣,他想杀掉圣婴耶稣。

    But he says , come back and tell me once you visit him because I want to go worship him too , and the wicked evil king does not want to go worship Jesus , the baby Jesus , he wants to kill the baby Jesus .

  8. 有些人学佛以后,停止祭拜祖先,更不必说要拜孤魂野鬼了。

    Some people stop making offerings to ancestors , not to mention to wandering ghosts , after they began to learn Buddhism .

  9. 在你当中不可有别的神。外邦的神,你也不可下拜。

    You shall have no foreign god among you ; you shall not bow down to an alien god .