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jiān shēn
  • abstruse;difficult to understand
艰深 [jiān shēn]
  • [abstruce;difficult to understand] 高深而难以理解

  • 道理艰深

艰深[jiān shēn]
  1. 至少可以说,我发现他的观点艰深难懂。

    I found his arguments abstruse , to say the least .

  2. 它具有艰深的理论课题和广泛的应用需求。

    It has abstruse theoretic topics and widely applied requirement .

  3. 她的诗在风格上是时髦的实验派,主题艰深难懂。

    Her poems are modishly experimental in style and recondite in subject-matter .

  4. 这段文字太艰深,不易上口。

    The passage is too difficult and doesn 't lend itself to reading aloud .

  5. 名著绝不引经据典,艰深难懂,而是通俗易读。它们不是专家为专业人员撰写的专业书籍

    Great Books are popular , not pedantic . They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists .

  6. A.S.拜厄特是目前活跃在英国文坛的一位非常有才情的学者型女作家、评论家,以擅长创作才气横溢、艰深复杂的大部头作品著称于世。

    A. S. Byatt is still active in contemporary British literature arena as a distinguished female novelist , scholar and respected critic as well . She has a good reputation for creating profound and complicated tomes with superb talent .

  7. 因此,首先我们要为我们的孩子提供最艰深。

    So first we owe to our children the most demanding .

  8. 苏格拉底艰深精妙的思惟对良多年青人发生了极大的影响。

    The delicacy of Socrates'thoughts has greatly inspired many a young person .

  9. 这些艰深的学术讲演他不能完全听懂。

    He could not fully understand these involved scholarly lectures .

  10. 她仍用最艰深的英国史试题考学生

    She 's still giving the toughest English history exams

  11. 文学理论课是大学中文系十分重要的专业课,其主要特点是抽象艰深。

    Theoretical literature courses are quite important professional ones for Chinese majors in a university .

  12. 这是一段艰深难学的课程。

    This is hard lesson to learn .

  13. 这就是当你处于学习较艰深的课程时,世界向你呈现的方式。

    It is a way the world presents itself to you at times of deep lessons .

  14. 代理制度源远流长,理论艰深。

    The agency system is of long standing and well established and its theory is quite abstruse .

  15. 在你这里,中介变成一种语言方式,你也是通过这个语言方式,来表达一种内在的艰深的感觉。

    Here , the medium become a language method , by which you can express an abstruse inner feeling .

  16. 蔡真律师在建筑工程、知识产权、海关等业务方面具有艰深的专业知识和丰富的法律经验。

    Zhen Cai possesses sound professional knowledge and solid legal experience in construction projects , intellectual property , customs etc.

  17. 改变人们思想观念的任务就交给了他那些通常装帧精美、却异常艰深的著作,还有他在自己创办的《人类》学刊中发表过的文章。

    Proselytising was left to his difficult , often beautiful , books and the pages of his journal L'Homme .

  18. 它成了科学中从数学意义上讲最为繁复的学科之一,与量子物理学同样艰深。

    It is one of the most mathematically complicated subjects among the sciences , as difficult as quantum physics .

  19. 这方面的行家因为轻视印度学问而在表述方式上流于不应有的晦涩和艰深。

    The contempt of Indian science for the uninitiated has resulted in modes of expression unequalled for obscurity and difficulty ;

  20. 黑格尔被公认为一个艰深的著述者,因而他的著作更需要诚实、严肃的阅读。

    Hegel is acknowledged as an abstruse literator , so that his works therefore need particularly an honest and serious reading .

  21. 这些考虑和计算可能相当复杂,需要听取掌握必备艰深知识的专家的意见。

    Such considerations and calculations can be quite complex ; hence the need for an expert with the requisite esoteric knowledge .

  22. 他向世界证明,如果方式正确,就有可能就艰深的思想与公众沟通。

    He showed that it was possible to communicate difficult ideas , if you went about it in the right way .

  23. 有人认为,名著总是艰深的,不如读第二、第三流的作品省力。

    Some may think that famous works are always abstruse and it is easier to read some second or third class works .

  24. 最后我们不得不让自己不再专注于这个工程的艰深,而是把它看成和其他计划一样的性质。

    We finally had to take our minds off the enormity of it all and just approach this thing like any other project .

  25. 心身关系问题是当代哲学、心理学、认知科学等学科里最饶有趣味的、及其艰深复杂的前沿问题之一。

    The mind-body relationship ( MBR ) is one of the most interesting and complicated issue of contemporary philosophy , psychology and epistemology .

  26. 石油化工项目是高端市场,投资巨大,技术艰深,规模庞大,涉及国计民生,项目管理错综复杂。

    Petrochemical projects are in high grade market , they relate to huge investment , gargantuan size , complicated technology and project management .

  27. 如何有效地实现刑事政策,是当代刑事政策理论中一个重大而艰深的课题。

    How to effectively realize the criminal policy turns into a major and difficult issue of the contemporary theoretical area of criminal policy .

  28. 否则有一天你会发现自己处在这样一种境地:必须要听懂某些艰深的内容,但自己却连基本的能力都没有。

    Otherwise you may find some day that you must attempt to grasp an over-your-head idea and be totally unable even to try .

  29. 不假思索的职教分班不再适宜,认为学生必须掌握所有基础后才能研习更具艰深课程的观点也不再适用。

    Gone is knee-jerk vocational tracking . Gone is the thinking that students must master all the basics before taking on more challenging work .

  30. 教授的讲座太深奥了,学生们都想逃避;艰深的形而上学理论;历史编纂学中的一些深奥的问题。

    The professor 's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them ; a deep metaphysical theory ; some recondite problem in historiography .