
  • 网络Clostridium difficile
  1. 通过Johnson先生揭开切断包括MRSA和艰难梭状芽胞杆菌在内的医院内获得性感染的序幕,而裸露胳膊的制度是众多措施中的一种。

    The bare-arms rule is one of a number of measures to be unveiled by Mr Johnson to cut hospital-acquired infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile .

  2. 像艰难梭状芽胞杆菌,或艰难梭菌——每年,被这类细菌感染上的美国人不下30万,其中死亡人数达近1万4千人。

    Like the bug Clostridium difficile , or C. diff - which infects more than 300000 Americans a year and kills some 14000 .